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阮歡迎你. We Welcome You. 網址 : www.efcoc.org. 當稱謝進入祂的門 當讚美進入祂的院 當感謝祂 稱頌祂的名. 請關上手機預備您 的心 Please turn off your cell phones and prepare your hearts. 歡 迎 Welcome Prayer 黃文雄 主席. 作主 精兵 廣 傳福音. 悔改 禱告 宣 道. www.efcoc.org. 這是萬民的聲音 , 包括過去 , 現在 , 和未來 .
阮歡迎你 We Welcome You 網址 : www.efcoc.org
當稱謝進入祂的門 當讚美進入祂的院 當感謝祂 稱頌祂的名 請關上手機預備您的心Please turn off your cell phones and prepare your hearts
歡 迎Welcome Prayer黃文雄主席 作主精兵 廣傳福音 悔改 禱告 宣道 www.efcoc.org
這是萬民的聲音,包括過去,現在, 和未來. These are the voices of all people, past, present and future. 看哪!我報給你們大喜的信息,是關於萬民的.我們是聖誕的聲音,基督誕生的見證人,凡有耳的都當來聼主所成就的大事. Behold, we bring you good tidings of great joy, for all people. We are the voice of Christmas, witness to the birth of the Christ. Let those with an ear hear what the Lord has done.
聖誕頌歌 Celtic Noel 柑縣台福詩班
聖誕頌歌/Noel歡欣歡欣鐘聲響徹穹蒼天使展翅萬物都同聲歌唱歡欣歡欣讓喜樂歡呼聲傳遍塵寰全世界迎接君王Noel, Noel! The heavens are ringingCreation is singing as angels take wing Noel, Noel! Let great jubilation resoundthrough creation to welcome the King
唱哈利路亞 哈利路亞榮耀 榮耀 榮耀歸神Sing alleluia, alleluia!Gloria, gloria, Glory to God!
歡欣歡欣 萬民齊來歡唱讚美感恩的歌 唱「耶穌降生」 Noel, Noel! The song is beginning with praise and thanksgivingSing “Jesus is born”
歡欣歡欣天使讚美頌揚牧人高聲應和向穹蒼歡呼歡欣歡欣獻禮物在主前來俯伏敬拜祂神聖救贖主Noel, Noel! The angels are praisingThe shepherds are raising their voice to the skyNoel, Noel! Lay gifts now before HimCome kneel and adore Himthe Savior divine
唱哈利路亞 哈利路亞榮耀 榮耀 榮耀歸神Sing alleluia, alleluia!Gloria, gloria, Glory to God!
歡欣歡欣神真光臨及我祂話語充滿我因耶穌降生Noel, Noel! God’s light is upon usHis word is among usfor Jesus is born
緬想當年時方夜半忽聞榮耀歌聲天使屈身俯向塵寰依然手撥金琴It came upon the midnight clearthat glorious song of oldFrom angels bending near the earthto touch their harps of gold
地上平安人增友誼天賜特殊奇恩當晚世界沉寂之中靜聽榮耀的天使歌聲 歡欣唱Peace on the earth good will to allfrom heaven’s all gracious KingThe world in solemn stillness layto hear the glorious angels singSing Noel!
歡欣歡欣鐘聲響徹穹蒼天使展翅萬物都同聲歌唱歡欣歡欣讓喜樂歡呼聲傳遍塵寰全世界迎接君王Noel, Noel! The heavens are ringingCreation is singing as angels take wingNoel, Noel! Let great jubilation resoundthrough creation to welcome the King
唱哈利路亞 哈利路亞榮耀 榮耀 榮耀歸神Sing alleluia, alleluia!Gloria, gloria, Glory to God!
歡欣歡欣萬民齊來歡唱讚美感恩的歌唱榮耀 榮耀 榮耀 榮耀歸神Noel, Noel! The song is beginning with praise and thanksgiving Sing gloria, gloria, gloriaGlory to God!
夜 半 歌 聲 It Came Upon the Midnight Clear 柑縣台福詩班 華語敬拜團 會眾齊唱
請會眾齊唱 夜半歌聲 It Came Upon the Midnight Clear當年夜半天際傳來榮耀遠古歌聲天使屈膝臨近塵寰歡然手撥金琴It came upon the midnight clearThat glorious song of oldFrom angels bending near the earthTo touch their harps of gold
請會眾齊唱 地上平安人類蒙恩來自榮耀君王當夜大地肅然靜候齊聽天使歌聲Peace on the earth goodwill to menFrom heav’n’s all gracious KingThe world in solemn stillness lay to hear the angels sing
四重唱 如今天使依舊來臨展開和平翅膀天歌妙音輕輕傳來安慰疲乏世人Still thro’ the cloven skies they comeWith peaceful wings unfurled And still their heav’nly music floats o’er all the weary world
四重唱 天軍歡然展開雙翼俯視愁苦群生萬邦擾嚷喧鬧聲中仍聽天使歌聲 Above its sad and lowly plains They bend on hov’ring wingAnd ever o’er its Babel soundsThe blessed angels sing
四重唱 世上萬千勞苦群生重擔緊壓心頭長路漫漫崎嶇難走步步艱辛And ye beneath life’s crushing loadWhose forms are bending lowWho toil along the climbing wayWith painful steps and slow
四重唱 看哪歡樂黃金時代片刻即要來臨困倦人生路旁憩息靜聽天使歌聲 Look now! For glad and golden hoursCome swiftly on the wing O rest beside the weary roadAnd hear the angels sing
請會眾齊唱 人間歲月周行不息世事瞬息萬變黃金時代終必來臨先知早有說明For lo the days are hast’ning onBy prophet bards foretoldWhen with the ever circling yearsComes round the age of gold
請會眾齊唱 那日平安充滿萬有昔日榮光重臨世間萬邦同聲和應今日天使歌聲今日天使歌聲When peace shall over all the earthIt’s ancient splendours flingAnd the whole world give back the song Which now the angels singWhich now the angels sing
這是所有等候者的聲音, 請來以馬內利,與我們 同在. These are the voices of all who wait, please come Emmanuel, be with us.
主啊,求你聽我懇求的聲音.我等候 耶和華,我的心等候,我也仰望祂的話. …你當仰望耶和華,因衪有慈愛,有豐 盛救恩.衪必救贖我們脫離一切罪孽. (詩篇130:2,5-8) O Lord, hear my voice and my cry for mercy. I wait the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope. I put my hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with him is full redemption. He himself will redeem us from all our sins. (Psalm 130:5-8)
等 候 主 We Wait for Thee 四重唱
等候主 We Wait for TheeDark is the night and empty the skyAs the ground lies still and cold黑暗夜晚 空洞星空大地寂靜又寒冷We pause in solemn anticipationAs we wait for the promise of old我們安靜 充滿期待等候古舊的應許
Come, thou Prince of Peace;Come, great Lord of lords;Come, and set Your people free.來, 和平的大君王來, 偉大萬主之主來, 釋放祢的百姓Come, desire of the nations, come.With joy and hope we wait for Thee.來, 萬國的渴慕, 來我們充滿喜樂與盼望等候祢
Revive our hearts and renew our minds,Come, and bring us peace to endure.甦醒我們的心 更新我們的意念來, 帶給我們永恆的平安Wonderful counselor, Almighty God,Emmanuel, God with us!奇妙的策士, 全能的真神以馬內利, 神與我們同在!
Come, thou Prince of Peace;Come, great Lord of lords;Come, and set Your people free.來, 和平的大君王來, 偉大萬主之主來, 釋放祢的百姓
Come, Desire of the nations come.With joy and hope we wait for Thee,wait for Thee,With joy and hope we wait for Thee!來, 萬國的渴慕, 來我們充滿喜樂與盼望等候祢,等候祢我們充滿喜樂與盼望等候祢
這是馬利亞的聲音,是所 有心中充滿讚嘆者的聲音. I am the voice of Mary, the voice of all who are filled with wonder.
馬利亞說:我心尊主為大,我靈以神我的救主為樂.因為祂顧念衪使女的卑微,從今次後,萬代要稱我有福,那有權能的,因我成就了大事,祂的名為聖.(路加1:46-49)馬利亞說:我心尊主為大,我靈以神我的救主為樂.因為祂顧念衪使女的卑微,從今次後,萬代要稱我有福,那有權能的,因我成就了大事,祂的名為聖.(路加1:46-49) And Mary said: ”My soul glorifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in my God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generation will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me-- holy is his name.” (Luke1:46-49)
天 堂 氣 息 Breath of Heaven 六重唱
天堂氣息/Breath of Heaven黑夜籠罩我懷著嬰孩長途跋涉寒冷又疲倦 我不明白是何事天父上帝從天降揀選卑微我為懷聖嬰孩I have traveled many moonless nightsCold and weary with a babe insideAnd I wonder what I’ve doneHoly Father, You have comeAnd chosen me now to carry Your Son
我默默在禱告中等待為所背負驚慌害怕人生旅程雖淒涼我豈單獨走這路與我同在 與我同在I am waiting in a silent prayerI am frightened by the load I bearIn a world as cold as stone Must I walk this path alone?Be with me now, be with me now
天堂氣息 求主堅固我 臨近我到永遠 天堂氣息Breath of Heaven, hold me togetherBe forever near me, Breath of Heaven
天堂氣息照亮黑暗懇求聖靈來充滿我惟祢是聖潔天堂氣息Breath of Heaven, lighten my darknessPour over me Your holiness for You are holyBreath of Heaven
祢可知道當祢注視我有誰能夠替代我位置我全心獻上自己完成祢救贖計劃助我剛強幫助我護我Do you wonder as you watch my faceIf a wiser one should have had my placeBut I offer all I amFor the mercy of Your planHelp me be strong, help me be, help me
天堂氣息 求主堅固我 臨近我到永遠 天堂氣息天堂氣息 照亮黑暗懇求聖靈來充滿我惟祢是聖潔Breath of Heaven, hold me togetherBe forever near me, Breath of HeavenBreath of Heaven, lighten my darknessPour over me Your holiness For You are Holy
天堂氣息 求主堅固我 臨近我到永遠 天堂氣息天堂氣息求照亮黑暗懇求聖靈來充滿我惟祢是聖潔Breath of Heaven, hold me togetherBe forever near me, breath of HeavenBreath of Heaven, lighten my darknessPour over me Your holinessFor You are holy
這是夜晚的聲音,是 神創 造一切萬物的聲音 I am the voice of the night,the voice of all creation that God has made.
這日到那日發出言語,這夜到那夜 傳出知識,無言無語也無聲音可聽. 祂的量帶傳遍天下,衪的言語傳到 地極.(詩19:2-4) Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech of language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. (Psalm19:2-4)
Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay close by me forever, and love me, I pray. Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care, And fit us for heaven to live with Thee there. 求主來臨近我,與我在一起, 愛護我,親近我,永遠不分離. 求主賜福孩童,常關懷看顧, 讓我們在天家與耶穌同住. .
馬 槽 聖 嬰 Away in a Manger 兒童主日學詩班 會眾齊唱