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Three Great Indians

Three Great Indians. Presentation by:- GSSS Nogawan Make by- Smt Shashi Kalan (S.S Mistress) Class- 9 th Subject- English. Sri Satguru Ram Singh ji. Sri Satguru Ram Singh ji Born on Feb 3,1816 in village Raiyan in district Ludhiana. Sri Satguru Ram Singh ji.

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Three Great Indians

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  1. Three Great Indians Presentation by:- GSSS Nogawan Make by-SmtShashiKalan (S.S Mistress) Class- 9th Subject- English

  2. Sri Satguru Ram Singh ji • Sri Satguru Ram Singh ji Born on Feb 3,1816 in village Raiyan in district Ludhiana.

  3. Sri Satguru Ram Singh ji • In his teachings, he exhorted the people to- • Live like brothers • Fight for the freedom of country • Believe in one god • Lead a simple life • Honest life • Help the poor and needy • Work for the freedom of the country • Unite and fight against British Empire • No-cooperate against British Rulers

  4. Sri Satguru Ram Singh ji • In his teachings, he strongly opposed- • Child Marriage • Female foeticide • Taking of Alcoholic Drinks • Non-vegetarian Foods • Dowry Systems • Religious Fanaticism • Cow Slaughter • Casteism

  5. Sri Satguru Ram Singh ji • Sri Satguru Ram Singh ji gave birth to Great Kuka Movement. • Great Kuka Movement stood for • Social Reforms • Complete Independance

  6. Sri Satguru Ram Singh ji • Great Kuka Movement • Punjabi word ‘kuka’ stands for a ‘roar’ . • Sri Satguru Ram Singh’s followers were names ‘Kukas’ • The followers of this movement were named ‘Namdharis’ • The British Rulers could not tolerate the rise of such an inspired patriotic force against them. • They let loose a terror against the Kukas. • Nine Namdhari Sikhs were sent to the gallows in 1871. • 65 Namdhari Sikhs were blown up by cannon fire. • Sri Satguru Ram Singh ji was arrested and sent to a jail in unknown foreign land.

  7. Rani Laxmi Bai(1834-1858) • Rani Laxmi Bai was born on 16th November 1834 in Varanasi (U.P)

  8. Rani Laxmi Bai(1834-1858) • Her Childhood name was Manikarnika or Manu. • After death of her mother she came to Bithur with her father. • In Bithur she learnt horse-riding and martial arts. • When she was 8 years,she was married to Raja Gangadhar Rao of Jhansi. • She was called ‘Rani of Jhansi’ • In 1851 she gave birth to a son. • In 1853 her son and husband died.

  9. Rani Laxmi Bai(1834-1858) • Rani of Jhansi adopted a child under ‘Policy of Lapse’ But the British Government did not recognize the adopted son and annexed Jhansi in 1853. • On 4th June 1857 the sepoy regiment stationed at Jhansi rebelled. • The British control broke down in Jhansi and the British representative himself asked the people to obey the Rani. • The british forces under the leadership of Sir Hugh Rose later besieged Jhansi.

  10. Rani Laxmi Bai(1834-1858) • Rani of Jhansi left Jhansi and reached at Kalpi. • She merged Forces with Nawab of Banda,Tantia Tope. • She was defeated at Kalpi. • The Rani was surrounded from all sides and so she was now tried to organize a retreat. • While doing so she was fatally wounded on 18 June 1858. • She breathed her last on the battlefield.

  11. Shaheed Udham Singh(1899-1940) • Shaheed Udham Singh was born on 18 December 1899 at Sunam in Sangrur District of the Punjab.

  12. Shaheed Udham Singh(1899-1940) • Shaheed Udham Singh’s name is linked inseparably with Jallianwala Bagh. • He was the man who took his revenge on General O’Dwyer,the British officer who had ordered firing on a peaceful gathering at Amritsar on the eve of • Baisakhi in the year 1919. • Thousands of Men,Women,Children and old men died in the massacre. • Many tried to escape by jumping into a nearby well but were suffocated to death. • Udham singh waited for 21 years to avenge this national insult.

  13. Shaheed Udham Singh(1899-1940) • He killed the villain of the show in England on 13 march 1940. • Udham Singh was arrested and sentenced to death on 30 July the same year.

  14. Exercise • (a)Answer the following question in your own words: • What is the name given to the national uprising of 1857? • When ad where was Laxmibai born? • What was her chiidhood name? • Who was she married to? • What happened to her son and husband? • Where did she join her forces with Tatia Tope? • How is Udham Singh’s name Linked with jallianwala Bagh/ • What was his pledge? • How did he take his revenge? • Who killed the villain of the show in England on 13 march 1940.

  15. Exercise • Write a short note on the each of the Following: • Death of Ranijhansi • JallaianwalaBagh massacre • First War of Independence • Teachings of Satgurushri Ram Singh Ji • Death of shaheedUdham Singh

  16. Vocabulary Exercise A B Fresh disloyal Entrance immortal Loyal pessimist Bravery vice Barbarous reward Punish cowardice Benevolence exit Virtue malevolence Refined crude Optimist civilized Mortal stale

  17. Vocabulary Answer A B Fresh disloyal Entrance immortal Loyal pessimist Bravery vice Barbarous reward Punish cowardice Benevolence exit Virtue malevolence Refined crude Optimist civilized Mortal stale

  18. Grammar Exercises • Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions in the following sentences: • She was distressed at the break………of her marriage. • The war broke …………….at kalpi. • The two countries broke………..their diplomatic relations. • We have been working since long;let us break………………lunch. • The population growth has fallen…………….five per cent. • Anju fell flat………..her face. • 7. Romeo fell……………..love with juliet at first sight. • Write an essay on ‘The Rise and Fall……………..the Mughal Empire’. • Jhansi fell…………..the Britiah. • He fell…………….and wounded his legs. • Hints: 1.off 2. out 3. up 4. for 5.by 6. on 7. in 8. of 9. to 10.down

  19. Answer • She was distressed at the break off of her marriage. • The war broke out at kalpi. • The two countries broke up their diplomatic relations. • We have been working since long;let us break for lunch. • The population growth has fallen by five per cent. • Anju fell flat on her face. • 7. Romeo fell in love with juliet at first sight. • Write an essay on ‘The Rise and Fall of the Mughal Empire’. • Jhansi fell to the Britiah. • He fell down and wounded his legs.

  20. Articles • Fill in the blanks with the articles a,an,the: • Rabindernath Nath Tagore is ………. Most famous man of letters.His literary production is vast ans varied. He is ……… novelist as well as ……et.…playwright.he is……….educationist as well as ………. Freedom fighter.But above all,he is ……… poet. • He is ……… great religious poet,one of …….. Greatest that …….. World has ever produced.In 1913 he was awarded ………….. Nobel Prize in Literature for his collection of poem ‘Gitanjali.’

  21. Answer Rabindernath Nath Tagore is the Most famous man of letters.His literary production is vast ans varied. He is a novelist as well as a playwright.he is an educationist as well as a Freedom fighter.But above all,he is a poet. He is a great religious poet,one of the Greatest that the World has ever produced.In 1913 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for his collection of poem ‘Gitanjali.’

  22. Comparatives or superlatives Fill in the blanks with the appropriate comparatives or superlatives of the adjectives given in the brackets: Prevention is ……….. Than cure.(good) Pen is ………..than the sword.(mighty) Honour is ……..to all than life.(dear) Wordsworth was the……………nature poet.(great) Bill gates is the………….man of the world today.(rich) It is …………… to preach than to practise.(easy) Gold is………….than any other metal.(costly) The condition of some of the roads is much ……… than it was five years ago.(good)

  23. Answer Prevention is Better Than cure. Pen is mighterthan the sword. Honour is dearer to all than life. Wordsworth was the greatest nature poet. Bill gates is the richest man of the world today. It is easier to preach than to practise. Gold is costlier than any other metal. The condition of some of the roads is much Better than it was five years ago.

  24. Biblography • A Practice book for ENGLISH GRAMMAR and COMPOSITION (Class-9th P.S.E.B.) • Pictures from GOOGLE search engine • www.heathersanimations.com • www.clipart.com

  25. Thanks

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