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FINANCIAL REPORTING & USING HHS PAYMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Session Objectives. Understanding federal regulations. Learning the HHS Payment Management System. Preparing cash management reports. Timing and Use of Federal Funds. Timing of Draws. Funds are intended to be available when needed

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  2. Session Objectives Understanding federal regulations Learning the HHS Payment Management System Preparing cash management reports

  3. Timing and Use of Federal Funds

  4. Timing of Draws • Funds are intended to be available when needed • Draws should matched timing of allowable program expenditures • Funds can be drawn as needed: Example – Payroll to cover salaries and allocable payroll taxes based on time charged to the Federally-funded program

  5. Document each draw to show compliance with Federal regulations Ease of Access Brings Responsibility Be Careful Draw additional funds to overcome shortfalls elsewhere in the organization And Most Importantly

  6. Obtaining Funds: A Mouse-Click Away • Utilize Department of Health and Human Services Payment Management System to draw funds • Web-based access for CNCS grantees to draw funds and submit cash reporting • Calculate draw amount based on expenditures that have not yet been funded or are needed immediately following the draw, before requesting funds

  7. Benefiting from: Smartlink • Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. • Next work day access to funds • No cost to recipients • Enhanced inquiry feature • Account balance • Payment history • Grant transaction history • Warehouse feature up to 30 days

  8. Utilizing Payment Management System

  9. Logging in the First Time User name: Provided by DPM (case sensitive) Password: Set by the users. Must be alpha-numeric (e.g., #GRANTEE1) * * * * *Initial password provided by DPM

  10. You’ve Got Mail • Review for new messages; then click on Click Here for Access to the Payment Management System

  11. Help From: My User Info Click on: My User Info to: • change password or • to update user contact information

  12. Drawing Down Cash 2AA5P • Click on Payment • Click on Request for Payment • Enter your Account Number • Click on Account

  13. Request for Payment 2AA5P • Enter Payment Due Date • Enter Expected Disbursement Amount • Enter Cash on Hand • Enter Payment Request Amount Click on Continue

  14. Example: Request for Payment 2AA5P

  15. Continuing with Request for Payment 2AA5P

  16. Example 2AA5P

  17. Example: Completed Transaction

  18. Monitoring Expenditure of Funds • Report expenditure of the funds drawn each quarter on Form 272 • Track expenditures during the life of a project on Form 272 • Reflect total expenditures upon closeout • Support data in Form 272 within Grantee’s accounting system

  19. Benefits to You • PSC 272, Federal Cash Transaction Report: Internet access • Over 12,000 reports processed each quarter • 91.8% Return Rate

  20. Logging on PSC 272 • Enter your Payee Identification Number (PIN) • Enter your PSC 272 Password

  21. Form 272: Payee Account 1234G Select the Payee Account Number you want to work on

  22. Selecting the PSC 272-A Form Select the PSC 272-A Form

  23. Updating Total Dollars Update the cumulative total for each document

  24. Continuing with PSC 272-A Optional: Identify document as it appears in your accounting system

  25. Reviewing for Inactive Grants • Use the PSC 272-G to review inactive grants • Click on the Grant Number if you need to change the Disbursement amount

  26. Adding Grants • To add grants to the report that are not on the PSC 272-A or PSC 272-G (Click Here) • Enter the grant info on the lines provided

  27. Completing This Process • After updating all grants Click on • Click on Refresh/Update Screen Return to Form 272

  28. Entering Net Disbursements • Line 4 equals net disbursements from the PSC 272-A • Enter Cash on Hand End of Period on Line 5 • G and G1 account can report excess interest income on Line 7 • Scroll down and click on Click Here to Certify this Electronic 272

  29. Read Important Information • Read the warning and check your numbers • Scroll down and fill in the “Certified By” and “Prepared By” • Click on Upload this Electronic 272

  30. Reminder: Print First….Move on Later • Print the PSC 272 page • Fax the page to your DPM Account Representative

  31. Utilizing the Financial Status Report Utilizing the Financial Status Report (FSR) Form 269 • File on a semi-annual basis • Report total program costs, including match • Reconcile expenditures on this form with quarterly reports to HHS on Form 272 • Reports unliquidated obligations

  32. Reporting FSR Using eGrants Utilizing eGrants: • Go to www.cncs.gov • Click on eGrants in the center of the web page • Utilize eGrants FSR to report on multi-year awards through their life • Have accounting support available for total federal funds expended and total match

  33. Opening eGrants

  34. Looking for Grants

  35. Tracking Using eGrants

  36. Reviewing FSR Information

  37. More eGrants

  38. eGrant Certifications

  39. Successful eGrant FSR Submission

  40. “More people should learn to tell their dollars where to go instead of asking them where they went.” - Roger Ward Babson, (1875–1967) American financial statistician

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