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Thursday 22 nd March 1979 10c . THE 70’S. The Era Of Change. CONTENTS. END. contents. Red Dog 2 William Dampier 3 Aspects of life 4 Snowy mountains scheme 5 Cyclone Tracey 6
Thursday 22nd March 1979 10c THE 70’S The Era Of Change CONTENTS END
contents • Red Dog 2 • William Dampier 3 • Aspects of life 4 • Snowy mountains scheme 5 • Cyclone Tracey 6 • Expectations of Our Land 7 • The slinky 8 • Sites 9 • Index 10
CONTENTS Red dog! He is more than a man’s best friend; he’s a mate to the whole community. He is RED DOG! This movie makes you sad, happy and get’s you on the edge of the seat. Based on a real story Red Dog is set in the friendly mining community of Dampier, named after the famous explorer William Dampier, who landed on the shores of Australia in 1699. This dust covered Kelpie has touched the heart of many Australians. I give it nine and a half out of ten for the reason that is this movie is for the whole family and never get’s old. It’s original with mixed emotions. And most people will love it. Because he’s been everywhere mate and he should be!
CONTENTS William Dampier William Dampier was born in 1651 a passed away in 1715. He had many adventures in those sixty-three years. He visited Jamaica and owned an estate, but disapproved of slaves which were been used at that time. So he became a buccaneer and formed a group. He and his group spent the year of 1680 travelling the oceans but finally became sick of it. He then went back to England and brought an Estate. But soon after he became tired of home life and longed for the ocean and adventure. So he went to look for unclaimed land for England. This is when he came across Australian on his ship The Roebuck and described it as land with no fresh water and little life. With that he left the shores of the town which was to be named after him.
CONTENTS Aspects of life (what will 2000’s be like?) • Population in 1972 : 1377000 • Population in 2011 : 22673262 • Technology in the 70’s : Typewriter • Technology in the 2012: Computer • Music in the 70’s : Records • Music in 2012 : IPods or CD’s • Entertainment in the 70’s : film projector and colour TV • Entertainment in the 2012 : 3D & HD TV and DVD players • Telecommunications in the 70’s: Rotorary Phone & Pay Phone • Telecommunications in 2012 : Cordless & Mobile • Printing in the 70’s : Carbon Paper • Printing in 2012 : Printer
CONTENTS Snowy mountains scheme Work on the Snowy Mountain Hydro-Electric Scheme has finally been completed after commencing twenty-five years ago in 1949. The whole project has been completed on time and to budget, which finally cost $820 million. During these twenty-five years of construction sixteen dams, seven power stations, pumping station and 225 kilometers of tunnels, pipelines and aqueducts were constructed. Of these major works only two per cent of the construction is visible above the ground. The Snowy Mountain Hydro-Electric Scheme covers a mountainous area of around 5,124square kilometers in Southern New South Wales. The Scheme collects water from melting snow and rain in the Snowy Mountains. It is here that the water divides into either the Snowy Mountain River or the tunnels in the mountains and stored in dams. This water is now used by the power stations to form electricity. The water then flows into the Murray & Murrumbidgee Rivers. The rivers are very important for irrigation of the many farms along the river systems and the many communities in Victoria, New South Wales and South Australia. Prime Minister Ben Chifley said it was important for the drought relief it would bring to the inland of Australia, the power it would supply and for the huge size of the project.
CONTENTS Cyclone Tracey On the 25th December wind speeds of 217 to 300km/h hit Darwin. The city was typically flattened and will be forced to start new. Named Tracy the cyclone that swept through Darwin leaving nothing when she finished. Before Tracey the population of Darwin was 45,000 , but now after all the devastation Darwin’s population has skyrocketed to 10,000. Many of the families will never return but hopefully many new families will come and rebuild this amazing city. DID YOU NOW THAT THE DARWIN AIRPORT ANEMOMETER WAS KNOCKED OVER BY TRACEY?
CONTENTS Expectations of Our Land Twenty First Century will it ever come? Will it be any different? And Why do we not think about it? All these question and more will be answered. Will the Twenty First Century ever come? Some scientist say it will not arrive, It may take a while But hopefully it will. And if you think colour TV is a big change well buckle in because in the 2000’s HD and 3D TV are suppose to be invented whatever that is! And instead of the good old wireless there might be some sort of portable device but who know what that will be called maybe a portable phone. Maybe even medical cures for cancer and better, pain free surgeries. Hopefully there will be more population and houses in Australia. Even though we will look forward for to the twenty first century we should enjoy the 70’s while we can.
CONTENTS The slinky The slinky it’s the new toy that’s made Australia go crazy. Sold for around $1 for a toy but, the slinky was not always intended to be a toy. When first invented in 1945 the slinky was not intended to be a toy in fact it was developed to be an anti-vibration device for the NAVY however the NAVY did not use it and inventor Robert James not giving up made it a toy! Because slinky’s were made in Pennsylvania there first demonstration was in a Pennsylvanian department store called Gimbles in the early 1940’s. Ever so nerves that no one would by the slinky he gave a friend $1 coin to buy one but in only 90 seconds after the demonstration 400 slinky's were sold! We think that by the 2000’s a slinky will be sold for around $1.99c.
CONTENTS Sites and people • Elizabeth Webb • Australia.gov.com • The slinky.com • Enjoy-Darwin
index • Red Dog 2 • William Dampier 3 • Aspects of life 4 • Snowy mountains scheme 5 • Cyclone Tracey 6 • Expectations of Our Land 7 • The slinky 8 • Sites 9 • Index 10