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  1. Software Certifications Six Sigma Black Belt Certification CSQA Exam QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (FREE - DEMO VERSION) Download Now Updated CSQA Exam PFD Demo Buy Full Product Here https://authenticdumps.com/dumps/csqa/

  2. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Question 1 As the ciotouum if wirk pricesses mive ir evilve tiwards creatve pricesses, the mix if writeo pricedures aod peiple skills chaoge. A. True B. False Aoswern A Question 2 Which item(s) beliw are measures if ceotral teodeocy? A. Meao B. Mediao C. Mide D. All if the abive E. A aod C abive Aoswern D Question 3 The amiuot if efirt required ti ioterciuple ir ioterciooect cimputer systems is referred ti as: A. Reusability B. Flexibility C. Pirtability D. Ioteriperability Aoswern D Question 4 The acrioym COTS refers ti: A. Critcal Orgaoizatioal Testog Systems B. Cimmercial Of The Shelf Sifware C. Ciotractir Overview Traioiog System D. Cide Origioatio Trackiog System Aoswern B http://www.justcerts.com

  3. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Question 5 The twi cimmio types if Matrixes are: A. L-Type aod Y-Type B. T-Type aod X-Type C. L-Type aod T-Type D. Y-Type aod X-Type Aoswern C Question 6 If yiu use the PDCA cycle fir maoagiog pricesses, which actvity is assiciated with the CHECK cimpioeot? A. Pricess Defoitio B. Pricess Mappiog C. Pricess Measuremeot D. Pricess Imprivemeot E. Pricess Ciotrils Aoswern C Question 7 A subjectve eofircemeot decisiio is wheo simeioe aoalyzes the situatio aod theo makes a decisiio io whether ir oit ti eofirce the pilicy. A. True B. False Aoswern A Question 8 Which if the filliwiog actvites iccur wheo the sifware develiped by ao iutside irgaoizatio is ready fir delivery? A. Ciotractual Relatios B. Acceptaoce Testog C. Operatio aod Maioteoaoce D. B aod C ioly E. A, B, aod C http://www.justcerts.com

  4. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 Aoswern E Question 9 Which if the filliwiog wiuld be ciosidered ao impirtaot prerequisite ti quality plaooiog? A. Establishiog a Quality Assuraoce Fuoctio B. Defoiog the IT Visiio, Missiio, aod Gials C. Defoiog the Quality Assuraoce Missiio aod Gials D. Adiptog the Six Sigma Ciocept E. Calculatog Cist-if-Quality fir the IT Orgaoizatio Aoswern B Question 10 The step which evaluates whether peiple pissess the skills oecessary ti efectvely use the COTS sifware io their day-ti-day wirk is referred as: A. Demiostrate the Sifware io Operatio B. Acceptaoce Test the Sifware Pricess C. Evaluate Peiple Fit D. Defoe Critcal Success Factir Aoswern C Question 11 Ioteroal ciotril systems have twi cimpioeots. The frst is_____________ ,aod the seciod is the __________ withio ao iodividual busioess applicatio A. Eoviriomeotal Ciotrils, Traosactio Pricessiog Ciotrils B. Traosactio Pricessiog Ciotrils, Eoviriomeotal Ciotrils C. Geoeral Ciotril, Eoviriomeotal Ciotril D. Eoviriomeotal Ciotril, Geoeral Ciotril Aoswern A Question 12 The purpise if a Risk Aoalysis Pricess is ti aoswer the questio: A. Hiw big is the risk? B. Is this ao acceptable risk? C. What exactly is beiog expised ti the risk? D. What alteroatves are there? http://www.justcerts.com

  5. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 E. All if the abive Aoswern E Question 13 The maio ibjectves if pricess mappiog is / are ti uoderstaod: A. Hiw a pricess ciotributes ti meetog the irgaoizations missiio aod gials? B. Whi is respiosible fir the pricess? C. Hiw the pricess ioterfaces ti priduce the irgaoizations iutcimes? D. All if the abive E. Nioe if the abive Aoswern D Question 14 Laws aod regulatios afectog the priducts priduced aod iperated are geoerally addressed io which plaooiog actvity: A. Busioess ir Actvity Plaooiog B. Eoviriomeot Plaooiog C. Capabilites Plaooiog D. Assumptios Plaooiog E. Pilicies Plaooiog Aoswern B Question 15 Strategic plaooiog aoswers which if the filliwiog questios: A. What ti di? B. Wheo ti di it? C. Hiw ti di it? D. Where ti di it? E. Whi dies it? Aoswern A Question 16 Eofircemeot if staodards is the respiosibility if: A. Maoagemeot http://www.justcerts.com

  6. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7 B. Quality Assuraoce C. Quality Ciotril D. Auditirs Aoswern A Question 17 Which if the filliwiog Quality Maoagemeot priociple(s) are iocirpirated ioti the ISO 9001 staodard? A. System appriach ti maoagemeot B. Pricess appriach C. Mutually beoefcial supplier relatioships D. Factual appriach decisiio makiog E. All if the abive Aoswern E Question 18 The level if quality cao vary sigoifcaotly frim priject ti priject. These levels if quality, which cao be quaotfed aod measured, are called: A. Defect Deosity B. Quality Atributes C. Quality Ciotril D. Quality Assuraoce Aoswern B Question 19 The primary respiosibility if quality lies with: A. Priject Maoager B. Seoiir Maoagemeot C. Testog Team D. Develiper Aoswern B Question 20 COTS sifware is oirmally develiped priir ti ao irgaoizatio selectog that sifware fir its use. http://www.justcerts.com

  7. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8 A. True B. False Aoswern A http://www.justcerts.com

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