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Expectations 2014-2015 Manzanares/Jordan. Manzanares/Jordan MATH 2014-15. Mr. Jordan’s Guide to Math 2013/2014
Manzanares/Jordan MATH 2014-15 Mr. Jordan’s Guide to Math 2013/2014 Welcome to Silverland Middle School and the wonderful world of mathematics. I believe that what happens in this classroom will affect your student’s future. Your student's time here will be well spent. He or she may even come home exhausted from all the thinking done during the day. But I will make every minute count. Math 7 In Grade 7, instructional time will focus on four critical areas: (1) developing understanding of and applying proportional relationships; (2) developing understanding of operations with rational numbers and working with expressions and linear equations; (3) solving problems involving scale drawings and informal geometric constructions, and working with two- and three-dimensional shapes to solve problems involving area, surface area, and volume; and (4) drawing inferences about populations based on samples.
Your Responsibilities • You have 3 main responsibilities as a student. • 1) Be the BEST son/daughter you can be by following and honoring your parents expectations and rules. • 2) Be the BEST citizen you can be by following and honoring your Nations laws and expectations. • 3) Be the BEST student you can be by giving your 100% effort and following the school and classroom expectations.
Daily Agenda and Weekly Assignments • Students and parents can find out what goes on in the classroom on a daily, weekly and monthly basis by using the calendar provided by the 7th grade math teachers. Students will be provided a calendar monthly to be put into their math notebook. The calendar can also be viewed at: http://new.schoolnotes.com/lindamanzanares/
Math Supplies • Pencils • Lined paper • Folder for work to be kept in
Homework • Homework in math is assigned to reinforce the lessons being taught in the classroom. All assignments are due the day we correct it in class. If a student is absent, they will have as many days as they were absent to make the assignment up. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what was missed in class when absent. Students should refer to the calendar when absent and to the website: • http://new.schoolnotes.com/lindamanzanares/
Citizenship • Since lifelong success depends in part on learning to make responsible choices, I have developed a classroom management plan, which guides every student to make good decisions about their behavior. Students deserve the most positive educational climate possible for their growth, and I know that together we will make a difference in the process. • Classroom guidelines: • Stay in your seat, ask permission to get out. Raise your hand to ask a question or make a comment • Cell phones must be out of students sight not in a front pocket and turned off. • Keep feet and hands in your seat area • Refrain from disruptive talking, listen when teacher speaks. • Enter class orderly, sharpen pencil, be seated and begin bell work. • You are tardy if not in your assigned seat when the tardy bell rings. • Complete all assignments on time (No grace except for absent or family emergency) • The bell does not dismiss you, the instructor does .
Grades • Students will be graded on work completed on time: Daily work, projects, quizzes and tests. Grades will be updated weekly on Power School, parents can get their password from the office, and the website is: http://ps.lyon.k12.nv.us/public/
CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS • Stay in your seat, ask permission to get out. Raise your hand to ask to ask a question or make a comment • Cell phones and electronics under students desk and turned off • Keep feet and hands in your seat area • Refrain from disruptive talking • Enter class orderly, sharpen pencil, be seated and begin bell work • You are tardy if not in your assigned seat when the tardy bell rings • Complete all assignments on time missing 2 in one week is a refocus • The bell does not dismiss you, the instructor does • Consequences: • Student will be given one warning if an expectation is not met. • If another expectation is not met, student will be asked to leave the room with a refocus form. Student will fill out form completely, and return to class when ready. • Student’s behavior will be logged, and the refocus form mailed home. Two refocus in a week requires a parent /teach call, 3 in a week requires a parent/ teacher/principal/student conference with a behavior plan. • If the disruption is severe, the office will be notified and student removed from the room.
Refocus • Teacher who sent you:_____________________ Period:____________________ • Time left class:__________________________ Time left Refocus:___________ • What was my behavior? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • What did I want? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • How did this make my teacher feel? How did it make my classmates feel? • My teacher probably felt ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • My classmates probably felt ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • What problem(s) did your behavior cause for you, your classmates, and/or your teacher? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • How do you plan to change your behavior in the future? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • I am ready to return to class. “Check” one: • YES NO
Skill Tracker/Calendar. Probability • Skill Unit one