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Osteoarthritis is along with rheumatoid arthritis one of the two main forms of arthritis that is prevalent in today's society. It is a disease of the joints that affects the cartilage tissue, which prevents the joints from grinding together, with osteoarthritis the cartridge can break down. This means that the different bones in the joints come into contact with each other and gradually wear away causing damage and pain.
One mysterious but very common consequence of limb loss is the occurrence of "phantom pain," ranging from an odd sensation to sometimes severe pain seemingly coming from an arm or leg which is no longer there. The phenomenon has existed for as long as human beings have been surviving wounds involving amputation. Only recently has the medical community begun to understand the reasons behind this event Dangers of Skin Lightening Products
Once thought to be strictly a psychological problem, most doctors and researchers now believe that the pain is neurological in origin. It's possible that nerve cells in the brain adapt to the amputation by "rewiring" themselves to cope with the loss of the limb. The pain may be reflective of pain that existed in the limb prior to amputation, and may be a saved memory of the pain that is somehow triggered after the amputation. Other possible causes include blood clots which damage nerve cells, new growth of nerve cells at the site of the amputation, and poorly fitting prosthetic devices. Triggers can include changes in the barometric pressure, some kind of impact on the part of the limb remaining, even physical and emotional fatigue.
Treatment of phantom Blood Pressure Protocol pain can include medications ranging from mild to very strong to deal with the physical pain, medications aimed at dealing with accompanying mood disorders such as depression, and a number of physical treatments and coping techniques including nerve stimulation, biofeedback, and acupuncture. In cases where pain has existed in the affected individual's limb prior to amputation, giving medication to alleviate the pain before the limb is amputated actually lowers the incidence of post-amputation phantom pain. Also, applying certain pain medications such as Calcitonin or Ketamine directly after the amputation may prevent phantom pain from developing in the future. In severe cases, additional surgeries, either on the stump, the brain, or the spinal cord, may provide relief