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Options For Promoting Educational Advancement. Vision trumps all other senses. In this presentation reading is faster than listening GO FOR IT. Picture from Garr Reynolds. Education is no longer a question, it is an answer. ACADEMIC AND/OR TECHNICAL.
Options For Promoting Educational Advancement
Vision trumps all other senses In this presentation reading is faster than listening GO FOR IT Picture from Garr Reynolds
Education is no longer a question, it is an answer ACADEMIC AND/OR TECHNICAL
Promoting Educational Advancement includes many options Personal Enlightenment Mandate Scriptural Responsibility to keep learning Prepare for a Beginning Career or a New One Serve Others
Options for Promoting Educational Advancement Work at Home or Job Upgrade Prepare Posterity for Millennium or Prepare for your afterlife
Option one: Scriptures If we have a motto, it is this: “The glory of God is intelligence.” Gordon B. Hinckley, “Teachings”, p. 127 Quotes from all modern Church Presidents on the importance of education at www.yountprogram.org It is impossible for a man to be saved in ignorance. Joseph Smith D&C 131:6 Whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection. And if a person gains more knowledge and intelligence in this life through his diligence and obedience than another, he will have so much the advantage in the world to come. D&C 130:18-19
Option one continued LOGIC SEQUENCE D&C Section 93 Intelligence = in other words light and truth (verse 36) We must receive truth until we are “glorified in truth and knoweth all things” (verse 28) Truth: knowledge of things as they are, as they were, and as they are to come (verse 24) A commandment to bring up children in light and truth. (verse 40) “My voice is spirit; my Spirit is truth; truth abideth and hath no end; and if it be in you it shall abound.” (D&C 88:66) WHAT TO LEARN, WHY LEARN, and HOW TO LEARN D&C Section 88
Option 2: Exaltattion All the Lord asks of us is to serve him with all of our HEART MIGHT MIND STRENGTH ALL FOUR DIMENSIONS ARE REQUIRED FOR EXALTATION BROKEN HEART BEHAVIOR BRAIN BODY The 4 “B”s The Lord (and His Church) is asking for your mind as well as your heart. EXALT YOUR BRAIN
EXALT YOUR BRAIN The brain doesn’t come complete. Its development depends on you Learning improves the workings of your brain
HOW LEARNING WORKS There are millions of synapses in the hippocampus. Different neurons communicate to each other in the synapses. A transmitter is a chemical on one cell that binds to a receptor on a different cell. Together, they carry messages down the line. Most cells have both transmitters and receptors. The synapses are where you record short-term memories. They are then filed away as long-term memory or forgotten. Memory is not simply a matter of activating the existing receptors. Instead, more receptors are inserted into the synapses. The greater the number that are inserted, the better the memory. Learning (including repetition and review) grows the brain and establish foundations for later learning.
The perennial question? What have I learned lately?
AN EXAMPLE OF THE POWER OF THE BRAIN Read the following: start slow and then speed up I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the human mind Aoccdrnig to rscheearch a t Cmab rigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in what order the ltteers in a word are, the only iprmaotnt thing is that the frist and lsat ltter be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotle mses and you can still raed it wouthit a porbelm. This is bcuseae the human mind deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?
Option 3: Personal uniqueness Each life is unique We invent ourselves. Our patent is guaranteed by heaven
Life is a symphony; we each make our own music. We write it through learning, practice, and hard work We enjoy it the most when we are able to share it Sharing strengthens learning
Option 4: Learn How to Learn the Lord's Way and Apply it to Further schooling “Seek learning even by study and also by faith.” (D&C 88:118) For help on learning attend the Yount Seminar See the Seminar Workbook at www.yountprogram.org
Option 5: Is it time to complete your education ?
Option 6: MY future Dollars & “Sense” A 4-year degree will earn you $1,000,000.00 more (during the average work life)
Yount Program Option 7: the Church’s Destiny The World in Who’s Hands? Which people must be the most educated in preparation for the Millennium? Our duty as Latter-day Saints is to prepare ourselves, this earth, and its inhabitants for the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Being prepared and being strong as the gospel teaches …make this “grand millennial mission” possible. Keith B. McMullin Oct 2005 General Conference 20
Option 8: Family Destiny Educational attainment is a multi-generational endeavor. Each generation should become better educated than the prior one. …leading to the millennium COUNT YOUR POSTERITY During the Millennium At three generations per 100 years, even at two children per generation, how many descendents will a person have at the end of a 1,000 year millennium? =230 (double “2” 30 times) That’s over a billion The untold effect of YOUR education
$$ Earnings VALUE ADDED SCHOOLING Job Stability Church Donations Church Service Skills Time to Serve Others Family Success Church Retention Children’s Education RESEARCHED RESULTS Personal Maturity Self-Respect
You are being ask to walk an extra education mile . . . for yourself, your family, your community, your church, and your Savior