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Chapter 17

Chapter 17. Respiratory System. Respiratory System Functions. Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide Production of sound. Respiration . External respiration Internal respiration Cellular respiration or oxidation. Respiratory Organs and Structures. Nasal cavity Pharynx Larynx Trachea

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Chapter 17

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 17 Respiratory System

  2. Respiratory System Functions • Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide • Production of sound

  3. Respiration • External respiration • Internal respiration • Cellular respiration or oxidation

  4. Respiratory Organs and Structures • Nasal cavity • Pharynx • Larynx • Trachea • Bronchi

  5. Respiratory Organs and Structures • Bronchioles • Alveoli • Lungs • Pleura • Mediastinum

  6. Respiratory Organs and Structures

  7. The Nasal Cavity • Anterior nares or nostrils • Nasal septum • Turbinates or nasal conchae bones • Cilia • Olfactory nerve • Sinuses

  8. The Pharynx • Also called the throat • Common passageway for food and air • Nasopharynx • Oropharynx • Laryngopharynx • Epiglottis

  9. The Larynx • Also called voice box • Nine fibrocartilaginous plates • Mucous membrane • Glottis

  10. The Trachea • Also called windpipe • Hyaline cartilage • Mucous membrane and ciliated epithelium • Damage caused by smoking

  11. The Bronchi and the Bronchioles • Right and left bronchus • Ciliated epithelium • Hyaline cartilage • Bronchi subdivide into bronchioles • Alveolar sacs (alveoli)

  12. The Alveoli • Sacs of single layer epithelial tissue • Surrounded by bed of capillaries • Surfactant • Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide

  13. The Lungs • Separated by the mediastinum and the heart • Apex is top of each lung; broad lower part is base • Base rests over the diaphragm • Right lung has three lobes; left lung has two lobes

  14. The Pleura • A thin, moist, slippery membrane of tough endothelial cells that covers lungs • Each lung encased in double-walled sac • Pleurisy • Pleural fluid • Thoracentesis • Pneumothorax

  15. The Mediastinum • Also called the interpleural space • Located between the lungs • Contains the thoracic viscera

  16. Mechanics of Breathing • Pulmonary ventilation is called breathing • Due to changes in pressure which occur within the chest cavity • Variation in pressure caused by cellular respiration and mechanical breathing movements

  17. The Breathing Process • Inhalation/inspiration • Exhalation/expiration • Respiratory movements and frequency of respiration

  18. Control of Breathing • Neural factors • Chemical factors

  19. Lung Capacity and Volume • Tidal volume • Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) • Expiratory reserve volume (ERV) • Vital lung capacity

  20. Lung Capacity and Volume • Residual volume • Functional residual capacity • Total lung capacity

  21. Types of Respiration • Apnea • Dyspnea • Eupnea • Hyperpnea

  22. Types of Respiration • Orthopnea • Tachypnea • Hyperventilation

  23. Animation – Respiration Click Here to play Respiration animation

  24. Effects of Aging • Lung tissue loses elasticity • Rib cage becomes less flexible • Muscle strength decreases • Functioning alveoli decrease

  25. Disorders Infectious Causes • Common cold • Pharyngitis • Laryngitis • Sinusitis • Bronchitis and chronic bronchitis

  26. Disorders Infectious Causes • Influenza (flu) • Pneumonia • Tuberculosis (TB) • Diphtheria • Pertussis (whooping cough)

  27. Disorders Infectious Causes • Anthrax • Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)

  28. Disorders Noninfectious Causes • Rhinitis • Asthma • Athelectasis • Asbestosis • Silicosis • Nasal polyps

  29. Disorders Noninfectious Causes • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) • Cancer of the lungs • Cancer of the larynx • Pulmonary embolism • Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

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