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Nuclear Fission and Radiation Protection in FP5. Hans Forsström European Commission DG Research Directorate J, Unit 4: Nuclear Fission and Radiation Protection. EUROPEAN COMMISSION.
Nuclear Fission and Radiation Protection in FP5 Hans Forsström European Commission DG Research Directorate J, Unit 4: Nuclear Fission and Radiation Protection
EUROPEAN COMMISSION Organisation Chart of the EC Services related toNuclear Fission Energy and Radiation Protection(June, 2002) DG AIDCO EuropeAid Office DG RELEX External Relations DG TREN Energy & Transport DG RTD Research JRC Joint Research Centre DG ELARG Enlargement DG ENV Environment Directorate E Eastern Europe, Caucasus, Central Asian Republics Directorate J Preserving the Ecosystem II Deputy Director General • Institute for Refer- ence Materials and Measurements (IRMM)Geel, B • Institute for Transura- nium Elements (ITU)Karlsruhe, D • Institute for Energy (IE)Petten, NL • Institute for the Protec- tion and the Security of the Citizen (IPSC) Ispra, I Directorate A Europe, Caucasus, Central Asia EURATOM Supply Agency Directorate H Nuclear Safety & Security Directorate I Nuclear Inspections Directorate D Negotiations Pre-accession Directorate C Environment & Health Unit A.5 Nuclear Safety (TACIS Implementation) Unit E.4 Regional Co-operation & Nuclear Safety (TACIS Planning) Unit H.2 Nuclear Energy, Waste Management & Transport Unit J.4 Nuclear Fission & Radiation Protection Unit 5 International Scientific Co-operation (ISTC, STCU) Task Force for Nuclear Issues, TFNI (PHARE) Unit C.4 Radiation Protection Unit H.1 EURATOM Co-ordination & Nuclear Safety
EURATOM 5th Framework Programme • Key action Thermonuclear fusion788 M€ • Key action Nuclear fission142 M€ • Generic research Radiolog Science39 M€ • Support for infrastructures10 M€ • Joint Research Center281 M€ • Total 1 260 M€
FP5 - Nuclear fission and Radiation protection Key action - Nuclear fission Operational safety of existing installations Safety of the fuel cycle Safety and efficiency of future systems Radiation protection Generic research - Radiological sciences Support for Research Infrastructures Training and accompanying measures
Safety of existing installations Plant life extension and management Integrity of equipment and structures On-line monitoring and maintenance Organisation and management of safety Safety of VVER reactors Severe accident management Assessment of severe accident risks Severe accident management measures Evolutionary concepts Evolutionary safety concepts High burnup and MOX fuel
Safety of the Fuel Cycle Waste and Spent Fuel Management and Disposal Partitioning and Transmutation Decommissioning
Spent Fuel and Waste Disposal Strategies Repository technology and demonstration Performance assessment of repository systems Long-term behaviour of barriers QC of waste packages Public attitudes and involvement
Repository technology and demonstration in URL’s Clay Hades (RESEAL II, SELFRAC) Mont Terri (EB, VE, HE) Meuse (MODEX-REP, OMNIBUS) Salt Asse (BAMBUS) Granite Grimsel (FEBEX) Äspö (PROTOTYPE REPOSITORY, SAFETI)
Partitioning and Transmutation Partitioning techniques (wet and dry) Transmutation ADS Preliminary design studies Basic physics Fuels Technological support
Future Systems High Temperature Reactors Fuel technology, Reactor physics and fuel cycle, Materials, Components and systems, Safety approach and licensing, Co-ordination Other reactors and other applications HPLWR, GCFR, MOST EURODESAL MICANET
Radiation Protection - Key action Risk assessment, management and governance Off-site emergency management Monitoring and assessment of occupational exposure Restoration and long term management of contaminated areas
Generic ResearchRADIOLOGICALSCIENCES Radiation protection and health (understanding the effects of low doses, treatment of radiation injuries) Environmental transfer of radioactive material Industrial and medical uses and natural sources of radiation Internal and external dosimetry
Selection of projects Operational safety 71 projects 44 M€ Safety of the fuel cycle 61 projects 59 M€ Safety of future systems 15 projects 12 M€ Radiation protection 23 projects 11 M€ Radiological sciences 52 projects 37 M€ Accompanying Measures 56 projects 4 M€ 278 projects 167 M€
Training and accompanying measures 16 Training courses 1 Research training network 15 Marie Curie individual fellowships 4 Grants to third countries 9 Support to workshops 11 Support to conferences
Further information about selected projects www.cordis.lu/fp5-euratom/src/projects.htm