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Mystery Religions

Mystery Religions. Demeter. Great Goddess (?)-- life-creating renewal of plant and animal life. Eleusinian Mysteries ( 1500 BCE- 4 th Century CE). Eleusinian Mysteries. Three times blessed are those mortals who behold those rites [at Eleusis] before going down

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Mystery Religions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mystery Religions

  2. Demeter Great Goddess (?)-- life-creating renewal of plant and animal life

  3. Eleusinian Mysteries ( 1500 BCE- 4th Century CE)

  4. Eleusinian Mysteries Three times blessed are those mortals who behold those rites [at Eleusis] before going down to the house of Hades. They alone have true life there; to the rest, everything is misery. (Sophocles)

  5. mystai

  6. Temple of Isis ( 1764-65)

  7. Isis, Nile River • Seth • Osiris • Horus

  8. Isis, Osiris, Nile River • Isis (sistrum, situla, ankh)

  9. sistrum

  10. Numerius Popidius Ampliatus son of Numerius paid for the temple of Isis to be rebuilt…..To repay his generosity the town council accepted him into their order free of charge, although he was only six years old.

  11. ` F=Purgatorium G=Assembly room H=Teaching room I= Living quarters A= Tuscan Portico

  12. Tuscan Order

  13. ` s

  14. Harpocrates

  15. Anubis

  16. ` s

  17. Isis and Io

  18. Isis cult statue?

  19. Norbanus ( one of two)

  20. CIL X 814=ILS 5198 • ( Portrait of Giaus Norbanus Sorex, actor of second parts; the presidents of the Fortunate Augustan Suburban County district ( set this up).Space given by decree of the decurions.

  21. Herculaneum Sunrise/ mid-afternoon

  22. Dionysus/Bacchus • Kantharos • thyrsus

  23. Story of Dionysos • Dionysus/Bacchus • Semele • Ariadne (Theseus)

  24. ****Bacchantes**** Dionysus leads his thiasos-- Satyrs, Sileni and Bacchae

  25. Satyr/Silenus

  26. Maenads (Bacchae)

  27. Villa of the Mysteries

  28. Megalographia

  29. Pedimental sculpture ( Dionysos and Ariadne?)

  30. Foreign Cults –Sabazius, Lakshmi II.1.12 I,8.17.5

  31. CIL IV 8417 Whoever is in love, let him come; I wish to break the ribs of Venus With sticks and maim the goddess’s loins; If she can perforate my tender heart, Why can I not break her head with a stick?

  32. Judaism • CIL IV 8010= CIJ 562 Hebrew inscription –Sold by Kar […], Jesus, Shadani (ham/) son (?) of Lenananth , to Vergaz… what is beneath the baths. CIL IV 6990 Felix slave of Judaicus.

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