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Double Pinch Pot Vase

Double Pinch Pot Vase. With Wax Resist Surface Decoration. NYS Learning Standards.

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Double Pinch Pot Vase

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  1. Double Pinch Pot Vase With Wax Resist Surface Decoration

  2. NYS Learning Standards Standard 1Students will make works of art that explore different kinds of subject matter, topics, themes and metaphors.  Students will understand and use sensory elements, organizational principles, and expressive images to communicate their own ideas in works of processes mediums, and techniques, and use appropriate technologies for creating and exhibiting visual art works.

  3. Learning Objectives • Students will refine pinch pot technique. • Students will learn to join more than one pinch pot to create a new form. • Students will understand how shape and form are related to expression. • Students will learn to use wax resist in surface decoration.

  4. The Pinch Pot • The pinch method was the first method to use only the potter’s HANDS to shape the clay. • By inserting the thumb into a ball of clay and lightly pinching with thumb and fingers, while slowly rotating the ball in the palm of the other hand, a small pot can be rapidly made. • If cracks appear in the clay because the pinching is drying it too fast, do not smear water on the clay, but simply moisten the fingertips by pressing on a damp sponge. • If the clay is too soft and the form starts to flop about, put the piece aside until it stiffens and work on another shape while waiting. • Work with the clay, not against it. Keep the walls straight by PULLING IN AND UP with the fingers. • Experiment with size. Can tall thin pots be made? How wide can you shape a form?

  5. Double Pinch Pot Vase Considerations • Shape and Form • Foot • Rim • Cover? • Surface Decoration • Expressiveness of the form

  6. Double Pinch Pot Form Options • Experiment with altering the form of your joined pinch pot with the following techniques: • Paddling • Stretching • Adding Coils • Impressing • Sprigging

  7. Examples

  8. Examples

  9. Examples

  10. Examples

  11. Procedure • Make two pinch pots of the same size. Tall and narrow, rather than wide. • Join them with slip & score technique. Add a coil and smooth, if necessary. • Before cutting a hole, alter the form. • Add foot and design rim. • Finish surface of pot with wax resist technique.

  12. Wax Resist Surface Treatment • Decorate vase with colored underglazes. • Apply wax resist with small plastic pipettes. • Cover vase with black underglaze (two coats). • CAREFULLY wipe wax to remove black underglaze as needed. • Cover vase with two coats of clear glaze.

  13. Evaluation • Requirements: • Vase stands • Shape is pleasing • Surface is carefully finished • Vase has a foot and designed rim. • Wax resist technique was done properly. • CRAFTSMANSHIP & EFFORT

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