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Unit 3 – Regional Civilizations

Unit 3 – Regional Civilizations. 10 Kingdoms and City-States in Africa. 11 Dynasties and Kingdoms of East Asia. 10 Kingdoms and City-States in Africa. 9 The Americas. 9 The Americas. 11 Dynasties and Kingdoms of East Asia. 12 The Early Middle Ages 13 The High Middle Ages.

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Unit 3 – Regional Civilizations

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  1. Unit 3 – Regional Civilizations • 10 Kingdoms and City-States in Africa • 11 Dynasties and Kingdoms of East Asia • 10 Kingdoms and City-States in Africa • 9 The Americas • 9 The Americas • 11 Dynasties and Kingdoms of East Asia • 12 The Early Middle Ages • 13 The High Middle Ages We will do an “overview” of chapters 9, 10, and 11 that will involve videos, Terms to Know, skills, notes, and “assessments-as-worksheets” before moving back to our regular routine (reading, notes, discussion) for the Middle Ages (chapters 12 & 13). There will still be a unit exam – you can purge all of your Unit 2 papers (chapters 5-8) and hold on to chapters 9-13. You can begin a new notebook at this time.

  2. 10.1 Geography in Africa

  3. 10.1 Early Civilization in Africa 1050 BC to ad 350 Part of present-day Egypt, Sudan, & Ethiopia Trade, farming, herding, mining (iron-working later) Present-day central Nigeria 500 BC to AD 200 Farming, herding, metalworking Fishing, farming, herding, (iron-working later) Sub-Saharan Africa 500 BC Northern highlands of present-day Ethiopia Farming, trade AD 100

  4. Nok Sculpture

  5. 10.2 Kingdoms of West Africa Create this chart in your notes! (one full page will be enough) Then open to page 223

  6. 10.2 Kingdoms of West Africa

  7. Open book to page 223

  8. What to do: Group Members • Read the part of 10.II assignment • Brain storm with group 3 “sections” to have on a small poster to teach this information to the rest of the class (picture, chart, vocabulary, one-sentence summary, main idea, etc) • Assign tasks • Leader “Mansa” • Materials (gets and puts back materials) • Writer • (Editor) • “Section 1” • “Section 2” • “Section 3”

  9. 10.2 Kingdoms of West Africa farmed, traded, mined gold, wove cloth, made sculptures Attacked by Muslims internal & with Muslims of North Africa ad500-ad1076 gold for salt with Berbers none given after the death of Mansa Musa Timbuktu & Gao were trade centers, gold to Egypt ad1240-1332 none given Sundiata & Mansa Musa unity, strong government, education, storytellers invaded by Morocco in late 16th century fishers & farmers, slavery, social classes, Islam Sonni Ali Ber & Muham-med Askia trade center: Gao; salt, gold, & slaves 750 - late 1500s invaded by Morocco

  10. 10.2 Kingdoms of West Africa prisoners to Borneo & north Africa, got guns, horses, & animal harnesses raiders, rivalries between various city-states nomads, farmers, traders none given ad1000 – ? internal rivalries hunters, farmers, traders, sm villages, artisans, crafts people ivory, food & kola nuts for copper & slat from Sahara none given none given none given ad1100 - 1400s artists & soldiers slaves to Port-uguesefor gold none given “oba” Eware mid 1400s none given

  11. 10.2 & 10.3 Please add this to your notes!

  12. Wednesday November 20, 2013 • Use chapter 10 section 2 to answer these questions: • Name the earliest West African kingdom • Name the city known for being a center of Islamic learning • Name Mali’s first great leader • Name the ruler who lead Songhai to the height of power • Who ruled Benin?

  13. Wednesday November 20, 2013 • Use chapter 10 section 2 to answer these questions: • Name the earliest West African kingdom • Name the city known for being a center of Islamic learning • Name Mali’s first great leader • Name the ruler who lead Songhai to the height of power • Who ruled Benin?

  14. DBQ – Personal Account by IbnBattuta as he visited the Kingdom of Mali

  15. Art from West Africa, 10.2 Ghana commemorative funerary head Benin plaque

  16. Mali and Songhai, 10.2

  17. 10.3 Kingdoms of East Africa Put title at top divide the paper into 4 sections – label the 4 sections Silently read the section randomly assigned & take notes on key facts Groups will compare notes & make a poster

  18. 1. Immediately get into groups – do not even go to your assigned seat2. begin putting your information in the correct place on the poster.3. MARKER ONLY!4. Put your name next to your topic5. absent yesterday? See me

  19. Stele from Aksum

  20. Great Zimbabwe

  21. Part A – look of the words in the following sections I.B I.C II.D II.A I.A II.B II.D III.A II.C III.A Chapter 10 “Assessment” III.D III.B I.B III.C II.B Part B is FACTorOPINION– look for words that signal opinion Part C – write on the paper – remember: INTRODUCTION * facts/explain/transition* CONCLUSION

  22. Explain how early African societies were organized. Identify/understand the topic SOCIETIES = people, family NOT government, trade, religion… ORGANIZED = structures; think levels or names of systems Understand/comprehend the information CREATE A LIST OF TERMS: lineage group, extended families, patriarchal, matriarchal CONVERT ALL TERMS TO THE SAME FORM (turn adjectives into nouns): patriarchal patriarchy ; matriarchal  matriarchy Prepare to write Craft an introduction sentence Remember PAST TENSE Keep your thoughts clear, to-the-point, and separated Write Explain terms – show you understand the meaning AND how it fits the topic (SOCIEITES/ORGANIZED) CONCLUDE

  23. Discuss the rise and fall of Great Zimbabwe. Identify/understand the topic GREAT ZIMBABWE – What, Where, When? Understand/comprehend the information RISE= how it grew to be important –think “rising actions” of short story FALL= decline, break-down, end Prepare to write Craft an introduction sentence; “Great Zimbabwe was an early civilization in south east Africa beginning around AD1100.” STOP INCLUDING THE END WITH THE BEGINNING! NEVER put “rise and fall” together Remember PAST TENSE Keep your thoughts clear, to-the-point, and separated Write Keep order and flow – this is like explaining a short story – do you jump back and forth or go in a straight line from beginning to end? CONCLUDE with a statement or judgment about Great Zimbabwe – NEVER put “rise and fall” together even here!

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