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Phosphorous Transport in Surface Overland Flow

Phosphorous Transport in Surface Overland Flow. Graduate Student: Mark Breunig Graduate Advisor: Dr. Paul McGinley. OVERVIEW. INTRODUCTION OBJECTIVES LITERATURE REVIEW PROPOSED METHODS. Graduate Student: Mark Breunig Graduate Advisor: Dr. Paul McGinley. 1. INTRODUCTION.

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Phosphorous Transport in Surface Overland Flow

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  1. Phosphorous Transport in Surface Overland Flow Graduate Student: Mark Breunig Graduate Advisor: Dr. Paul McGinley


  3. 1. INTRODUCTION Graduate Student: Mark Breunig Graduate Advisor: Dr. Paul McGinley Photo Credit: WEAL 2008

  4. 1. INTRODUCTION PHOSPHOROUS Eutrophication Graduate Student: Mark Breunig Graduate Advisor: Dr. Paul McGinley

  5. 1. INTRODUCTION MODELS Need to achieve a more accurate representation of the processes to allow effective management decisions to be made. Export Transport Spatially Explicit??? Delivery In-stream Processing Graduate Student: Mark Breunig Graduate Advisor: Dr. Paul McGinley

  6. 1. INTRODUCTION SCALE temporal & spatial “Field Scale” “Watershed Scale” Graduate Student: Mark Breunig Graduate Advisor: Dr. Paul McGinley

  7. 2. OBJECTIVES Graduate Student: Mark Breunig Graduate Advisor: Dr. Paul McGinley

  8. 2. OBJECTIVES The Big Picture: Achieve a better understanding of the processes that effect phosphorous transport in surface overland flow. This will be used to contribute to developing a refined P-Index for SNAP-Plus. Use LIDAR based DEM in Waupaca County and 11 flume monitoring stations to… • IDENTIFY PREDICTIVE ACCURACY OF EPHEMERAL CHANNEL LOCATIONS • 2.ASSESS THE IMPORTANCE OF SPATIAL CONFIGURATION • 3.ANALYZE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF DIFFERENT MODEL STRUCTURES • 4. DETERMINE THE EFFECT OF GRID CELL SIZE HAS ON 1,2,3 Graduate Student: Mark Breunig Graduate Advisor: Dr. Paul McGinley

  9. 2. OBJECTIVES 2. ASSESS THE IMPORTANCE OF SPATIAL CONFIGURATION Compare the efficiency of a simple, non-spatially explicit phosphorous model to different topographically based models when compared to observed phosphorous yields in potential contributing areas of roughly 400 acres. % land use vs spatially explicit topographic index Graduate Student: Mark Breunig Graduate Advisor: Dr. Paul McGinley

  10. 2. OBJECTIVES 3. ANALYZE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF DIFFERENT MODEL STRUCTURES • Compare the predictive capability of four different topographically based phosphorous models to observed phosphorous yields in contributing areas of roughly 400 acres. • Determine if including a transport-decay term will enhance model efficiency. • Test whether using the SNAP-Plus phosphorous index instead of generic export coefficients provides enhanced model performance. Graduate Student: Mark Breunig Graduate Advisor: Dr. Paul McGinley

  11. 2. OBJECTIVES 4. DETERMINE THE EFFECT OF GRID CELL SIZE Assess to what extent the spatial resolution of the digital elevation model effects the prediction of locations of ephemeral channels and accuracy of phosphorous loads made by the simple non-spatially explicit model and the 4 topographically based models. Graduate Student: Mark Breunig Graduate Advisor: Dr. Paul McGinley

  12. 3. LITERATURE REVIEW Graduate Student: Mark Breunig Graduate Advisor: Dr. Paul McGinley

  13. 3. LITERATURE REVIEW Graduate Student: Mark Breunig Graduate Advisor: Dr. Paul McGinley Robertson 2006

  14. 3. LITERATURE REVIEW Graduate Student: Mark Breunig Graduate Advisor: Dr. Paul McGinley Boomer 2008

  15. 3. LITERATURE REVIEW Graduate Student: Mark Breunig Graduate Advisor: Dr. Paul McGinley Boomer 2008

  16. 3. LITERATURE REVIEW Authors commonly attribute unsatisfactory results to inadequate spatial data. A few examples: Hunsaker 1995 Sorrano 1996 Jain 2000 Jones 2001 Richards 2006 Boomer 2008 Graduate Student: Mark Breunig Graduate Advisor: Dr. Paul McGinley

  17. 3. LITERATURE REVIEW Improper model use Topographic Indices TOPMODEL – shallow soils, moderate topography Wetness Index Erosion Index SNAP-Plus Graduate Student: Mark Breunig Graduate Advisor: Dr. Paul McGinley

  18. 4. PROPOSED METHODS Graduate Student: Mark Breunig Graduate Advisor: Dr. Paul McGinley

  19. 4. PROPOSED METHODS – SITE SELECTION 11 ephemeral channel monitoring sites will be selected within Waupaca County. series of hierarchical criteria: • Potential contributing area of approximately 400 acres. • Area around the ephemeral channel must have the correct morphology to ensure a flat-crested long-throated flume can collect a representative water quality sample and volume of runoff. • Preliminary Modeling to predict proper distribution of P - % land use. • SNAP-Plus Feasibility. • Site access. Sites that represent the ideal distribution of percent agriculture will be pursued to as much degree as feasible. Graduate Student: Mark Breunig Graduate Advisor: Dr. Paul McGinley

  20. 4. PROPOSED METHODS – STATISTICS • Kendall’s Tau rank correlation test for small sample sizes of non-parametric data with outliers • Person Product moment correlation coefficient to asses linearity • Coefficient of determination. • Adjusted R2 – parsimony. • 5. Spatial and temporal resolution sensitivity analysis. Graduate Student: Mark Breunig Graduate Advisor: Dr. Paul McGinley

  21. 4. PROPOSED METHODS – FLUMES • Flat-crested long throated flume Computer calibration – WinFlume Very accurate Fit a variety of channel shapes Graduate Student: Mark Breunig Graduate Advisor: Dr. Paul McGinley http://www.usbr.gov/pmts/hydraulics_lab/pubs/wmm/fig/F08_05L.GIF

  22. FINAL THOUGHTS Graduate Student: Mark Breunig Graduate Advisor: Dr. Paul McGinley

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