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Perspectives on Grand Unification in View of Neutrino Mass. R. N. Mohapatra University of Maryland. S. Sakata and MNSP Neutrino Mixing matrix. - 1956-Sakata model (p, n, ) -led to SU(3) symmetry and to quark model -concept of weak isospin used in modern gauge theories.
Perspectives on Grand Unification in View of Neutrino Mass R. N. Mohapatra University of Maryland Theme Group 2
S. Sakata and MNSP Neutrino Mixing matrix • -1956-Sakata model (p, n, ) -led to SU(3) symmetry and to quark model • -concept of weak isospin used in modern gauge theories Theme Group 2
Baryon-Lepton Symmetry • Baryon-Lepton Symmetry-inspired by Sakata Model • Gamba, Marshak, Okubo (1959) • -Sakata called it ``Kiev Symmetry'‘ Theme Group 2
Isospin Unification and Electric Charge • GMO proposed generalized Gell-Mann-Nishijima Formula based on Baryon-Lepton Symmetry: Q = I + -``Baryon-Lepton Unification’’- Key ingredient of modern grand unified theories. Theme Group 2
From Sakata Model to Nagoya Model • 1960: Maki-Nakagawa-Ohnuki-Sakata propose composite model with B-matter: -Precursor of modern composite models; -1962: Brookhaven expt discovers second neutrino - Problem for Nagoya model. Theme Group 2
Birth of Neutrino Mixing Idea • To fit two neutrinos into Nagoya model, Maki, Nakagawa, Sakata introduce neutrino mixings: • true neutrino and weak neutrinos Theme Group 2
Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata-Pontecorvo Matrix • For 3 generation, Majorana neutrinos, MNSPmatrix is U = VK, where v = (Thanks to Chlorine, S-K,Gallex,Sage,SNO,KamLand,K2K,MINOexpts) Theme Group 2
A Hidden symmetry of Leptons ? • Possible symmetries being discussed: S3,S4, A4. Theme Group 2
Neutrino Masses Theme Group 2
Puzzles of Neutrino Mass Physics • Why • Why are neutrino mixings so much larger than quark mixings ? • How does neutrino mass physics fit into the big picture of grand unification, supersymmetry (and/or extra dimensions )? • In any case, neutrino mass is first evidence of new physics beyond the standard model !! Theme Group 2
New standard model: Seesaw Paradigm • Add right handed neutrinos to the standard model and give them a large mass: Minkowski (77), Yanagida; Gell-Mann, Ramond, Slansky; Glashow; RNM, Senjanovic (79) Theme Group 2
Seesaw Mechanism • Implies neutrinos are Majorana fermions. Predicts neutrinoless double beta decay. Theme Group 2
Why Seesaw Theoretically Appealing ? • Adding RH neutrino makes Standard model quark lepton symmetric;(unlike standard model) • It makes B-L cubic anomaly free and expands the gauge group to the left-right symmetric group: Theme Group 2
Other Implications: • Weak interactions become asymptotically parity conserving; 2. Marshak and RNM (79); A. Davidson (79). 3. Implies lepton number violation and Majorana neutrino mass, since Theme Group 2
Neutrino Mass Parity Violation Connection • Low energy weak interaction V-A type because neutrino mass is so small: Theme Group 2
GRAND UNIFICATION (Pati,Salam; Georgi, Glashow,73) • Grand unification: An important and interesting concept ; says that all matter (quarks and leptons) and all forces are one and the same • Two simple theories : • (A) Supersymmetric minimal standard model (with SUSY at TeV)- couplings unifiy; • (B) G_{SM}->SU(2)_LX SU(2)_R X SU(4)_c (no susy)-> SO(10) Theme Group 2
Unification of Couplings: two examples Weak scale susy Non SUSY SO(10) with seesaw Theme Group 2
Advantages of High Scale in GUT • Superheavy GUT scale goes well to address cosmological issues e.g inflation and baryon asymmetry etc. • Coupling unification perhaps means a grand unifying symmetry and a predicitve theory for quark and lepton masses. • Superheavy scale : just what one needs to suppress proton decay predicted by GUT that unify quarks and leptons. • Present limit: implies (Close to the GUT scale.) Theme Group 2
Simplest GUT Model: SU(5) Theme Group 2
SUSY GUT: • Why SUSY ? 1. Stabilizes gauge hierarchy; 2.Explains EWSB; 3. Provides dark matter; lightest SUSY particle if stable. Theme Group 2
SUSY NEEDS NEW PHYSICS • For the lightest SUSY particle to be dark matter, a new symmetry (in addition to Supersymmetry) called R-parity must be imposed ! .Where does this symmetry come from ? Neutrino mass may throw light on this. Recall: seesaw mechanism generates the B-L symmetry- If B-L is broken, it can leave R-parity as a gauge symmetry of MSSM. Theme Group 2
Neutrino mass: a hint of grand unification ? • Seesaw explanation of neutrino mass has put grand unification back on center stage again ! • Why ? Atmospheric mass measured by Super-K using the seesaw formula implies SEESAW SCALE CLOSE TO GUT SCALE-: Theme Group 2
Minimal GUT Group for neutrinos: SO(10) • Georgi; Fritzsch, Minkowski (75) • {16}-dim spinor contains contains all std model fermions plus RH neutrino; 2. It contains B-L symmetry, which can lead to R-parity in MSSM and hence a naturally stable dark matter. 3. B-L explains why Seesaw scale is so much less than the Planck scale- Theme Group 2
From SO(10) down to the Std Model • SO(10) Nu mass • Left-Right Sym. Theory • Standard Model-> seesaw Theme Group 2
NEW SEESAW FORMULA IN SO(10) 1. New contribution due to Higgs triplet (Fig. b) The first term can dominate for some parameter range: Theme Group 2
Fermion Masses in SO(10): • Matter in 16-spinor: • 16 X 16 = 10 + 126 + 120 Matter Higgs Minimal model: one each of 10+126+ 120. A REALISTIC PREDICTIVE MODEL : Better than minimal SU(5) and testable in neutrino sector. Theme Group 2
Large neutrino mixings in minimal SO(10) • How large mixings arise naturally in the minimal models: Simple Example: Model with only one {10} and {126} Higgs: • Has only 12 parameters (for CP conserving case)- all determined by quark masses and mixings and charged leptons; all neutrino mixings are predicted. • Babu, RNM (92); Bajc, Senjanovic, Vissani (2003); Goh, Ng, RNM (2003). Theme Group 2
A New sumrule for neutrino mass: • Type II seesaw assumption leads to the sum rule at GUT scale: • Note Theme Group 2
Including CP violation: • In the 10+126 model, CP violation can arise from complex Yuakawas- (but works only for a narrow range of parameters) • In the full minimal 10+126+120 model, CP is more natural. Theme Group 2
Some predictions of the final model: • Prediction for U_e3: Theme Group 2
Predictions for long baseline experiments: Theme Group 2
Predictions for lepton flavor violation Theme Group 2
Conclusion • Seesaw explanation of neutrino mass has several specific predictions for physics beyond the standard model: A. B-L symmetry B. Left-right symmetry of weak int. C. High seesaw scale- a hint of SO(10) Grand Unification; A minimal SO(10) model with 126-Higgs predicts neutrino mixings and natural dark matter and is testable. Theme Group 2
POSTSCRIPT Sakata legacy very much manifest in today’s neutrino physics !! Theme Group 2