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Where are some of Hanover’s local businesses located on a map ?

Where are some of Hanover’s local businesses located on a map ?.

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Where are some of Hanover’s local businesses located on a map ?

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  1. Where are some of Hanover’s local businesses located on a map?

  2. Reading a map is easy once you understand that when you are looking at a map, it is like you are above the area, looking down on it from a bird’s eye view. Maps show us how to get from one place to another, and how close or far one place is in relation to another.For example, if you are looking at a map of the area around your school, you would see your school building, and the roads that surround it. What else might be on a map of the area around your school? *With your partner, discuss three things that might also be on a map of the area around your school.

  3. Now let’s take a look at Hanover!

  4. All maps have symbols to represent types of places. You will see seven different symbols on the following slides. Here is the first one: Can you find the other 6? = Restaurant

  5. How many main streets are located on this map of Hanover? 1 – Carlisle St. 2 – Carlisle St. and Frederick St. 5 – Carlisle St., E. Chestnut St., Broadway, Frederick St., and York St.

  6. Famous Hot Weiners is located at the corner of which two streets? Carlisle St. and E. Chestnut St. Frederick St. and Carlisle St. Broadway and York St.

  7. Which two businesses are located on the same street? Kessler’s Bicycle Center and Link’s Music Rite Aid and Merlin’s Coffee Famous Hot Weiner and Guthrie Memorial Library

  8. What restaurant is located on Carlisle St.? Famous Hot Wieners Guthrie Memorial Library Texas Hot Wiener Lunch

  9. Great job!You have just located several of Hanover’s local businesses on a map! Make sure your worksheet is complete. When you are finished, you and your partner may read quietly at your seat.

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