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Ljerka Radoš, prof. Kabinet : novi dio zgrade, 2. kat desno Web stranica (efos, Nastavnici ...) OBAVIJESTI NA OGLASNIM PLOČAMA U HOLU !. Literatura:. Priručni materijal iz engleskog jezika - obavezan za vježbe Engleski 1 ( prvi semestar) => FOTOKOPI FAKS
Ljerka Radoš, prof. Kabinet : novi dio zgrade, 2. kat desno Web stranica (efos, Nastavnici ...) OBAVIJESTI NA OGLASNIM PLOČAMA U HOLU !
Literatura: Priručni materijal iz engleskog jezika - obavezan za vježbe Engleski 1 (prvi semestar) => FOTOKOPI FAKS 1. kolokvij 10.-20.11. - gramatika (nepravilni glagoli, vremena, pasiv) - SAMO JEDNOM ! Materijal (neobavezan) za vježbanje gramatike – isto mjesto 2. kolokvij - siječanj 2010 - riječi i tekstovi, itd. iz mat.
-Opći englesko-hrvatski rječnik • (Bujas, Filipović) • Englesko-engleski rječnik • - Online rječnici
Abbreviations (kratice) A – ei G – dзi: E – i: H – eidз I – ai J – dзei
n - noun v - verb adj - adjective adv - adverb
MD Managing Director (UK) also: doctor of medicine(after the name) CEO Chief Executive Officer (US) PRPublic Relations PA Personal Assistant transparency OHP => IT => ICT
R & D = R and D Research and Development HR Human Resources VAT Value Added Tax EIA Environmental Impact Assessment GDP Gross Domestic Product
e.g. (Lat. exempli gratia) for example i.e. (Lat. id est) that is to say etc. (Lat. et cetera) and so on a(.)k(.)a(.) – also known as = alias vs. – versus XY et al. - XY and others (authorship) XY i suradnici
MBA - Master of Business Administration master's degree in... – magisterij MA - Master of Arts MSc - Master of Science (Econ)
PhD /pi: eit∫ 'di:/ - svaki doktorat Doctor of Philosophy a.m. (00:00 – 12:00) 4 a.m. p.m. (12:00 – 24:00) 4 p.m.
Mrs Jim Wu Germany: Fräulein Frau XY
plc public limited company (UK) d.d. • Inc./Corp. incorporated /corporation (USA) • Ltd . limited d.o.o. economy vs. economics economic vs. economical Faculty of Economics
He is an executive in IBM Noun entre^pre^neur /פ:ntrə prə 'nə:(r)/ entrepreneur-ial (poduzetnički) entrepreneur- ship (poduzetništvo) senior managers => executives
NUMBERS number, digit, figure, amount, sum ... 4 hundredØ 35 thousandØ 500 millionØ S billionØ
Hundreds of students were in the hall. Thousands of birds flew... Billions of dollars are spent... 4 million pounds £ 4 m => $ 15 bn => 15 billion dollars
DECIMAL POINT 4.32 => four POINT three two (1–19 - one word - ok) 4.15 => four POINT fifteen COMMA Separates thousands. 1,500=> a /one thousand (and) five hundred UK US also: fifteen hundred 6,000,000 2,021 => two thousand and twenty-one
12,839 => twelve thousand eight hundred (and) thirty-nine 452,210 => Four hundred and fifty-two thousand two hundred and ten 8,391,000 => eight million three hundred and ninety-one thousand
YEARS, DATES When were you born? 1984- nikad točka; nije redni broj 1976 nineteen seventy-six In 1900 (nineteen hundred) In the year 2000 (two thousand) 2003 (two thousand and 3)
Dates: (UK) 26-Ø October 2003 (US)October 26-Ø, 2003 Ø – we say it, but we don't write in dates (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th)
FREQUENTLY CONFUSED WORDS policy ≠ politics (politicians) Pl. policies ≠ police staff = personnel ≠ ≠ stuff personal
oil – nafta vs. olive oil record (n) - ((sportski) rekord) - pl. spisi, akti, dokumenti - (profesionalna) prošlost osobe (povijest) record (v) - (za)bilježiti
account You have to take this into account. Account is taken of all the elements ... How do you account for this? I have a special savings account for this. Please debit my current account. He is an accountant. She works in Accounting. She is Account Manager.
plant - (biljka) - pogon, postrojenje Stock - dionica - zaliha - držati (na zalihi) mayor ≠ major
Supermarket- samoposluživanje to prove (v) - proof (n) improve (v) - improvement (n) approve (v) - approval (n) tax return – tax refund – povrat poreza poreznaprijava
vary (v) ≠ very ≠ wary (careful) He is rather wary about this. rapport ≠ report
subject to – dependent on sth else opći cilj overall objective→ Quality– kvaliteta + osobina withrespect to – što se tiče; kad je riječ o
naručiti, povjeriti posao to commission – soundbusiness practices ↓ zvuk - NE!zdrav/dobar/valjan…. be (un)likely to (n) rationale≠rational (adj) reasons and principles
v. … questiontheir claims → dovesti u pitanje, posumnjati u… Bankomat ? cash machine = cash dispenser = cashpoint (UK) ATM – automatic teller machine (US) …. your bosshas taken all thecreditfor…. -give (sb) credit (for sth) You could give him some creditfor all the effort he´s put in. → priznanje, pohvala
More on frequently confused words • U članku Lj. Radoš “Kako uspješno izlagati na međunarodnim skupovima” (Ekonomski vjesnik 1 i 2 (16) Osijek 2004 : iscrpan popis • Članak je i na mojoj web-stranici (pod poveznicom “Materijali” - Prezentacije)
INTERESTING VOCABULARY retailing – maloprodaja, trgovina na malo wholesaling (veleprodaja) sports( sportski sadržaji) facilities parking (mogućnosti parkiranja)
perform (v) – performance ( n) • V: ispuniti; izvršiti; obaviti • provođenje • radne karakteristike • izvedba, vršenje • performansa, rad (stroja)
performance analysis – analiza uspješnosti / učinka performance bonus – premija za postignute rezultate performance evaluation - ocjena rezultata rada
outsource -- outsourcing To arrange to have a job done by a co. outside your own organisation to contract out – (non-) core business activities
sophisticated equipment ( najmodernija; precizna, skupa i osjetljiva) zajam loan– -- shares/ stocks/ equities --bonds Securities listed companies (Stock Exchange)
COMPLEX NOMINAL GROUPS HN (customer service)competition competition in customer service HN city centre location (local community)projects
…all office, production and merchandising activities → office activities production activities & merchandising activities - uredske, proizvodne i prodajne aktivnosti - aktivnosti u uredima, proizvodnji i prodaji (low-level)(decision-making) → odlučivanje na nižoj razini
franchising franchisee franchisor franchise - agreement- fee … to contribute to the franchisor´s annual (advertising and marketing)costs.
an environmentally- friendly product → proizvod koji ne šteti okolišu/nije štetan za okoliš/ekološki prihvatljiv proizvod /blagonaklon prema okolišu environmentally-friendly policies --> politika koja štiti okoliš; ekološki osviještena politika
empower – give power encourage – give courage endanger – bring into danger make into a slave enslave – imprison – put sb in prison encode – put a message into a code enable – give the ability to do sth surround encircle –
regulate - deregulate contaminate - decontaminate colonize - decolonize form - deform stabilize - destabilize NOT : depression, determine, deserve, democracy
Nouns with no plural bread, luggage, publicity, traffic ... (as expected) Let me give you some advice Ø I can’t give you any information Ø We hope to gain new knowledge Ø equipment Ø , money Ø , travel Ø
News (singular)! What is the news? (*What are the news?) crew, staff, police Several police were injured (several police officers) Our staff is / are dissatisfied. How many crew are there on board ?
The Government (the management) is / are working hard. Her family is / are quite well-off.
be made up of (sastoji se od…) make up for (last time) I´ll make it up to you. You have to make up your mind.