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EUROHORCs Contribution to the European Research Area. Prague, April 2009. What is EUROHORCs?. Euro pean H eads o f R esearch C ouncil s The Heads of public Research Funding Organisations (RFOs) and Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) in Europe E stablished in 1992.
EUROHORCs Contribution to the European Research Area Prague, April 2009
What is EUROHORCs? • European Heads of Research Councils • The Heads of public Research Funding Organisations (RFOs) and Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) in Europe • Established in 1992
Austria: FWF Belgium: F.R.S.-FNRS, FWO Czech Republic: GACR Denmark: DCIR, DMRC, DNSRC, DRCH, DRCTPS, DSSRC Estonia: ETF Finland: AKA France: ANR, CNRS, IFREMER, INRA, INRIA, INSERM Germany: DFG, FhG, HGF, MPG Greece: NHRF Hungary: OTKA Iceland: RANNIS Ireland: Enterprise Ireland, SFI Italy: CNR, ENEA, INFN Luxembourg: FNR Norway: RCN Portugal: FCT Slovenia: ARRS Spain: CSIC Sweden: VR Switzerland: SNSF The Netherlands: NWO, TNO Turkey: TÜBITAK United Kingdom: BBSRC,EPSRC, ESCR, MRC, NERC,STFC Members
Mission EUROHORCs wish to develop and strengthen the European Research Area (ERA) so that… researchers knowledge technologies …can move freely around Europe
EUROHORCs actions • Platform for discussion Science funding, science review, science management and science policy • Joint initiatives Promoting and enhancing inter-council cooperation. • EURYI European Young Investigator awards • Money Follows Researcher • Influencing European research policy Serving, inter alia, as an advisory body for the EuropeanCommission
Initiatives - MFR The Money Follows Researcher (MFR) agreement allows researchers moving from one to another MFR-country to transfer the remainder of a current grant
Initiatives - MFR Austria: FWF Italy: CNR, INFN Belgium: FNRS, FWO Netherlands: NWO Norway: RCN Denmark: DCIR Estonia: ETF Portugal: FCT Spain: CSIC Finland: AKA Sweden: VR France: CNRS, INSERM Germany: DFG Switzerland: SNF Hungary: OTKA UK: BBSRC, EPSRC, ESRC, NERC, MRC, PPARC Iceland: Rannis
EUROHORCs and ESF Road Map for Excellence in Science in Europe • EUROHORCs & ESF vision on a globally competitive ERA of excellence • A bigger picture • Can not be tackled only by EUROHORCs and ESF • Requires leadership by EC, Universities, private sector, ALEA,… • EUROHORCs & ESF actions to contribute to the ERA
EUROHORCs & ESF Vision on a Globally Competitive ERA of Excellence • An effective European research policy, capitalising on cultural, geographic and scientific diversity • A stimulating education system • A single European labour market for researchers • Adequate funding for top quality curiosity driven research, • Transnational funding, benchmarking of quality and shared scientific priorities for strategic research and researcher-driven programmes • Excellent research institutions • World-class research infrastructures • Open access to the output of publicly funded research and permanent access to primary quality assured research data • Effective and trusted bridges between science, society and the private sector • Openness to the world
EUROHORCs & ESF Actions to Contribute to the ERA • Strengthen the relations between science and the private sector and intensify the dialogue between research organisations and political actors at the European level • Promoting European research careers • Develop research foresight and use its results as a basis for joint strategy development • Create a European grant union • Address Peer Review of proposals at European level • Develop common approaches to ex post evaluations of funding schemes and research programmes • Create ERA-Connect and “Regional Clusters of Excellence” to shape collaboration between RPOs and other research institutions • Develop shared funding and exploitation of medium sized research infrastructure • Implement a common policy on Open Access to research results and Permanent Access to research data • Connect European research to the world
Action 4: Create a European Grant Union • Issue • There are barriers to transnational collaboration and benchmarking of excellence • Missing collaborations based on free financial and personal mobility • Actions • Money follows Researcher • Money follows Cooperation • Lead Agency procedure • EUROCORE scheme • Envisaged effect • Strengthening cross boarder cooperation • Increases quality in general • Increases mobility