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La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA. Objetivos : Ofrecer un marco de discusión a la comunidad interesada en la explotación científica de Gaia (REG - GREAT) a cerca de las necesidades de observaciones complementarias a poder llevar a cabo con ICTS españolas.
La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA Objetivos: Ofrecer un marco de discusión a la comunidad interesada en la explotación científica de Gaia (REG - GREAT) a cerca de las necesidades de observaciones complementarias a poder llevar a cabo con ICTS españolas. La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012
Eje de rotación (6 h), precesión (63 día) Dos telescopios: espejos primarios de 1.45 0.50 m2 Monitor del ángulo de base Estructura toroïdal de SiC Plano focal combinado 2 FoV, con 106 CCD Bipods Radial-Velocity Spectrograph (RVS) Superposición de los dos FoV Figure courtesy EADS Astrium La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012
All 10 mirrors integrated on the optical bench Alignment of the two telescopes in progress, tolerance 3 mm La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012
Red Photometer CCDs Red Photometer CCDs Blue Photometer CCDs Blue Photometer CCDs Focal plane 106 CCD, 938 milions of pixels, 2800 cm2 2 2 104,26cm 42,35cm Radial Velocity Radial Velocity Spectrometer CCDs Spectrometer CCDs Detection Astrometry Spectrophotometry Spectroscopy Image motion La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012
Focal Plane Assembly Completion of mechanical and thermal tests; delivery for integration in the PLM La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012
Summary of status • Industrial development is overall good: no major issues unresolved • Completion of the FPA mechanical tests and thermal tests • Completion of the alignment of the two telescopes • Launch in 2013 • Data processing preparation is in good health • GSIR successful • end-to-end tests ongoing • First steps for CU9: GAP, GENIUS • Scientific exploitation • Data releases scenario established • GREAT & REG: meetings, exchange of visits, ESRs FP7 • Additional spectroscopic survey: Gaia-ESO • Contribution to the scientific case of WEAVE La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012
Data release scenario (I) La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012
Data release scenario (II) + early releases of transient sources and Near Earth Objects to IMMCE La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012
Gaia capabilities • Positions, proper motions and parallaxes for 1 billion stars (G < 20) • Low resolution spectrophotometry for 1 billion stars, allowing estimations of Teff, logg, Av and [Fe/H] • Radial velocities for 150 million stars (GRVS < 17) • Atmospheric parameters, reddening and rotational velocities for 5 million stars (GRVS < 12) • Detailed chemical abundances for 2 million stars (GRVS < 11) • …but is going to need some help • ~90% of stars without radial velocities • > 90% without accurate chemical composition • additional characterization, time sampling La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012
On-ground observations • Data processing and mission operations • Science exploitation: ongoing projects • Science exploitation: future projects La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012
1. Data processing and mission operations (I) • DPAC, data processing GBOG was set up in 2006 • spectrophotometric standards (CAFOS@2.2, DOLORES@TNG) • long-term variability monitoring until 2014, ~200 SPSS, V<14, small telescopes • 1420 radial velocity standards: stability at 300 m/s • variability monitoring until 2018 (1 additional measurement, ~70 nights) • training data sets (stellar parameterization, asteroid taxonomy DOLORES@TNG) • reference frame (alignment with VLBI, morphology of QSO) La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012
1. Data processing and mission operations (II) • DPAC, data processing • Support networks: • Gaia-FUN-SSO, a Gaia Follow-Up Network for the Solar System Objects • GBOT: Optical tracking • Verification of science alerts (first months of mission) • Shall small/medium telescopes become involved ? • Strategic decision by the managers of ICTS • DPAC, data validation still open if auxiliary observations are needed La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012
2. Science exploitation • Gaia science is unique, very wide and even unexpected • Complementary observations to reinforce the scientific return: photometry and spectroscopy • in many cases multi-epoch observations • optic, NIR, IR • Rather different needs depending on the science topic • ongoing projects (surveys or specific objects) • projects for the future • preparing for Gaia data, and • when Gaia data will be available • (see all talks) La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012
Requirements and recommendations • R=5000: for completion of the 6D phase space information for stars with 16 < G < 20 • 5·106 stars; 2-3 km/s vrad; 0.2 dex [Fe/H] • R=20.000 spectroscopy for metal-poor disk and halo stars, dwarfs and giants, stars in nearby dwarf galaxies (large distances with 4m telescopes) and the bulge • 5·104 stars + 5·104 stars ; 1-2 km/s vrad; 0.1 dex [Fe/H]; a/Fe • R=40.000-60.000 multi-fibre and perhaps single slit spectroscopy of selected populations of metal-rich stars, e.g. disk and outer bulge (4-8m telescope) • 2·105 stars; < 0.05 dex [Fe/H]; a/Fe; r-s processes • Optical + IR La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012
La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012
2. Science exploitation: ongoing projects • GES: Gaia ESO spectroscopic survey (FLAMES@VLT) • ~300 people,300 nights in 5 years, field stars + open clusters • >105 Giraffe spectra (R ~ 16,000 - 25,000) • >104 UVES spectra (R ~ 47,000) The counterpart in the Northern hemisphere absolutely needed There is no suitable multi-object spectrograph available Meanwhile, CAFE@2.2m+FIES@NOT (on object-by-object basis: RC in OC) Future: WEAVE (and others) ? La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012
2. Science exploitation: ongoing projects • Stellar characterization: massive, FGK, low-mass stars • massive stars • GOSSS, OWN, IACOB, NoMaDS, IACOB-sweG, CAFE-beans: LR,IR,HR + imaging Astralux • FIES@NOT, HERMES@Mercator, …. • FGK stars (age, chromospheric activity, vsini, …) • R ~40000 – 80000 échelle spectra • Low-mass stars • Radial velocity: CAFÉ, HARPS-N, GIANO, CARMENES, … • Transit: SuperWASP+, LCOGT, SONG, XO, Master La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012
2. Science exploitation: ongoing projects • Characterization of galactic structures: arms, moving groups • Cygnus arm through open clusters • photometry (1-2m telescopes at CAHA+ORM) • spectroscopy (NOT, WHT, INT, Haute-Provence) • Moving groups through age, chromospheric activity, chemical composition of FGK stars • R ~40000 – 80000 échelle spectra • Star forming regions • modern wide field images in IR proper motions • Obscured massive clusters • multiplexing in the NIR at moderate resolution R=10 000 - 20 000 La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012
2. Science exploitation: ongoing projects • Characterization of solar system objects • Shapes, orientations and albedos • photometry at given phases • complete light curves with photometry • Taxonomy • UV spectroscopy DOLORES@TNG • there is a coordination with SSO network: • how can we guarantee the commitment with the network, if needed ? La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012
3. Science exploitation: Future projects during Gaia operations • Follow-up of alerts (transients + SSOs) • Quick reaction from Spanish ICTS? • more than 34 European Observatories in the list • Spanish research groups not identified during the meeting • Shall small/medium telescopes become involved ? • Strategic decision by the managers of ICTS • a significant number of time for a valid contribution La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012
3. Science exploitation: Future projects • GES-like in the North • Characterization of outliers (UaC leading the processing in DPAC) • 5% of sources, grouped into families • Photometry, intermediate and high resolution spectroscopy • Characterization of ultra faint dwarf galaxies • Deep colour-magnitude diagram (V,I) for stellar population synthesis • MOS • Characterization of kinematic groups • Mid & High resolution spect for age and detailed chemical composition • R ~20000, 40000 – 80000 • Characterization of NEAs, NEOs, asteroids • photometry and UV spectroscopy La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012
Discussion (I) • To distinguish among existing and future facilities • spectroscopy (no multiplexing available) • FIES@NOT, CAFE@CAHA, HARPS-N at TNG, HERMES@MERCATOR • limiting magnitude V~12 • clear support to WEAVE • needs for R>40,000 for faint stars identified • MIRADAS, MEGARA, HEXA, HORUS • Current ongoing projects are been granted by TACs, but surveys need large projects • could ORM have guarantee time as CAHA ? • Number of nights/yr (50 in CAHA: is it enough ?) • Remember: a large survey reduce costs to the ICTS La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012
Discussion (II) • The need to prepare well defined projects for the next 5-10 years was identified • Spanish groups could join in bigger groups copying GBOG philosophy: • a set of well defined projects (number of nights, instruments, …) • a common interest identified • it could be the interface with the managers of RIA/ICTS • Follow-up observations post-Gaia releases • REG community should precisely define projects • Ensure that the instrumentation needed will be available at that time • GES-North has to wait WEAVE (and others) La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012
Discussion (III) • ICTS in “danger” or unclear situation • NOT, Stella, 2.2mCAHA • could Gaia community / “Gaia science case” help on this issue ? • yes, look for European projects • German-Spain for CAHA • Sweden-Spain for NOT • 2.2m CAHA could change its regime • Could a well defined “Gaia Science Case” be elaborated by the Spanish-German communities in the next months ? • Commitments by the Scientific Community: data public & reduced in one-year (like GES-ESO), common pipe-lines, shared tools • A “letter of support” is needed / desirable ? does REG wish to do it ? La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012
Actions on us • Articulate a group of discussion within REG for: • Reinforce coordination of current applications related with ongoing projects • Definition and coordination of future mid- and long-term projects • a GBOG-like effort (for the next 5-10 years) • Support to the several instruments under development or in different levels of study (establishment of priorities ?) • WEAVE Spanish group (both scientific and strategic roadmap) • Identification of instrumentation available for post-Gaia observations • (beyond 2022) • Convenience of defining a “Gaia on-ground observations road map”, accounting for different scenarios • ICTS in “danger” or unclear situation (letters of support) La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012
Contribution to next discussion • Prepare well defined projects • ICTS in “danger” or unclear situation (letters of support) • Long-term projects / Legacy projects • CAHA 50 nights, enough ? • which telescopes/instruments at ORM, OT, … • Is there interest if Spanish ICTS to become part of Gaia-networks ? (mission preparation and follow-up of transients and SSOs) La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012 26/22
La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012
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Gaia capabilities • Positions, proper motions and parallaxes for 1 billion stars (G < 20) • Low resolution spectrophotometry for 1 billion stars, allowing estimations of Teff, logg, Av and [Fe/H] • Radial velocities for 150 million stars (GRVS < 17) • Atmospheric parameters, reddening and rotational velocities for 5 million stars (GRVS < 12) • Detailed chemical abundances for 2 million stars (GRVS < 11) La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012 29/22
RVS design • R = 11500 GRVS < 10 • binning by 3 pixels GRVS > 10 • range 847-874 nm 27 nm La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012
Requirements and recommendations ASTRONET: “It is crucial to supplement the Gaia data-set with dedicated ground-based spectroscopic programmes, in order to obtain the radial velocity and detailed chemical abundances for fainter stars” La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012
Current and future instrumentation • Gaia-ESO survey: 100.000 stars and 100 open clusters • UVES V < 16.5 GIRAFFE V < 19 • RAVE Ca II triplet 1 million stars • APOGEE 300 fibres R=20.000 giants with H<13.5 • HERMES 400 fibres R=30.000 FoV=2deg2 V<14 1 million stars • 4-MOST at NTT 1500 fibres FoV=3deg2 LR+HR • MOONS 500 fibres IR VLT -> inner disk and bulge • WEAVE at WHT 1000 fibres FoV=2deg2 LR+HR • LAMOST 4000 fibres FoV=5deg2 LR(+HR) La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012
Star density • latitude 0-5 deg 100,000 stars /deg2 G =< 20 • 5-10 80,000 • 10-20 31,000 • 20-30 11,000 • 30-90 3,800 open clusters, globular clusters, halo streams, dwarf satellites La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012
High-Res post-Gaia More spectroscopic observations of FGKs will be needed: Large number of stars Multi-object spectrographs (MOS) WHT - WEAVE GTC - MEGARA GTC - MIRADAS 6 m-CAHA –HEXA But R < 20000 High-Res spectrographs (1.2-2-4m tel) 2.2m – CAFE 3.5m - CARMENES NOT-FIES TNG-HARPS-N Mercator-HERMES • High-Res: But only V<10-12 La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012
High-Res post-Gaia More spectroscopic observations of FGKs will be needed: High-Res spectrographs (10mtel) GTC-HORUS ? • High-Res & faint stars: R = 40 - 80000 Large number of data Large dedicated program Queue observing mode Automatic pipelines North Spectroscopic survey La contribución de las ICTS españolas a la misión Gaia de ESA, 21-23 marzo 2012