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Macbeth Act Five Summary: Tragedy Unfolds in the Final Act

In Act Five of Macbeth, Lady Macbeth's guilt manifests through sleepwalking, while Macbeth faces the English forces. The tension builds as Macbeth's downfall nears and Birnam Woods move towards Dunsinane. The climax reveals the consequences of Macbeth's actions.

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Macbeth Act Five Summary: Tragedy Unfolds in the Final Act

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ACT fIVE

  2. GENTLE WOMAN DOCTOR ACT fIVE SCENE ONE I have been around for two nights, but I haven’t seen what you reported yet.

  3. GENTLE WOMAN DOCTOR ACT fIVE I’m telling you, ever since Macbeth went to fight, she has sleepwalked and talked in her sleep. SCENE ONE

  4. GENTLE WOMAN DOCTOR ACT fIVE SCENE ONE Sleepwalking is a bad sign. What has she been saying?

  5. GENTLE WOMAN DOCTOR ACT fIVE I’m not about to repeat what she’s been saying. It’s too messed up to say without you witnessing it. SCENE ONE

  6. MACBETH Lady GENTLE WOMAN DOCTOR ACT fIVE SCENE ONE Here she comes! Watch how she moves about while asleep.

  7. MACBETH Lady GENTLE WOMAN DOCTOR ACT fIVE SCENE ONE What’s up with how she’s rubbing her hands?

  8. MACBETH Lady GENTLE WOMAN DOCTOR ACT fIVE SCENE ONE Yeah, she does that all the time. I saw her do it once for like fifteen minutes.

  9. MACBETH Lady GENTLE WOMAN DOCTOR ACT fIVE SCENE ONE Here’s a spot. Out damned spot! Who would have thought Duncan would have so much blood?

  10. MACBETH Lady GENTLE WOMAN DOCTOR ACT fIVE SCENE ONE Oh snap, did you hear that?

  11. MACBETH Lady GENTLE WOMAN DOCTOR ACT fIVE SCENE ONE Macduff’s wife is dead too. Will I ever get this blood off my hands? And can’t forget Banquo. Lots of Banquo blood… To bed, to bed.

  12. MACBETH Lady GENTLE WOMAN DOCTOR ACT fIVE SCENE ONE Macduff’s wife is dead too. Will I ever get this blood off my hands? And can’t forget Banquo. Lots of Banquo blood… To bed, to bed.

  13. GENTLE WOMAN DOCTOR ACT fIVE SCENE ONE Well, I can’t help her. She needs a priest more than a doctor. Sounds like a guilty conscience. I sure hope she doesn’t kill herself or anything…


  15. ANGUS CAITHNESS ROSS MENTEITH ACT fIVE The English forces are coming, with Malcolm, Macduff, Siward, and his son. They’re heading to Macbeth’s castle in Dunsinane. SCENE two

  16. ANGUS CAITHNESS ROSS MENTEITH ACT fIVE SCENE two Let’s meet up with them at Birnam Woods. Macbeth knows he is screwed now!

  17. ANGUS CAITHNESS ROSS MENTEITH ACT fIVE SCENE two Let’s go and swear allegiance to Malcolm.

  18. MAcbeth ACT fIVE SCENE three No more reports about the English forces or rebels deserting my forces. They can all do whatever, but I will be fine as long as Birnam Woods don’t come to my castle! Why should I fear Malcolm? He’s born of a woman, isn’t he? I ain’t scared of nothing!

  19. MAcbeth ACT fIVE SCENE three Why do you look so scared, servant?

  20. MAcbeth ACT fIVE SCENE three There are t-t-t-ten th-th-thousand Geese, idiot?

  21. MAcbeth ACT fIVE SCENE three Soldiers, sir.

  22. MAcbeth ACT fIVE SCENE three Go man up, you wimp! I’m not scared of the English soldiers!

  23. seyton MAcbeth ACT fIVE SCENE three Seyton! This battler will either make me secure or will somehow dethrone me, but nothing really matters anymore anyway. My life has gone wrong – all those good things that accompany old age are gone and I have no real purpose left in life. Seyton!

  24. seyton MAcbeth ACT fIVE SCENE three All the reports are true. The English forces are almost here.

  25. seyton DOCTOR MAcbeth ACT fIVE SCENE three Well, I’ll armor up and fight them all. Doctor, how’s my wife?

  26. seyton DOCTOR MAcbeth ACT fIVE SCENE three She’s not sick physically, but instead mentally and spiritually. I can’t fix that.

  27. seyton DOCTOR MAcbeth ACT fIVE SCENE three What about my country? Can you fix that?

  28. seyton DOCTOR MAcbeth ACT fIVE SCENE three Dude, I’m just a doctor.

  29. seyton DOCTOR MAcbeth ACT fIVE SCENE three Oh well! I ain’t fraid of nothin!

  30. I’m out of here! seyton DOCTOR MAcbeth ACT fIVE SCENE three


  32. ANGUS CAITHNESS YOUNG SIWARD ROSS MALCOLM MENTEITH SIWARD ACT fIVE SCENE four This is our day, friends! Everyone grab a branch from these Birnam Woods and carry it in front of you – that way we will camouflage how many men we have!

  33. ANGUS CAITHNESS YOUNG SIWARD ROSS MALCOLM MENTEITH SIWARD ACT fIVE SCENE four Okee-dokee, sir! Okee-dokee, sir! Okee-dokee, sir! Okee-dokee, sir! Okee-dokee, sir! Okee-dokee, sir!

  34. ANGUS CAITHNESS YOUNG SIWARD ROSS MALCOLM MENTEITH SIWARD ACT fIVE SCENE four We’ve learned everyone else is abandoning Macbeth, so this should be easy, but only battle will determine the outcome.

  35. seyton MAcbeth ACT fIVE SCENE FIVE Lock up the castle! Let those attackers die out there. We don’t need to fight the English and the Scottish rebels!

  36. seyton MAcbeth ACT fIVE SCENE FIVE Aaaah!

  37. seyton MAcbeth ACT fIVE SCENE FIVE What was that?

  38. seyton MAcbeth ACT fIVE SCENE FIVE The cry of a woman, my lord. I’ll check it out.

  39. MAcbeth ACT fIVE SCENE FIVE I have almost forgotten what it is like to be afraid. It used to be a scream like that would freak me out, but now I’m scared of nothing, thanks to the horrors I have witnessed.

  40. seyton MAcbeth ACT fIVE SCENE FIVE Your wife’s dead.

  41. seyton MAcbeth ACT fIVE SCENE FIVE What? She should have died later where I could properly give her the thoughts and words she deserves. Sigh.

  42. seyton MAcbeth ACT fIVE SCENE FIVE Life just goes on and on, and I long for death. Life is pointless, full of sound and fury, and it signifies nothing.

  43. seyton MAcbeth ACT fIVE SCENE FIVE What is it, messenger?

  44. seyton MAcbeth ACT fIVE SCENE FIVE I don’t know how to tell you this, but Birnam Wood is heading this way.

  45. seyton MAcbeth ACT fIVE SCENE FIVE WHAT?!?! You lie!

  46. seyton MAcbeth ACT fIVE SCENE FIVE I promise, sir, but I saw the whole forest heading this way. It was weird.

  47. seyton MAcbeth ACT fIVE SCENE FIVE If you’re lying to me, I will hang you on a tree until you starve. If you’re being truthful, you might as well hang me on that tree. Those witches have tricked me with their prophesies. Screw it! Let’s armor up and fight! Open the castle gates! I’m sick of life and ready to die, so I will die fighting!

  48. ANGUS CAITHNESS YOUNG SIWARD ROSS MALCOLM MENTEITH SIWARD ACT fIVE SCENE six Okay, everyone lose your leaves and be ready to fight! Siward and Young Siward will lead the charge!


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