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TAMU/Regina LHC Tau Study

TAMU/Regina LHC Tau Study. Suggested study for tau reconstruction/ID Obtained by Abram Krislock, Alfredo Gurrola, and Paul Simeon (TAMU students); Nikolay Kolev (postdoc; Regina, Canada) Based on PYTHIA Z  t h t h events with PGS4. Tau in a Small Cone (10 deg or less). t.

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TAMU/Regina LHC Tau Study

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  1. TAMU/Regina LHC Tau Study • Suggested study for tau reconstruction/ID • Obtained by Abram Krislock, Alfredo Gurrola, and Paul Simeon (TAMU students); Nikolay Kolev (postdoc; Regina, Canada) • Based on PYTHIA Zththevents with PGS4 TAMU/Regina LHC Tau Study

  2. Tau in a Small Cone (10 deg or less) t Remember a CDF-like tau signal ID 10 deg. cone for low energy tau and smaller when higher 30 deg. cone UE tracks are uniformly distributed in h-f plane. How often are those tracks seen in the signal cone? And isolation cone? We show a preliminary result. TAMU/Regina LHC Tau Study

  3. UE Tracks (all h) 10 deg = 175 mrad 2.8 deg = 50 mrad 10 deg 10 deg RECAP: tau signal cone … PGS4/PYTHIA Z tt Dq(tracks; pT > 1 GeV) around t The UE tracks are uniformly distributed in h-f plane. The same probability of seeing the UE events in DR = 0.4 (for example). How often does the 30-deg cone see the UE tracks? UE in Z tt TAMU/Regina LHC Tau Study Evisiblet (GeV)

  4. RECAP: DR = 0.4 Cone Size 10 deg = 175 mrad 2.8 deg = 50 mrad h = 0.0 q = 22.3o h = 2.0 q = 7.4o q = 5.0o TAMU/Regina LHC Tau Study

  5. UE tracks(pT > 1 GeV) ath = 0, 1, 2 h = 0 h = 1 20 GeV Dq(tracks; pT > 1 GeV) around t How often are taus rejected because of the UE tracks? q = 30o h = 2 Shrinking isolation cone??? 40 GeV TAMU/Regina LHC Tau Study Evisiblet (GeV)

  6. TauAcceptance … 20 GeV 40 GeV h = 0 Fraction of tau’s with a)Ntrack = 0 or 1 (pT>1 GeV) in the signal (shrinking) cone; b) Ntrack = 0 (pT>1 GeV) in the isolation (shrinking) cone h = 1 ~96% w/o UE tracks h = 2 ~60% w UE tracks TAMU/Regina LHC Tau Study Evisiblet (GeV)

  7. 30 GeV Jet at h = 0 Illustrative purpose Dqshrinking(signal) =10o for 30 GeV t Dqshrinking(signal) =2o for 100 GeV t DRjet= 0.4 h Dq =22.5o Dq =22.5o h = -0.55 q = 120o h = -0.4 q = 122.5o h = 0 q = 90o h = 0.4 q = 67.5o h = 0.55 q = 60o Dq = 30o TAMU/Regina LHC Tau Study

  8. 30 GeV Jet at h = 2 Illustrative purpose Dqshrinking(signal) =10o for 30 GeV t Dqshrinking(signal) =2o for 100 GeV t DRjet= 0.4 h Dq =7.4o Dq =5.0o h = 1.51 q = 25o h = 1.6 q = 22.8o h = 2 q = 15.4o h = 2.4 q = 10.4o h = 3.13 q = 5o TAMU/Regina LHC Tau Study

  9. Summary • Proposal: Shrinking isolation cone(?) to minimize the UE effect. TAMU/Regina LHC Tau Study

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