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The Bible an Educator. As an educator, the Holy Scriptures are without a rival .— CT 52.2. The Word of God is the most perfect educational book in our world.—Sp. Test., 19.
As an educator, the Holy Scriptures are without a rival.—CT 52.2
The Word of God is the most perfect educational book in our world.—Sp. Test., 19
The word of God is to stand as the highest educating book in our world, and is to be treated with reverential awe.—Sp. Test. 233
If used as a textbook in our schools, it will be found far more effective than any other book in the world.—C. Ed. 108
The field containing the treasure represents the word of God. As the treasure was found in this field, so by earnest searching, treasure is found in the Scriptures. The Bible is God's great lesson book, his great educator. All true science is contained in the Bible. Every branch of knowledge may be found by searching the word of God. But few are true Bible students. Few understand that it contains instruction not only in spiritual matters, but in all branches of knowledge.—RH, July 3, 1900 par. 4
The Bible is the great educator; for it is not possible prayerfully to study its sacred pages without having the intellect disciplined, ennobled, purified, and refined. "Thus saith the Lord, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: but let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandethand knowethme”—CE 103.1
Do not allow other studies to occupy the largest portion of the time and the Bible the less. I have had presented before me that there is only a limited time given to the perusal of the Word of God. The Bible study is not to be the least but the greatest. It is to take the place of reading books and from the Word are to be presented lessons that shall crowd out as much as possible other books. The Lord's words and lessons are those which all the students recently attending school need above everything else. I write because I know that the Bible studies are not amply given, and the Lord will not sanction this. The Bible is our educator, our studybook. Please bear this in mind. It is not to be a book among books, but the Book of all books to educate. The mind must be impressed, and this must be the main study.—8MR 287.1
Let it be understood at the beginning that the Bible lies at the foundation of all education.—CT 206.3
The teachers in our schools have great respect for authors and books that are current in most of our educational institutions. All heaven has been looking upon our institutions of learning, and asking you, What is the chaff to the wheat? The Lord has given us the most precious instructions in His word, teaching us what characters we must form in this life to prepare us for the future, immortal life. It has been the custom to exalt books and authors that do not present the proper foundation for true education. From what source did these authors obtain their wisdom, a large share of which does not deserve our respect, even if the authors are regarded as being wise men? Have they taken their lessons from the greatest Teacher that the world ever knew? If not, they are decidedly in the fault. Those who are preparing for the heavenly abodes should be recommended to make the Bible their chief book of study.—FE 381.1