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Getting treatment or acne scars is neither easy nor cheap. The medication and procedures are anything but non-invasive and will completely change your life and routine for months while the treatment is underway. Read more.
Article 2: IYEEY.com HOW TO GET RID OF ACNE SCARS – 4 REMEDIES FROM YOUR KITCHEN There are many woes in the life of a person who is suffering from the problem of acne. It is not just a question of cosmetic beauty here. The patient has to deal with outbreaks and pain and redness and itching. And the scars after every new pimple will not allow you to forget it either. Getting treatment or acne scars is neither easy nor cheap. The medication and procedures are anything but non- invasive and will completely change your life and routine for months while the treatment is underway. It will also cost you dearly in terms of the treatment and medical expenses that you will have to bear. What you do not realise is that reliable solutions for getting rid of your acne scars are present right in your kitchen. Let us look at four of the most effective options available to you. Lemon Juice When you think of managing acne scars and blemishes, the best way to go about things will be lightening the skin in the area and managing the redness. Lemon happens to be a great way to achieve this aim. You simply have to squeeze the juice of a lemon and apply it on the scars either with a cotton ball or your fingers. Once applied, let it act for 10 minutes before you wash it off. Follow this procedure at least once in a day for a few weeks and you will definitely notice reduction in your scars and marks. Honey Honey provides nourishment to the skin and allows it to take on a glaze and glow that can only come from good health. The organic substances present in honey will help you smoothen the surface of your skin – a godsend for any acne patient. Application of honey can be managed in many ways – you can either apply it to your face and leave it overnight or use in it a pack. Oatmeal or cinnamon happens to be great additions to your face pack. Baking soda Baking soda is also recommended to use in a face pack. Simply mix it with water and make a paste that will then be applied to your scars. Let the pack do its magic for a few minutes and wash it off with warm water. The next step will be applying some moisturiser to the area to ensure that your skin doesn’t go overly dry. Following this procedure for a few times in a week will give you great results in getting rid of acne scars. Vitamin E There are many nutritional elements that help in ensuring the very best health for your skin. Vitamin E happens to top that list. A naturally known antioxidant, vitamin E can help fade the scars faster. Simply prick the capsule containing the vitamin E and apply the contents on the scars. Including Vitamin E rich foods in your diet will also help in this scenario. Want more information on how to get rid of your acne scars? Visit IYEEY.com. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dawson Jenks is an expert on online content and is well known for the many interesting articles he writes for his followers to read. He has created content on a variety of topics like bodybuilding supplements, unexplained natural phenomena, health facts and many other interesting stories. His articles are frequently published on IYEEY.com.