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Argumentation Skills-1 . What's the Point of Arguing? . Not stating prejudices in a new form. Not disputation . An argument is not simply a statement of certain views , and it is not simply a dispute .
What's the Point of Arguing? • Not stating prejudices in a new form. • Not disputation. • An argument is notsimply a statement of certainviews, and it is notsimply a dispute. • " Togive an argument" meanstooffer a set of reasonsorevidencesin support of a conclusion. • Argumentsareattemptstosupportcertainviewswithreasons.
Why arguments are essential ? • Inquiry: A way of trying to find out which views are better than others. • Defend/Explain: Once onearrived at a conclusion that is well-supported by reasons, argument is how we explain and defend it.
Understanding Argumentative Essays • At Highschool: Learning fairlyclear-cutanduncontroversialsubjects. Papersonlyneedtoreportthem. • At Yaşar University: Theissuesareoftennotsoclear-cutandcertain. Requirestudentstoquestiontheirbeliefsandtoworkoutanddefendtheirownviews.Askedtolearntothinkforthemselves, to form theirownviewsin an orderlyway. Theabilitytodefendviewsis a measure of thatskill, andthat is whyargumentativeessaysaresoimportant.
Composing a Short Argument- Some General Rules 1)Distinguish premises ( önkabul/ varsayım) and conclusion: Theconclusion is thestatementforwhichyougivereasons. Thestatementswhichgiveyourreasonsare ‘premises’. 2) Present your ideas in a natural order: Eachclaimshouldleadnaturallytothenext. 3) Start from reliable premises: No matter how wellyouarguefrompremisestoyourconclusion, it will be weakifyourpremisesareweak.
4) Be concrete and concise; Avoidabstract, vague, general terms. 5)Avoid loaded language: Do not makeyourargumentlookgoodbydemonizingtheoppositingside. Bewarevalue-laden wording. 6) Stick to one meaning for each term: Sexesarethe ‘equal’ sothelawshould not pretendthatweare ‘equal’. 7) Use consistent terms: Stick to a single set of terms to have connection between premises.
Arguments by Example (in support for generalization) 8)Give more than one example: A singleexampleoffersnosupportforgeneralization.Could be atypicalcase. 9) Use representative examples: Even a largenumbermaymisrepresentthe set beinggeneralized. Sampling is thekey.
ArgumentsfromAuthority (sometimesrisky !) 13) Sourcesshould be cited: 1) Reliability 2) Allowthereadertofind on her/his own 14) Seekinformedsources: Must be qualifiedtomakethestatementstheymake. 15) Personal attacks do not disqualify a source: Not necessarly fit our general sterotype of ‘an authority’.
16)Authoritieson onesubjectarenotnecessarilyinformed on everysubject.
16) Cross-checksources Beforeyouquoteanypersonororganization as an authority, youshouldchecktomake sure thatotherequallyqualified/impartialauthoritiesagree. Meaning do not soleyrely on governmentalsources !!!
ArgumentsaboutCauses To be continued