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Edwards Aquifer MODFLOW Model Updates

Presentation on Modflow model updates for Edwards Aquifer. Review, verification, and post-audit updates for years 2001-2011. Structural features, layer elevations, recharge estimation methods, and HSPF Watershed Model results.

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Edwards Aquifer MODFLOW Model Updates

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  1. Edwards Aquifer MODFLOW Model Updates Jim Winterle—EAA Modeling Supervisor Presentation to HCP Science Committee May 8, 2014

  2. MODFLOW Model Review and Updates • Verification Analysis completed August 2013: update model inputs to include years 2001—2009 and run using existing calibration to evaluated how well model predicts a time period not used in the calibration • Post-Audit Updates to be completed by December 31, 2014: updated layer elevations and structural features to reflect current understanding and recalibrate model for years 2001—2011 • Schedule for completion: updated, calibrated model by December 31, 2014

  3. MODFLOW Model Updates • Inputs: Pumping and recharge for years 2001—2011 • Observations/Calibration Targets: water levels and spring flows • Structural Features • Layer Top and Bottom Elevations • Hydrologic Flow Barriers (HFB Package) • Potential Model Domain changes • Revise Northern Boundary? • Remove Barton Springs Segment?

  4. Recharge Estimation Methods • USGS (Puente, 1978, method) • HSPF Watershed Models

  5. HSPF Watershed Models • Updates and recalibrations of all nine HSPF watershed models were completed in early 2013 by Clear Creek Solutions under a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Feasibility Study

  6. HSPF Watershed Model Results • HSPF models results generally lower than USGS estimates for wet periods and similar during dry periods Recharge (acre-feet)

  7. HSPF Watershed Model Results • HSPF recharge estimates are generally lower than cumulative recharge estimated through mass balance methods, while USGS estimates are higher

  8. Pumping

  9. Water Withdrawal Locations • Dataset improvements over original model includes detailed information on pumping locations and amounts

  10. Pumping Input Data

  11. Observations/Calibration Targets

  12. Water Level Observations • Approximately fourfold increase in number of observation wells for calibration targets • 423 water-level target locations from 2001-2009

  13. MODFLOW Model Structural Features

  14. Faults as Horizontal Flow Barriers (MODFLOW HFB Package)

  15. Zoom-in view of HFB

  16. MODFLOW Model Potential Domain Changes

  17. MODFLOW Model Northern Boundary

  18. MODFLOW Model without Barton Spring Segment

  19. With Barton Springs Segment Without Barton Springs Segment

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