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SECAN update from the Energy Saving Trust

Explore updates on renewables, low carbon communities, and energy efficiency projects in South East England by the Energy Saving Trust. Learn about successful initiatives, funding allocations, and partnerships enhancing sustainability.

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SECAN update from the Energy Saving Trust

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  1. SECAN update from the Energy Saving Trust Richard Hurford Head of the Energy Saving Trust SE 11th June, 2010 Insert presentation title on the slide master

  2. Summary • Update on SE regional activity • Renewables and the Feed In Tariff • Contacts at the Energy Saving Trust

  3. South East update - LCCC • The Low Carbon Community Challenge has been very successful in the SE with 4 organisations each winning £0.5 million; • Isle of Wight; the EST has been providing support to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, who have received £0.5 million to upgrade 67 fuel poor properties at Chale Green in the far South of the island. Decision taken to install air source heat pumps in all properties, together with additional insulation. EAGA is also providing PV panels to the value of £0.25 million in exchange for the FIT payments. • West Oxford Community Renewables aims to pilot a community renewables building society’ that will support the development of an integrated approach to low carbon living in West Oxford. The funding will be used by the West Oxford Community Renewables Industrial and Provident Society to develop a £1.6m pipeline of renewable energy projects. The income from these will be donated to the Low Carbon West Oxford charity to develop low carbon projects with the aim of achieving an 80% reduction in emissions in West Oxford by 2050. So far 100kWp of PV has been installed on a local school with the income assisting further work in the community. • Hook Norton, near Banbury, Oxfordshire: this 2500-strong community has been working on reducing its carbon footprint for a number of years. It will spend the money on installing a heat recovery system, solar panels, two community electric pool cars and a ground source heat pump at the local primary school (Hook Norton Church of England Primary School); provide interest free loans for a whole-house retro-fit of six homes; on top of this, it will insulate 40 homes and install solar thermal panels on a further 20; put a bio-diesel tank in the local brewery (Hook Norton Brewery) to supply bio-diesel fuel for the vehicles of 50 households. All these activities will provide income back in to a rolling low carbon fund so that the community can continue to take action for the next 10 years.  • Whitehill-Bordon in East Hampshire aims to build on its Eco town status by making the money available for people in the form of loans. Residents who take advantage of this will be able to install energy efficiency measures and renewable technologies, to save energy and save money. 5,000 new homes to be built. The advice centre is supporting through the Local Authority one-to-one support programme.

  4. South East update - CESP • CESP - Brighton & Hove; we have been advised by Brighton & Hove that a CESP programme is likely; they have an offer of £3million to work on 4 LSOA’s. I am interested in the energy suppliers updates to find out which authorities they are considering working with under CESP. • CESP – Swale Queenborough and Rushenden. Refurbishment of an entire community is planned, supported by multiple sources of funding, including CESP. • CESP – Medway. We have been advised that Medway have been successful on a CESP bid. • Thames Gateway; the Energy Saving Trust have been given additional funding by the HCA to work in the Thames Gateway region. It is intended that the EST will provide additional 121 support to local authorities, in order to improve climate change strategy across the region. • New 121 support officer employed; the EST aims to improve its support to local authorities and has thus employed Ben Frier as Local Authority Support Manager for the region. As a reminder, we also have a Microgeneration officer who is developing supply chain support across the region and has been looking at a programme for in particular developing biomass potential.

  5. South East update - ABA • Area Based Approach to Insulation; the EST has been promoting ABA as a method of meeting the Government’s strategy for Household energy management. • Hampshire are particularly interested in this approach and are working with the EST to develop a programme. As expected the big issue is where the additional funding will come from. • Other areas where paid for CERT backed insulation programmes have been set up include; • Oxfordshire • East Hampshire • Isle of Wight • Vantage Point; working with Improvement & Efficiency South east, the EST has initiated a top down Vantage Point analysis. This aims to work out the most appropriate method of cutting CO2 in the region, broken down into different measures, such as insulation, renewables, CHP, etc.

  6. South East update - partnerships • Southern Water; are moving ahead with a programme to install water meters in homes across the South east. EST is acting as a partner on this project, which aims to undertake door step sustainability surveys, prior to then advising on the meter installation as well as advice on how to cut energy bills. • DeCReASE has been formally set up with 8 key stakeholder partners. DeCReASE aims to cut CO2 emissions, as for its title. It is a strategic alliance between GOSE, SEEDA, EST, Carbon Trust, EA, Diamonds and SE Partnership Board. • RIEP / IESE; the CLG have announced that they intend to spend £9.75 million nationally via the RIEP's with a key aim being to work with planning depts, councillors to facilitate additional delivery of renewables. Thus there is likely to be a major programme of training in the South East, for both officers and councillors.

  7. Microgeneration/renewables Insert presentation title on the slide master

  8. Domestic LCBP grants uptake 3458

  9. Domestic LCBP grants uptake

  10. Domestic LCBP grants uptake

  11. European Market Solar Photovoltaic UK Solar Thermal UK

  12. Growth of German PV industry Introduction of FIT

  13. Help available • Energy Saving Trust in the South East • Richard Hurford: Head of Energy Saving Trust SE • E: richard.hurford@est.org.uk • Ben Frier: Local Authority Support Manager • T: 020 7654 2648 • E: ben.frier@est.org.uk • Practical help: • T: 0844 84 888 30 • E: practicalhelp@est.org.uk

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