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Hair Loss: Reasons and Symptoms

Most people often avoid hair loss by just hiding it or not treating it. They undertake this most vulnerable by not opting for the best hair loss treatment. But only some people take this issue seriously and look out for the best possible hair loss treatment. Many experts and specialists are providing exceptional hair treatment in Vashi.<br><br>https://www.slideshare.net/metamoreclinic/hair-loss-reasons-symptoms-and-diagnosis-pdf-255617069

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Hair Loss: Reasons and Symptoms

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hair Loss: Reasons and Symptoms

  2. About Us Most people often avoid hair loss by just hiding it or not treating it. They undertake this most vulnerable by not opting for the best hair loss treatment. But only some people take this issue seriously and look out for the best possible hair loss treatment. Many experts and specialists are providing exceptional hair treatment in Vashi.

  3. Some of The Common Reasons Causing Hair Loss in Men are:

  4. Hair loss can be because of genetic factors and hormones. You are more prone to hair loss and baldness if any of our family members or relatives have it. Hereditary Temporary Hair loss can be due to anaemia, Thyroid problem or a diet with low protein intake. Medicines that are prescribed for cancer, arthritis, depression, high blood pressure, heart problems can also cause hair loss. Medical Issues

  5. Hair loss can also occur due to excessive stress or shock. The infections such as Ringworm can also result in considerable hair loss. Stress and Infections Hair loss is also related to our immune system. It is noticed that people with a low immune system are more prone to baldness and hair loss. A genetic condition such as Alopecia Areata can also lead to hair loss. Immune System

  6. Some of the Common Symptoms of Hair Loss are:

  7. In men, the hair starts receding from the forehead and may begin to resemble the letter M. IT is one of the most common symptoms of Hair loss. Thinning of Hair Stress and emotional misbalance can cause you to loosen your hair. You may even experience a handful of hair coming out while combing or washing your hair. This causes overall hair loss and can considerably lower the volume of your hair. Loosening of Hair

  8. Patch or Circular Bald Spots In men, the hair starts receding from the forehead and may begin to resemble the letter M. IT is one of the most common symptoms of Hair loss. Stress and emotional misbalance can cause you to loosen your hair. You may even experience a handful of hair coming out while combing or washing your hair. This causes overall hair loss and can considerably lower the volume of your hair. Loosening of Hair

  9. Interested? Book Now Mumbai : 8976765661 Delhi : 9811809112123 Or visit our Clinic Mumbai Delhi www.metamorphosis-clinic.com

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