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REVIEWBOWL RULES 1) Numbered questions are worth 2 pts. each. TOSSUP questions are worth 1 pt. each. 2) You must raise your hand & be recognized by the game master (teacher) before answering a question.
REVIEWBOWL RULES 1) Numbered questions are worth 2 pts. each. TOSSUP questions are worth 1 pt. each. 2) You must raise your hand & be recognized by the game master (teacher) before answering a question. 3) If members from two teams raise their hands to answer a question, the team with the lower score at that time (I.e., not counting bonus points) gets first chance to answer 4) If no one can answer the question, the game master gets the point(s). 5) No conferring on questions between team members or harassing or making fun of another player. That team could lose 1 pt. for such behavior at the game master’s discretion. 6) Students giving obviously silly answers to a question will cost their team one point. 7) Each team gets only one chance to answer a particular question. 8) Every time that everyone on a team has scored at least 1/2 point for answering a question correctly, the team gets one bonus point which will be added at the end of the game. The team must notify the game master each time they qualify for such a point. 9) Each member of the winning team can collect a fly 10) No clogging, tapping, or square dancing during the competition
FC.93 THE DUTCH REPUBLIC IN THE 1600S Explore S. Pacific Efficient & cheap cargo ship Domin. carrying trade & ship bldg. ind. Dutch make profits Invest profits in new ventures Decline of Dutch Rep. by 1700 from cost & strain of wars Few natural resources Base their trade on salted herring after herring shoals shift to N. Sea in 1400s Further develop domestic econ: Textile, tobacco curing, munitions, soap, & sugar refining industries Finance institutions: Bank of Amsterdam (1609) & stock market Further develop foreign trade: Trade in Baltic Russian furs, Scandin. timber, & Polish grain Amsterdam the center of world trade & a cultural golden age in 1600s Netherlands largely below sea level Need dikes, polders, windmills, & drainage systems to reclaim land from the sea Dutch are resourceful engineers, merchants & artisans Expand scope of trade in late 1500s: W. Indies for salt Sugar Italy to sell Polish Grain E. Asia for spices Africa to get slaves Trade w/Turks Build excellent long-range navy to protect trade Also dominate naval ship bldg ind. By the sea & trade routes England jealous of Dutch wealth Wars (FC.96B) Louis XIV jealous of Dutch wealth Wars (FC.95)
FC.94 PROBLEMS OF STATE BUILDING IN FRANCE (c.1500-1661) King’s legal rights clash vs. Church & long est. feudal rights Henry IV (1598-1610) & Louis XIII (1610-43) (helped by his minister Cardinal Richelieu) work to rebuild Fr. econ. & royal power & treasury: Kings always need more money Tax exemptions & corruption Lower tax rev’s Gradually increase duties & powers of intendants Parallel structure of non-feudal provinces (generalites) overlapping old feudal prov’s Mercantilism: Econ policy where state builds ind’s, rd’s, merch. marine, etc. to cut imports & raise exports Ban duels Sell offices, titles & right to collect (“farm”) taxes Burn castles Crush any plots & conspiracies Create royal intendants (1633)) who report corruption & ensure tax farmers get their $ Any cases involving them are heard in royal courts Intendants (& king) always win Exclude nobles from royal councils Royal intendants take over many of old feudal officials’ duties & powers w/o actually replacing them Further decline of nobles France feels strong enough to enter 30 Yrs. War Pay for it by selling “tax farms” Repudiate or pay loans at lower inter. Paulette: tax on hereditary offices Feudalism Local powers & trad’s (FC. 41) Power of Medieval relig. mentality (FC. 66) Resurgent Fr. monarchy by 1500 (FC. 79) Rising milit. costs (FC. 79) $ econ. inflation (FC. 64) Prot. Reformation Rising religious tensions (FC. 87) Continuing feudal separatism in France(FC. 41) Monarchy cannot stop chaos of relig. wars in Fr. People want strong king to ensure the peace (FC. 87) Strong foundation for Louis XIV’s monarchy (FC. 95)
Govt. rules & reg’s stifled initiative Ltd. success because: New ind’s to cut imports Rds, bridges & canals Colonies Mkts & resources Mercantilist policies to build Fr. econ.: Flintlock musket Loads faster Bayonet Don’t need pikemen Huge court of 10,000 people at its height Pre-measured cartridges of powder Load faster Adoption of new weapons by both sides: Louis’ wars get longer, bloodier, & less profitable Revolt known as Fronde (1648-53) drives young Louis XIV from Paris until put down by Cardinal Mazarin who rules for Louis until 1661 Medieval econ. of tolls, guilds, & poor agr. Louis concentrates first on internal developments Built & controlled better army through: Very costly for both the state & nobles Tighter state control of armies Supply lines to stop foraging Strict discipl. & training Stand. equip. & uniforms Ltd. success because: Builds palace at Versailles away from Paris’ infl. Big army Supply lines & discip. decay By late 1660s, Louis feels strong enough to follow more aggressive domestic & foreign policies Selling milit. offices System broke down Revokes religious freedom for Huguenots (1685) 1000’s leave for Holland, Eng. & Prussia Hurts econ. w/loss of many skilled workers Armies spread out to make better use of firepower Need tighter discipline since armies were spread out More deadly & destr. warfare Much of Europe allies vs. Louis to maintain BOP FC.95 LOUIS XIV’S FRANCE (1661-1715) Kings reduce nobles’ power (FC. 94) High taxes during 30 Yrs War (FC. 94) Louis’ suspicion of non-Cath’s Hatred of Paris & desire for glory Financially ruinous Set stage for French Revolution in 1789 (FC. 105)
FC.94 PROBLEMS OF STATE BUILDING IN FRANCE (c.1500-1661) Paulette: tax on hereditary offices Royal intendants take over many of old feudal officials’ duties & powers without actually replacing them Further decline of noblesIntendants become the most reliable element in royal gov’t until French Revolution Mercantilism: Econ policy & theory that sees gold & silver as sole measures of wealth State develops & supports industries, roads, merchant marine, colonies, etc. to cut imports & raise exports Good because kings are showing interest in state’s economy by developing roads, industries, etc. Bad b/c kings are showing too much interest in state’s econ. W/heavy handed absolutist rule that stifles initiative Generalites: 32 non-feudal provinces whose boundaries partially overlap with but don’t totally conform to those of the old feudal prov’s Disputes b/w parties from 2 diff. feudal provinces but same generalites Intendant running that generalites had jurisdiction. Mercantilism is both good news & bad news: Intendants: Royal governors running the generalites whose authority gradually expands to supervise judicial, administrative and financial affairs. They were appointed by and reported directly to the king by-passed authority of older feudal officials. Law suits Go to royal, not local courts, b/c intendants are royal officials w/no precedent of going anywhere but royal ct’s Intendants (& king) always win Ban duels Exclude nobles from royal councils Burn castles Crush any plots & conspiracies Repudiate or pay loans at lower interest Chaos of relig. wars in Fr. People want strong king to ensure the peace (FC. 87) Henry IV (1598-1610) & his minister, Sully, work to rebuild Fr. econ. & treasury: Louis XIII (1610-43) & his minister, Cardinal Richelieu bolster royal power: 1634- Louis XIII & Richelieu create royal administrative structure parallel to, but not eliminating older feudal administrative structure: Strong foundation for Louis XIV’s monarchy (FC. 95)
Reaction New regime “GLORIOUS REV.” (1688) CONST. MONARCHY LAW IS ABOVE KING Money: Rising customs duties & demands for $ for lavish court Bank of Eng. (f.1694) repays loans w/interest Faith in gov. Invest in Bank Helps econ. Polit. rights for men with property: Parl. grants taxes 1 yr. at a time Parliament. elections every 2 yrs Civil rights for all Englishmen: Freedom of speech & religion Religion: Cath-style ritual, dogma & hierarchy of clergy under king Clashes b/w absolutist-minded James I (1603-25) & Charles I (1625-49) vs. largely Puritan & middle class Parliament over: Strife over govt, taxes & relig Right to due process of law for all FC.96 THE ENGLISH REVOLUTION (1603-1688) England an island More trade & few invasions Strong MC & less need for army Magna Charta More democ. traditions (FC. 69) Rel. wars People want peace Abs. Mon’s (FC. 87) Elizabeth I’s moderate relig. settlement, moderate treatment of Parliament, & selling of royal estates to meet expenses (FC. 87) Inflation(FC. 88) Inflation(FC. 88) (FC. 96A) (FC. 96A) Engl. Civil Wars (1642-48) Puritan-controlled Parli. wins Beheads king (1649)(FC.96B) Army & Parl. Split over relig., money, & govt. Cromwell’s milit. dictatorship in 1650s FC.96B) Restore Mon. (1661) Calm until James II’s Cath. policies Glorious Rev. (1688))(FC.96C) (FC. 96B) (FC. 96B) Indus. Rev. in Eng.(FC. 111) Spreads across globe (FC. 116) (FC. 96C) (FC. 96C) Fr Revolution Democr. ideas spread across globe (FC. 105)
FC.96D THE COMPARATIVE GEOGRAPHIES & HISTORIES OF ENGLAND AND FRANCE IN THE 1600s Protestant relig. which sees all believers as equal in God’s eyes More trade & few invasions Less need for army Stronger MC & weaker nobles than in France Free trade capitalism which is run by same MC that runs Parliament More threats of invasions Weaker MC & stronger nobles than in England Absolute monarchy which enforces & is supported by: Mercantilism: a more absolutist state controlled type of economy State enforced Catholicism which supports king’s power with DRK More democ. Const. mon. supporting & supported by: More need for army Rel. wars (1560-1648) People want peace Abs. Mon’s (FC. 87) Magna Charta More democratic traditions (FC. 69) England an island France on continent
REVIEWBOWL ON THE 1600'S DUTCH REPUBLIC 1) GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS AFFECTING HOLLAND? [Good position for trade; few resouces-> resourceful traders; low lands-> drainage engineers]
REVIEWBOWL ON THE 1600'S DUTCH REPUBLIC 1) GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS AFFECTING HOLLAND? [Good position for trade; few resouces-> resourceful traders; low lands-> drainage engineers] Tossup: What were Dutch fishing ships called?
REVIEWBOWL ON THE 1600'S DUTCH REPUBLIC 1) GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS AFFECTING HOLLAND? [Good position for trade; few resouces-> resourceful traders; low lands-> drainage engineers] Tossup: What were Dutch fishing ships called? [Buses]
REVIEWBOWL ON THE 1600'S DUTCH REPUBLIC 1) GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS AFFECTING HOLLAND? [Good position for trade; few resouces-> resourceful traders; low lands-> drainage engineers] Tossup: What were Dutch fishing ships called? [Buses] Tossup: Describe the yearly schedule of the Herring fishermen
REVIEWBOWL ON THE 1600'S DUTCH REPUBLIC 1) GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS AFFECTING HOLLAND? [Good position for trade; few resouces-> resourceful traders; low lands-> drainage engineers] Tossup: What were Dutch fishing ships called? [Buses] Tossup: Describe the yearly schedule of the Herring fishermen [June-Dec.: fishing; Dec-June: Getting salt]
REVIEWBOWL ON THE 1600'S DUTCH REPUBLIC 1) GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS AFFECTING HOLLAND? [Good position for trade; few resouces-> resourceful traders; low lands-> drainage engineers] Tossup: What were Dutch fishing ships called? [Buses] Tossup: Describe the yearly schedule of the Herring fishermen [June-Dec.: fishing; Dec-June: Getting salt] Tossup: Where did they get salt?
REVIEWBOWL ON THE 1600'S DUTCH REPUBLIC 1) GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS AFFECTING HOLLAND? [Good position for trade; few resouces-> resourceful traders; low lands-> drainage engineers] Tossup: What were Dutch fishing ships called? [Buses] Tossup: Describe the yearly schedule of the Herring fishermen [June-Dec.: fishing; Dec-June: Getting salt] Tossup: Where did they get salt? [Bay of Biscay & off Portug. Coast]
REVIEWBOWL ON THE 1600'S DUTCH REPUBLIC 1) GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS AFFECTING HOLLAND? [Good position for trade; few resouces-> resourceful traders; low lands-> drainage engineers] Tossup: What were Dutch fishing ships called? [Buses] Tossup: Describe the yearly schedule of the Herring fishermen [June-Dec.: fishing; Dec-June: Getting salt] Tossup: Where did they get salt? [Bay of Biscay & off Portug. Coast] 2) WHAT CYCLE-> GROWING PROSPERITY FOR DUTCH?
REVIEWBOWL ON THE 1600'S DUTCH REPUBLIC 1) GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS AFFECTING HOLLAND? [Good position for trade; few resouces-> resourceful traders; low lands-> drainage engineers] Tossup: What were Dutch fishing ships called? [Buses] Tossup: Describe the yearly schedule of the Herring fishermen [June-Dec.: fishing; Dec-June: Getting salt] Tossup: Where did they get salt? [Bay of Biscay & off Portug. Coast] 2) WHAT CYCLE-> GROWING PROSPERITY FOR DUTCH? [Make $<->Invest]
REVIEWBOWL ON THE 1600'S DUTCH REPUBLIC 1) GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS AFFECTING HOLLAND? [Good position for trade; few resouces-> resourceful traders; low lands-> drainage engineers] Tossup: What were Dutch fishing ships called? [Buses] Tossup: Describe the yearly schedule of the Herring fishermen [June-Dec.: fishing; Dec-June: Getting salt] Tossup: Where did they get salt? [Bay of Biscay & off Portug. Coast] 2) WHAT CYCLE-> GROWING PROSPERITY FOR DUTCH? [Make $<->Invest] 3) WHAT AREAS DID DUTCH SUCCESSIVELY GET INVOLVED IN?
REVIEWBOWL ON THE 1600'S DUTCH REPUBLIC 1) GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS AFFECTING HOLLAND? [Good position for trade; few resouces-> resourceful traders; low lands-> drainage engineers] Tossup: What were Dutch fishing ships called? [Buses] Tossup: Describe the yearly schedule of the Herring fishermen [June-Dec.: fishing; Dec-June: Getting salt] Tossup: Where did they get salt? [Bay of Biscay & off Portug. Coast] 2) WHAT CYCLE-> GROWING PROSPERITY FOR DUTCH? [Make $<->Invest] 3) WHAT AREAS DID DUTCH SUCCESSIVELY GET INVOLVED IN? [Baltic-> Mediterranean->W. Indies-> Africa-> E. Indies]
REVIEWBOWL ON THE 1600'S DUTCH REPUBLIC 1) GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS AFFECTING HOLLAND? [Good position for trade; few resouces-> resourceful traders; low lands-> drainage engineers] Tossup: What were Dutch fishing ships called? [Buses] Tossup: Describe the yearly schedule of the Herring fishermen [June-Dec.: fishing; Dec-June: Getting salt] Tossup: Where did they get salt? [Bay of Biscay & off Portug. Coast] 2) WHAT CYCLE-> GROWING PROSPERITY FOR DUTCH? [Make $<->Invest] 3) WHAT AREAS DID DUTCH SUCCESSIVELY GET INVOLVED IN? [Baltic-> Mediterranean->W. Indies-> Africa-> E. Indies] Tossup: What was Baltic trade referred to as?
REVIEWBOWL ON THE 1600'S DUTCH REPUBLIC 1) GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS AFFECTING HOLLAND? [Good position for trade; few resouces-> resourceful traders; low lands-> drainage engineers] Tossup: What were Dutch fishing ships called? [Buses] Tossup: Describe the yearly schedule of the Herring fishermen [June-Dec.: fishing; Dec-June: Getting salt] Tossup: Where did they get salt? [Bay of Biscay & off Portug. Coast] 2) WHAT CYCLE-> GROWING PROSPERITY FOR DUTCH? [Make $<->Invest] 3) WHAT AREAS DID DUTCH SUCCESSIVELY GET INVOLVED IN? [Baltic-> Mediterranean->W. Indies-> Africa-> E. Indies] Tossup: What was Baltic trade referred to as? [Mother Trade]
REVIEWBOWL ON THE 1600'S DUTCH REPUBLIC 1) GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS AFFECTING HOLLAND? [Good position for trade; few resouces-> resourceful traders; low lands-> drainage engineers] Tossup: What were Dutch fishing ships called? [Buses] Tossup: Describe the yearly schedule of the Herring fishermen [June-Dec.: fishing; Dec-June: Getting salt] Tossup: Where did they get salt? [Bay of Biscay & off Portug. Coast] 2) WHAT CYCLE-> GROWING PROSPERITY FOR DUTCH? [Make $<->Invest] 3) WHAT AREAS DID DUTCH SUCCESSIVELY GET INVOLVED IN? [Baltic-> Mediterranean->W. Indies-> Africa-> E. Indies] Tossup: What was Baltic trade referred to as? [Mother Trade] Tossup: What did the stock market start off as?
REVIEWBOWL ON THE 1600'S DUTCH REPUBLIC 1) GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS AFFECTING HOLLAND? [Good position for trade; few resouces-> resourceful traders; low lands-> drainage engineers] Tossup: What were Dutch fishing ships called? [Buses] Tossup: Describe the yearly schedule of the Herring fishermen [June-Dec.: fishing; Dec-June: Getting salt] Tossup: Where did they get salt? [Bay of Biscay & off Portug. Coast] 2) WHAT CYCLE-> GROWING PROSPERITY FOR DUTCH? [Make $<->Invest] 3) WHAT AREAS DID DUTCH SUCCESSIVELY GET INVOLVED IN? [Baltic-> Mediterranean->W. Indies-> Africa-> E. Indies] Tossup: What was Baltic trade referred to as? [Mother Trade] Tossup: What did the stock market start off as? [Trading livestock]
REVIEWBOWL ON THE 1600'S DUTCH REPUBLIC 1) GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS AFFECTING HOLLAND? [Good position for trade; few resouces-> resourceful traders; low lands-> drainage engineers] Tossup: What were Dutch fishing ships called? [Buses] Tossup: Describe the yearly schedule of the Herring fishermen [June-Dec.: fishing; Dec-June: Getting salt] Tossup: Where did they get salt? [Bay of Biscay & off Portug. Coast] 2) WHAT CYCLE-> GROWING PROSPERITY FOR DUTCH? [Make $<->Invest] 3) WHAT AREAS DID DUTCH SUCCESSIVELY GET INVOLVED IN? [Baltic-> Mediterranean->W. Indies-> Africa-> E. Indies] Tossup: What was Baltic trade referred to as? [Mother Trade] Tossup: What did the stock market start off as? [Trading livestock] Tossup: Amsterdam's nickname & why?
REVIEWBOWL ON THE 1600'S DUTCH REPUBLIC 1) GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS AFFECTING HOLLAND? [Good position for trade; few resouces-> resourceful traders; low lands-> drainage engineers] Tossup: What were Dutch fishing ships called? [Buses] Tossup: Describe the yearly schedule of the Herring fishermen [June-Dec.: fishing; Dec-June: Getting salt] Tossup: Where did they get salt? [Bay of Biscay & off Portug. Coast] 2) WHAT CYCLE-> GROWING PROSPERITY FOR DUTCH? [Make $<->Invest] 3) WHAT AREAS DID DUTCH SUCCESSIVELY GET INVOLVED IN? [Baltic-> Mediterranean->W. Indies-> Africa-> E. Indies] Tossup: What was Baltic trade referred to as? [Mother Trade] Tossup: What did the stock market start off as? [Trading livestock] Tossup: Amsterdam's nickname & why? [Venice of the North; lots of canals]
REVIEWBOWL ON THE 1600'S DUTCH REPUBLIC 1) GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS AFFECTING HOLLAND? [Good position for trade; few resouces-> resourceful traders; low lands-> drainage engineers] Tossup: What were Dutch fishing ships called? [Buses] Tossup: Describe the yearly schedule of the Herring fishermen [June-Dec.: fishing; Dec-June: Getting salt] Tossup: Where did they get salt? [Bay of Biscay & off Portug. Coast] 2) WHAT CYCLE-> GROWING PROSPERITY FOR DUTCH? [Make $<->Invest] 3) WHAT AREAS DID DUTCH SUCCESSIVELY GET INVOLVED IN? [Baltic-> Mediterranean->W. Indies-> Africa-> E. Indies] Tossup: What was Baltic trade referred to as? [Mother Trade] Tossup: What did the stock market start off as? [Trading livestock] Tossup: Amsterdam's nickname & why? [Venice of the North; lots of canals] Tossup: Why did beams project from Dutch houses?
REVIEWBOWL ON THE 1600'S DUTCH REPUBLIC 1) GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS AFFECTING HOLLAND? [Good position for trade; few resouces-> resourceful traders; low lands-> drainage engineers] Tossup: What were Dutch fishing ships called? [Buses] Tossup: Describe the yearly schedule of the Herring fishermen [June-Dec.: fishing; Dec-June: Getting salt] Tossup: Where did they get salt? [Bay of Biscay & off Portug. Coast] 2) WHAT CYCLE-> GROWING PROSPERITY FOR DUTCH? [Make $<->Invest] 3) WHAT AREAS DID DUTCH SUCCESSIVELY GET INVOLVED IN? [Baltic-> Mediterranean->W. Indies-> Africa-> E. Indies] Tossup: What was Baltic trade referred to as? [Mother Trade] Tossup: What did the stock market start off as? [Trading livestock] Tossup: Amsterdam's nickname & why? [Venice of the North; lots of canals] Tossup: Why did beams project from Dutch houses? [For hauling up big loads]
REVIEWBOWL ON THE 1600'S DUTCH REPUBLIC 1) GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS AFFECTING HOLLAND? [Good position for trade; few resouces-> resourceful traders; low lands-> drainage engineers] Tossup: What were Dutch fishing ships called? [Buses] Tossup: Describe the yearly schedule of the Herring fishermen [June-Dec.: fishing; Dec-June: Getting salt] Tossup: Where did they get salt? [Bay of Biscay & off Portug. Coast] 2) WHAT CYCLE-> GROWING PROSPERITY FOR DUTCH? [Make $<->Invest] 3) WHAT AREAS DID DUTCH SUCCESSIVELY GET INVOLVED IN? [Baltic-> Mediterranean->W. Indies-> Africa-> E. Indies] Tossup: What was Baltic trade referred to as? [Mother Trade] Tossup: What did the stock market start off as? [Trading livestock] Tossup: Amsterdam's nickname & why? [Venice of the North; lots of canals] Tossup: Why did beams project from Dutch houses? [For hauling up big loads] 4) NAME & DESCRIBE DUTCH MERCHANT SHIPS AND THEIR ADVANTAGES.
REVIEWBOWL ON THE 1600'S DUTCH REPUBLIC 1) GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS AFFECTING HOLLAND? [Good position for trade; few resouces-> resourceful traders; low lands-> drainage engineers] Tossup: What were Dutch fishing ships called? [Buses] Tossup: Describe the yearly schedule of the Herring fishermen [June-Dec.: fishing; Dec-June: Getting salt] Tossup: Where did they get salt? [Bay of Biscay & off Portug. Coast] 2) WHAT CYCLE-> GROWING PROSPERITY FOR DUTCH? [Make $<->Invest] 3) WHAT AREAS DID DUTCH SUCCESSIVELY GET INVOLVED IN? [Baltic-> Mediterranean->W. Indies-> Africa-> E. Indies] Tossup: What was Baltic trade referred to as? [Mother Trade] Tossup: What did the stock market start off as? [Trading livestock] Tossup: Amsterdam's nickname & why? [Venice of the North; lots of canals] Tossup: Why did beams project from Dutch houses? [For hauling up big loads] 4) NAME & DESCRIBE DUTCH MERCHANT SHIPS AND THEIR ADVANTAGES. [Fluyts; cheaper to build; no guns-> more cargo space; better rigging-> need fewer crew]
REVIEWBOWL ON THE 1600'S DUTCH REPUBLIC 1) GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS AFFECTING HOLLAND? [Good position for trade; few resouces-> resourceful traders; low lands-> drainage engineers] Tossup: What were Dutch fishing ships called? [Buses] Tossup: Describe the yearly schedule of the Herring fishermen [June-Dec.: fishing; Dec-June: Getting salt] Tossup: Where did they get salt? [Bay of Biscay & off Portug. Coast] 2) WHAT CYCLE-> GROWING PROSPERITY FOR DUTCH? [Make $<->Invest] 3) WHAT AREAS DID DUTCH SUCCESSIVELY GET INVOLVED IN? [Baltic-> Mediterranean->W. Indies-> Africa-> E. Indies] Tossup: What was Baltic trade referred to as? [Mother Trade] Tossup: What did the stock market start off as? [Trading livestock] Tossup: Amsterdam's nickname & why? [Venice of the North; lots of canals] Tossup: Why did beams project from Dutch houses? [For hauling up big loads] 4) NAME & DESCRIBE DUTCH MERCHANT SHIPS AND THEIR ADVANTAGES. [Fluyts; cheaper to build; no guns-> more cargo space; better rigging-> need fewer crew] Tossup: Significance of number 4/7?
REVIEWBOWL ON THE 1600'S DUTCH REPUBLIC 1) GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS AFFECTING HOLLAND? [Good position for trade; few resouces-> resourceful traders; low lands-> drainage engineers] Tossup: What were Dutch fishing ships called? [Buses] Tossup: Describe the yearly schedule of the Herring fishermen [June-Dec.: fishing; Dec-June: Getting salt] Tossup: Where did they get salt? [Bay of Biscay & off Portug. Coast] 2) WHAT CYCLE-> GROWING PROSPERITY FOR DUTCH? [Make $<->Invest] 3) WHAT AREAS DID DUTCH SUCCESSIVELY GET INVOLVED IN? [Baltic-> Mediterranean->W. Indies-> Africa-> E. Indies] Tossup: What was Baltic trade referred to as? [Mother Trade] Tossup: What did the stock market start off as? [Trading livestock] Tossup: Amsterdam's nickname & why? [Venice of the North; lots of canals] Tossup: Why did beams project from Dutch houses? [For hauling up big loads] 4) NAME & DESCRIBE DUTCH MERCHANT SHIPS AND THEIR ADVANTAGES. [Fluyts; cheaper to build; no guns-> more cargo space; better rigging-> need fewer crew] Tossup: Significance of number 4/7? [Cost of bldg fluyt vs. other ships]
REVIEWBOWL ON THE 1600'S DUTCH REPUBLIC 1) GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS AFFECTING HOLLAND? [Good position for trade; few resouces-> resourceful traders; low lands-> drainage engineers] Tossup: What were Dutch fishing ships called? [Buses] Tossup: Describe the yearly schedule of the Herring fishermen [June-Dec.: fishing; Dec-June: Getting salt] Tossup: Where did they get salt? [Bay of Biscay & off Portug. Coast] 2) WHAT CYCLE-> GROWING PROSPERITY FOR DUTCH? [Make $<->Invest] 3) WHAT AREAS DID DUTCH SUCCESSIVELY GET INVOLVED IN? [Baltic-> Mediterranean->W. Indies-> Africa-> E. Indies] Tossup: What was Baltic trade referred to as? [Mother Trade] Tossup: What did the stock market start off as? [Trading livestock] Tossup: Amsterdam's nickname & why? [Venice of the North; lots of canals] Tossup: Why did beams project from Dutch houses? [For hauling up big loads] 4) NAME & DESCRIBE DUTCH MERCHANT SHIPS AND THEIR ADVANTAGES. [Fluyts; cheaper to build; no guns-> more cargo space; better rigging-> need fewer crew] Tossup: Significance of number 4/7? [Cost of bldg fluyt vs. other ships] Tossup: What was interesting about naval battle b/w. Den. & Sweden?
REVIEWBOWL ON THE 1600'S DUTCH REPUBLIC 1) GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS AFFECTING HOLLAND? [Good position for trade; few resouces-> resourceful traders; low lands-> drainage engineers] Tossup: What were Dutch fishing ships called? [Buses] Tossup: Describe the yearly schedule of the Herring fishermen [June-Dec.: fishing; Dec-June: Getting salt] Tossup: Where did they get salt? [Bay of Biscay & off Portug. Coast] 2) WHAT CYCLE-> GROWING PROSPERITY FOR DUTCH? [Make $<->Invest] 3) WHAT AREAS DID DUTCH SUCCESSIVELY GET INVOLVED IN? [Baltic-> Mediterranean->W. Indies-> Africa-> E. Indies] Tossup: What was Baltic trade referred to as? [Mother Trade] Tossup: What did the stock market start off as? [Trading livestock] Tossup: Amsterdam's nickname & why? [Venice of the North; lots of canals] Tossup: Why did beams project from Dutch houses? [For hauling up big loads] 4) NAME & DESCRIBE DUTCH MERCHANT SHIPS AND THEIR ADVANTAGES. [Fluyts; cheaper to build; no guns-> more cargo space; better rigging-> need fewer crew] Tossup: Significance of number 4/7? [Cost of bldg fluyt vs. other ships] Tossup: What was interesting about naval battle b/w. Den. & Sweden? [Both sides had ships built by the Dutch]
REVIEWBOWL ON THE 1600'S DUTCH REPUBLIC 1) GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS AFFECTING HOLLAND? [Good position for trade; few resouces-> resourceful traders; low lands-> drainage engineers] Tossup: What were Dutch fishing ships called? [Buses] Tossup: Describe the yearly schedule of the Herring fishermen [June-Dec.: fishing; Dec-June: Getting salt] Tossup: Where did they get salt? [Bay of Biscay & off Portug. Coast] 2) WHAT CYCLE-> GROWING PROSPERITY FOR DUTCH? [Make $<->Invest] 3) WHAT AREAS DID DUTCH SUCCESSIVELY GET INVOLVED IN? [Baltic-> Mediterranean->W. Indies-> Africa-> E. Indies] Tossup: What was Baltic trade referred to as? [Mother Trade] Tossup: What did the stock market start off as? [Trading livestock] Tossup: Amsterdam's nickname & why? [Venice of the North; lots of canals] Tossup: Why did beams project from Dutch houses? [For hauling up big loads] 4) NAME & DESCRIBE DUTCH MERCHANT SHIPS AND THEIR ADVANTAGES. [Fluyts; cheaper to build; no guns-> more cargo space; better rigging-> need fewer crew] Tossup: Significance of number 4/7? [Cost of bldg fluyt vs. other ships] Tossup: What was interesting about naval battle b/w. Den. & Sweden? [Both sides had ships built by the Dutch] Tossup: Who were Tromp & de Ruyter?
REVIEWBOWL ON THE 1600'S DUTCH REPUBLIC 1) GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS AFFECTING HOLLAND? [Good position for trade; few resouces-> resourceful traders; low lands-> drainage engineers] Tossup: What were Dutch fishing ships called? [Buses] Tossup: Describe the yearly schedule of the Herring fishermen [June-Dec.: fishing; Dec-June: Getting salt] Tossup: Where did they get salt? [Bay of Biscay & off Portug. Coast] 2) WHAT CYCLE-> GROWING PROSPERITY FOR DUTCH? [Make $<->Invest] 3) WHAT AREAS DID DUTCH SUCCESSIVELY GET INVOLVED IN? [Baltic-> Mediterranean->W. Indies-> Africa-> E. Indies] Tossup: What was Baltic trade referred to as? [Mother Trade] Tossup: What did the stock market start off as? [Trading livestock] Tossup: Amsterdam's nickname & why? [Venice of the North; lots of canals] Tossup: Why did beams project from Dutch houses? [For hauling up big loads] 4) NAME & DESCRIBE DUTCH MERCHANT SHIPS AND THEIR ADVANTAGES. [Fluyts; cheaper to build; no guns-> more cargo space; better rigging-> need fewer crew] Tossup: Significance of number 4/7? [Cost of bldg fluyt vs. other ships] Tossup: What was interesting about naval battle b/w. Den. & Sweden? [Both sides had ships built by the Dutch] Tossup: Who were Tromp & de Ruyter? Dutch admirals
REVIEWBOWL ON THE 1600'S DUTCH REPUBLIC 1) GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS AFFECTING HOLLAND? [Good position for trade; few resouces-> resourceful traders; low lands-> drainage engineers] Tossup: What were Dutch fishing ships called? [Buses] Tossup: Describe the yearly schedule of the Herring fishermen [June-Dec.: fishing; Dec-June: Getting salt] Tossup: Where did they get salt? [Bay of Biscay & off Portug. Coast] 2) WHAT CYCLE-> GROWING PROSPERITY FOR DUTCH? [Make $<->Invest] 3) WHAT AREAS DID DUTCH SUCCESSIVELY GET INVOLVED IN? [Baltic-> Mediterranean->W. Indies-> Africa-> E. Indies] Tossup: What was Baltic trade referred to as? [Mother Trade] Tossup: What did the stock market start off as? [Trading livestock] Tossup: Amsterdam's nickname & why? [Venice of the North; lots of canals] Tossup: Why did beams project from Dutch houses? [For hauling up big loads] 4) NAME & DESCRIBE DUTCH MERCHANT SHIPS AND THEIR ADVANTAGES. [Fluyts; cheaper to build; no guns-> more cargo space; better rigging-> need fewer crew] Tossup: Significance of number 4/7? [Cost of bldg fluyt vs. other ships] Tossup: What was interesting about naval battle b/w. Den. & Sweden? [Both sides had ships built by the Dutch] Tossup: Who were Tromp & de Ruyter? Dutch admirals Tossup: Why was 1 Dutch captain supposedly willing to sail into Hell?
REVIEWBOWL ON THE 1600'S DUTCH REPUBLIC 1) GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS AFFECTING HOLLAND? [Good position for trade; few resouces-> resourceful traders; low lands-> drainage engineers] Tossup: What were Dutch fishing ships called? [Buses] Tossup: Describe the yearly schedule of the Herring fishermen [June-Dec.: fishing; Dec-June: Getting salt] Tossup: Where did they get salt? [Bay of Biscay & off Portug. Coast] 2) WHAT CYCLE-> GROWING PROSPERITY FOR DUTCH? [Make $<->Invest] 3) WHAT AREAS DID DUTCH SUCCESSIVELY GET INVOLVED IN? [Baltic-> Mediterranean->W. Indies-> Africa-> E. Indies] Tossup: What was Baltic trade referred to as? [Mother Trade] Tossup: What did the stock market start off as? [Trading livestock] Tossup: Amsterdam's nickname & why? [Venice of the North; lots of canals] Tossup: Why did beams project from Dutch houses? [For hauling up big loads] 4) NAME & DESCRIBE DUTCH MERCHANT SHIPS AND THEIR ADVANTAGES. [Fluyts; cheaper to build; no guns-> more cargo space; better rigging-> need fewer crew] Tossup: Significance of number 4/7? [Cost of bldg fluyt vs. other ships] Tossup: What was interesting about naval battle b/w. Den. & Sweden? [Both sides had ships built by the Dutch] Tossup: Who were Tromp & de Ruyter? Dutch admirals Tossup: Why was 1 Dutch captain supposedly willing to sail into Hell? Profit
What man-made landform is illustrated here and how was it made? Poulders; draining the area of water
What are these men doing? Dredging a river of silt
What kind of flower is this and why was it important? Tulip; there was a massive speculative market for them in 1630s
What was this area called and what went on there? Bourse; business deals
Name the artist of this painting. What is she doing? Jan Vermeer; weighing a pearl
What holiday is being represented here? St. Nicholas’ Day, December 5
Name of this painting & the artist The Laughing Cavalier by Franz Hals
Name this town and the artist who painted it. Supposedly how good is this painting? Explain. Delft; Jan Vermeer; 2nd greatest painting by anyone ever as judged by a panel of art historians.
What bit of social history is shown here? How teenage girls who worked as domestic servants in rich homes were vulnerable to sexual harassment.
Name the artist and the Biblical scene being depicted here. Return of the Prodigal Son by Rembrandt
What problem with Rembrandt’s Nightwatch as it now exists does this later copy show? How people would cut off part of a painting so it fit on their walls