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PROPERTY ACCOUNTABILITY AND PHYSICAL SECURITY. HHD, Engineer Brigade. PROPERTY ACCOUNTABILITY AND PHYSICAL SECURITY. Purpose: to provide a refresher on property accountability and an awareness of Army physical security. Agenda. Government Property Accountability Equipment Sensitive Items

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  2. PROPERTY ACCOUNTABILITY AND PHYSICAL SECURITY • Purpose: to provide a refresher on property accountability and an awareness of Army physical security.

  3. Agenda • Government Property Accountability • Equipment • Sensitive Items • Weapons • Physical Security

  4. Government Property • OCIE • Your personal equipment • Unit/Section Equipment • Tentage, Radios, Vehicles, Anything Green • Vehicle BII • Driver or TC responsible for

  5. Accountability • Clothing Record (DA 3845 and Electronic) • Used for OCIE • Hand Receipt (DA 2062) • Used for equipment

  6. Sensitive Items • Cannot be lost • Report immediately to the chain of command if missing • Comsec equipment • Weapons • Certain Technology • SINCGARS • NBC Alarms, NVG’s

  7. Weapons • Individuals issued arms are responsible for their security at all times. • Each issued weapon will be carried on the person at all times. • Weapons will not be entrusted to the custody of another person. • Pistols will be secured with a lanyard. • AR 190-11

  8. Responsibility • You are responsible for all US Army equipment you sign for. • You can be charged for missing or damaged equipment. • If you lose it, report it! • A field loss can be investigated if reported immediately. You buy it on the showdown.

  9. Physical Security (Defined) “That part of security concerned with physical measures designed to safeguard personnel, to prevent unauthorized access to equipment, installations, material and documents, and to safeguard them against espionage, sabotage, damage, and theft.” AR 190-16

  10. What Does That Mean? • Physical security is meant to counter the threat during peace and war. • Threat can range from enemy forces to terrorists to civilian criminals or saboteurs.

  11. How to Practice Physical Security • Limit Access • Secure Equipment • Guards • Locks • Physical Barriers • Fences • Buildings

  12. Access • Military Installations (Armories) will have access control. • Installation Specific • Varies based on Threat.

  13. Conclusion • Secure equipment! • Remember – You signed for it, you own it. • Treat your weapon as if your life depends on it! • Limit access! “Should that person be here?”

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