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Chapter Overview

Chapter Overview. TCP/IP Services TCP/IP Utilities. Automated TCP/IP Configuration Solutions. Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). RARP. Uses the same message format as Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)

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Chapter Overview

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  1. Chapter Overview • TCP/IP Services • TCP/IP Utilities

  2. Automated TCP/IP Configuration Solutions • Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) • Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) • Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

  3. RARP • Uses the same message format as Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) • Designed for diskless workstations • Supplies an Internet Protocol (IP) address only • No longer used

  4. RARP Communications

  5. BOOTP • Supplies an IP address and other Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) parameters • Can supply an executable boot file using Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) • Requires you to manually configure parameters for each client • Cannot allocate IP addresses automatically • Cannot prevent IP address duplication

  6. DHCP • Addresses the shortcomings of RARP and BOOTP • Dynamically allocates IP addresses from a pool • Reclaims unused addresses • Prevents IP address duplication • Supplies all TCP/IP parameters

  7. DHCP Components • Client • Server • Protocol

  8. DHCP Address Allocation Types • Manual allocation • Automatic allocation • Dynamic allocation

  9. Manual Allocation • The administrator assigns a permanent IP address to the client. • Manual allocation is used for computers that require permanent IP address assignments.

  10. Automatic Allocation • The DHCP server assigns the client a permanent IP address chosen from a pool. • Automatic allocation is used on networks where computers are rarely moved to other subnets. • This minimizes DHCP traffic.

  11. Dynamic Allocation • The DHCP server leases to the client an IP address chosen from a pool. • The client must periodically renew the lease address. • Unrenewed lease addresses are returned to the pool. • Dynamic allocation allows you to add, remove, and relocate computers.

  12. The DHCP Message Format

  13. The DHCP Options Field Format


  15. The DHCP Address Assignment Process

  16. The IP Address Leasing Process • The address assignment process is the same for all of the allocation methods. • Clients using manual or automatic allocation receive no further communication after the address assignment. • Clients using dynamic allocation lease IP addresses for a time interval specified by the server. • The client must renew the lease on a regular basis to continue using it. • DHCP address leases are typically measured in days. • If addresses are in short supply, a shorter lease interval is warranted. • If computers are rarely moved to other subnets, longer lease intervals reduce the DHCP traffic.

  17. The DHCP Lease Renewal Process

  18. The HOSTS File • A HOSTS file is a lookup table containing a list of host names and their equivalent IP addresses. • Each computer has its own HOSTS file. • As the Internet grew, the HOSTS file became impractical, and the Domain Name System (DNS) eventually replaced it.

  19. DNS Characteristics • Defined in Request for Comments (RFC) 1034 and RFC 1035 • DNS defines • A hierarchical namespace for computer networks • A service for resolving names into IP addresses

  20. The DNS Namespace

  21. The DNS Name Resolution Process

  22. DNS Resource Record Types

  23. WINS Characteristics • Is the acronym for Windows Internet Name Service • Is a Network Basic Input/Output System (NetBIOS) name server • Resolves NetBIOS names into IP addresses • Used only by Microsoft Windows computers

  24. Ping Characteristics • Supplied with virtually every TCP/IP implementation • Tests connectivity to another TCP/IP system • Syntax: ping target

  25. Ping Output (Typical) Pinging cz1 [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128 Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128 Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128 Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128 Ping statistics for Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms

  26. Traceroute Characteristics • Variant of the Ping program • Displays a list of the routers on the path that packets take to a destination • Uses Echo Request and Echo Reply messages, as Ping does • Modifies the Time To Live value in each successive Echo Request message • Can be used to troubleshoot network communications problems by specifying the location of the difficulty

  27. IPCONFIG.EXE and WINIPCFG.EXE Characteristics • IPCONFIG.EXE and WINIPCFG.EXE are Windows utilities that display TCP/IP configuration parameters. • Use IPCONFIG.EXE on Microsoft Windows 2000 and Microsoft Windows NT. • Use WINIPCFG.EXE on Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Windows 98, and Microsoft Windows Me. • Both utilities can release and renew DHCP IP addresses.

  28. ARP.EXE Characteristics • ARP.EXE enables you to view and modify the contents of the ARP cache. • Adding addresses to the ARP cache speeds up the connection process. • Addresses added manually to the ARP cache are not purged.

  29. Using ARP.EXE Syntax: ARP [-a {ipaddress}] [-n ipaddress] [-s ipaddresshwaddress {interface}] [-d ipaddress {interface}]

  30. Using NETSTAT.EXE Syntax: NETSTAT [interval] [-a] [-p protocol] [-n] [-e] [-r] [-s]

  31. Using NBTSTAT.EXE Syntax: NBTSTAT [-a name] [-A ipaddress] [-c] [-n] [-r] [-R] [-s] [-S] [-RR]

  32. Using NBTSTAT.EXE (Cont.) Syntax: NBTSTAT [-a name] [-A ipaddress] [-c] [-n] [-r] [-R] [-s] [-S] [-RR]

  33. Nslookup Syntax Syntax: NSLOOKUP DNSname DNSserver

  34. Telnet • Telnet provides remote control capabilities. • Telnet clients can execute commands on a server and view the results. • Telnet was designed for UNIX systems. • All Windows versions include a Telnet client. • Windows 2000 and later versions have a Telnet server.

  35. FTP • You can use the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) to transfer files between computers, create and remove directories, rename and delete files, and manage access permissions. • FTP was designed for UNIX computers. • FTP is the mainstay of Internet communications. • All UNIX computers have FTP client and server capabilities. • All Windows computers have a command-line FTP client. • Windows 2000 and Windows NT servers have an FTP server built into Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS).

  36. Chapter Summary • TCP/IP services • DHCP assigns IP addresses by using automatic, manual, or dynamic allocation. • DNS resolves host and domain names into IP addresses. • WINS resolves NetBIOS names into IP addresses. • TCP/IP utilities • Ping tests whether one computer running TCP/IP can communicate with another computer on the network. • Traceroute displays the path that packets take through a network to reach their destinations. • IPCONFIG.EXE and WINIPCFG.EXE display information about the computer’s TCP/IP configuration, and they release and renew DHCP IP address assignments.

  37. Chapter Summary (Cont.) • TCP/IP utilities (Cont.) • ARP.EXE enables you to view and modify the contents of the ARP cache maintained by a TCP/IP system. • Netstat displays information about a computer’s TCP/IP connections and the traffic passing over them. • NBTSTAT.EXE displays information about NetBIOS connections and their traffic. • Nslookup enables you to transmit DNS requests to specific servers. • Telnet provides remote control access to another computer on the network. • FTP lets you manage files and transfer them to and from a remote computer.

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