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Introducing an induction fieldtrip: did it work?

Introducing an induction fieldtrip: did it work?. 1 School of Biological & Earth Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University 2 JMU Learning Development Unit, LJMU. Anne-Marie Nuttall 1 , Jenny Jones 1 & Martyn Stewart 1&2. Introduction. Faculty funded project

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Introducing an induction fieldtrip: did it work?

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  1. Introducing an induction fieldtrip: did it work? 1School of Biological & Earth Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University 2JMU Learning Development Unit, LJMU Anne-Marie Nuttall1, Jenny Jones1 & Martyn Stewart1&2

  2. Introduction • Faculty funded project • To investigate the effect of an induction fieldtrip on retention • Level 1 geoscience students • Two day fieldtrip to Shropshire during induction week i.e. pre teaching • ~40 students & 6 staff in 2005 • ~50 students & 9 staff in 2006

  3. Context • Geoscience degree programmes: • Geology (GLY) 15 • Physical Geography (PHG) 11 • Hazards & Geoscience (HAG) 4 • Palaeobiology & Evolution (PEV) 2 • In 2006 expanded to include: • Environmental Science (ENS) 5 • Wildlife Conservation (WC) 15 • Biology & Geography (BAG) 3

  4. Rationale • Induction known to be a difficult transition time • Crucial to retention => worth investing in? • ≈20% of our students live at home, which can be an isolating experience. Social integration could help. • HEA First Year Experience Survey (Yorke & Longden, 2007) shows: • 29% of first year students considered withdrawing • Best feature of first year? 45% said making new friends • Worst feature? 16% said workload, 12% said making friends, 4% homesickness

  5. Structure of trip • Aims were (a) to provide a gentle introduction to field work and (b) to help students settle in socially • Range of subject related field activities (not assessed) • Staff were around during working day and in the evening • Social events in the evening: • A slide show of field work on the programme to provide a taster of what they may experience • A pub quiz (with prizes) in tutorial groups • Self-organised events

  6. Approach • Quantitative and qualitative approaches to evaluation • Questionnaires were completed by the students (i) before starting the field work (ii) after the final field location (iii) at the end of the first year (after a one-week residential fieldwork module in Arran) • Retention stats analysed for cohorts before & after fieldtrip was introduced

  7. Pre trip:Evidence of student expectations

  8. Student views at end of trip

  9. Student comments: What have you enjoyed about the trip? • Enjoyed getting to know everyone • The opportunity to work in groups • Meeting my tutors • Learning new fieldwork techniques • Wading in the river • Taking part in all aspects of science • Benefiting from the experiences of all the lecturers, it’s awesome being able to have people that can answer all your questions

  10. Student comments: What have you NOT enjoyed about the trip? Many did not answer this question! • Walking • Lack of sleep • Missing the Liverpool match • Losing the quiz • Drawing rocks • The talks that had nothing to do with animals • Sometimes feeling a little ‘lost’ or left behind having never studied geology before (BUT now less worried than before, ‘even more excited’)

  11. Student views at end of year

  12. Staff reactions/comments Overwhelmingly positive – all in favour of continuing • The cohort seems socially more integrated. • The tutorial group 'gelled' more quickly than in past years • They seemed more confident in talking to me • By the end I knew more students by name • Attendance (at modules) was worse this year than last year • They all enjoyed the induction trip but possibly it encouraged friendships too soon - social friendships rather than study friendships • Coalescing into groups seems in some cases to drag the whole group down and into a culture of poor attendance/absence • We may have lost proportionately fewer students but whether this has anything to do with the field trip is impossible to say

  13. Stats – students starting degree

  14. Stats – students withdrawing

  15. Stats – students progressing to level 2

  16. Conclusions • We know from experience that fieldwork is good for social bonding • Literature shows that worries about ‘fitting in’ are a major factor for retention • Hence the plan to use fieldwork as part of induction • Did it work? Maybe, maybe not… • Qualitative evaluation of staff and student comments show it was successful • Quantitative data show the opposite

  17. Complicating factors (excuses….) • Small sample sizes, noisy dataset • Change of student database, reliability of data? • Students don’t always tell us that they have withdrawn • Introduction of top-up fees in 2006-07 • Many who don’t complete level 1 at first attempt complete over the summer or continue part time • Change in the no. & range of programmes involved • Only 2 years of data so far • 2006-07 cohort just finishing level 1 now

  18. Conclusions • Do the data reflect the impact of the trip or wider factors? • Evaluation is inconclusive. Contradictions have highlighted key questions to follow up: • Need to evaluate over longer timeframe • Need to triangulate against wider reference points, e.g. comparing with institutional data or other programmes that do/don’t have an induction fieldtrip • If the drop in progression is real, it is important to get to the cause of this (i.e. is it the fieldtrip or other factors?)

  19. Future plans..? • Continue to run induction trip • Introduce more challenging activities (‘opportunities to succeed’) • e.g. presentations in groups on how the subjects interact • Teach them how to do group work? • Pep talk on expectations, ‘taking your studies seriously’ • Take students from previous cohorts along to act as mentors – ‘don’t do what I did…’

  20. Recommendations • High staff-student ratio (1:6 or thereabouts) • Stay overnight • YHAs practical & cheap (≈£30 pppn food & accom) • Don’t charge students if at all possible • Mix of work-based activities & social activities • Be ready to accommodate students with special needs • May need CRB checks (if any under 18’s) – takes ages

  21. Issues for discussion • Is induction field work part of your programmes? • What kind of activities would you incorporate? • Any suggestions for structured group work..? Yorke, M. and Longden, B. (2007) The first year experience in higher education in the UK, Higher Education Academy http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/FYEsurvey.htm

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