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Welcome to Food and Nutrition. Steps to a healthier you. Mrs. McNeil FACS Teacher. Class Syllabus.
Welcome to Food and Nutrition Steps to a healthier you Mrs. McNeil FACS Teacher
Class Syllabus • Course Description: Students will explore such topics as the impact of daily nutrition and wellness practices on long-term health and wellness; selection and preparation of nutritious meals and snacks; My Plate and the USDA Dietary Guidelines; safety and sanitation. Students will investigate current dieting trends, eating disorders, food additives, and illnesses caused by poor eating habits and learn to develop healthy food and exercise plans. In the kitchen lab, students will prepare and enjoy foods from a variety of countries and cultures like: Greece, China, Mexico, Italy, and more! Students will analyze career options in the areas of nutrition and wellness. Fee of $35.00 is required.
Course Objectives: Students will have the ability of comprehend course materials and skills to conduct appropriate labs related to Food and Nutrition. Students will be responsible for classroom presentations, labs, and overall participation. Students will have the ability to comprehend course material and to conduct appropriate projects related to food. Students will be personally responsible for classroom presentations, labs, and overall presentations. (See attachment for Specific Objectives.) GRAINS VEGETABLES FRUITS OILS MILK MEAT & BEANS
Classroom Expectations: *BE in seat and working on bell ringer when bell sounds.*Bring all required materials to class each day.*Show respect to all persons (as well as their property) in class.*Follow directions the first time they are given.*Follow school rules.*Stay in your seat unless permission is given to move about the room.Good attendance is required for a adequate learning experience. Poor attendance will affect learning especially in lab situations. Make–up work is required and it is the student’s responsibility to obtain and complete make-up work. Students who are tardy to class will be assigned detention. Students will have 3 days to bring in an excuse for their absence in order to be allowed to get credit for their make-up work. If an excuse is not brought in, a zero will be recorded for their assignments during that absence.If a student misses a lab for an Excused absence, they will be required to write a 1 page paper on an assigned related topic per day missed.
BJ Grading Policy • Grading scale, semester and final exam (see student handbook) • Daily work or assignment (30%) • Tests, labs, and notebook (70%) • Detailed project instructions will be provided by the instructor as appropriate.
BJ Make-Up Test Policy • No make-up tests will be administrated during class time. Students must take a make-up test within ten school days after his or her return to school. When students make appointments for make-up tests, it must be kept unless the student notifies the teacher of the school of a valid cancellation. Students may receive a zero for an unexcused miss of a make-up test. This policy is for major tests, not quizzes or daily work. • Students who are tardy to class will be assigned to detention Students will have 3 days to bring in an excuse for their absence in order to be allowed to get credit for their make-up work. If an excuse in not brought in, a zero will be recorded for their assignments during that absence.
Text and Other Required Reading • Text and Other Required Reading: • Texts: Food for Today (McGraw-Hill) Guide to Good Health (Goodheart-Wilcox, 2010) • Supplement Materials: Guest Speakers, Videos, Internets Research, Magazines, Resource/Professional Books, Newspapers articles, etc. • Visual Aids: Power Point Presentations, Dry Erase Board, Handout, Videos, Demonstrations, projects, and posters
Materials/FCCLA • Materials and Supplies Needed: 1” ring binder, loose leaf paper, black or blue pen, pencils, black construction paper, glue stick, plastic page protectors • Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA); FCCLA is a vocational student organization for Family and Consumer Sciences. The mission of the organization is to promote personal growth and leadership through Family and Consumer Sciences. A fee of $25.00 will be required to join. $10.00 of this cost is for a t-shirt.
Cell Phones • Cell phones are not to be out during class unless directed to do so by the teacher. If I see it, I will call an administrator to come pick it up. Don’t force the issue.
Seats in Class • You will sit alphabetically unless I move you. • Be in your sit and ready to go when bell rings. • Door will be closed. • If there is a bell ringer on the board, you should start work.
Detention • If you are tardy, you will have detention in room N115 the next day after signing the detention form. • You will sign a detention form and serve detention from 3:32 p.m. until 4:20 p.m. • If you are late to detention or miss, you will be assigned Saturday School. • Remember, If any of this happens to you, you made the choices, not me. No arguments or you will have severe consequences. Choices =Consequences.
Discipline • I need YOU to be self-disciplined. If not, I WILL maintain discipline and order so we will have a proper learning environment. • All discipline problems will be documented with dates and infractions and kept on record. • My goal is not to have to walk you to an administrator, BUT if I have too, I will.
Non-Negotiable • Drugs, alcohol, weapons • Fighting • Telling me what to do. • You will be removed from my class and taken to the front office.
Reminders Per Mr. Parker • No multi-colored hair. • Only pierced ears. No nose piercings, etc. Also no placement holder. I am not to ask you to take it out, BUT sent you to administration. • No spaghetti straps. • No sagging. Showing underwear. • No sweatpants. • No food from the cafeteria or vending machines in classrooms. • Can use vending machines during break. • No ear buds, ear phones in hallways or classrooms in building. Safety issue. • No cell phones in classrooms unless directed by Teacher.
Walk out outside door to left of classroom. Follow sidewalk out to parking lot. Do not stop in driveway. Walk out in a quiet and orderly manner. Last person to leave the classroom should close the door. I will take attendance in our designated area. Keep roadways free for use by emergency personnel. Fire/Building Evacuation
Exit classroom and go across the hall to FCS office or Mrs. Bones classroom. Sit on floor facing the wall. Cover head with hands and arms. Do not bring books, book bags, etc. because they can become flying debris in the event of a tornado. As far as possible from exterior walls, doors, and windows. Tornado Evaluation
Seek shelter under desks. After initial shock occurs, evacuate building. Earthquake
Suspicious Persons, Incidents, or Activities • Immediately report any suspicious activity to an adult or administrator.
Code Red-Emergency Lockdown • Lock classroom doors and windows. • Cover door window. • Turn off lights. • Move away from doors and windows, out of sight. • Silence ALL cell phones. • Remain silent. • DO NOT open door for anyone, including displaced students. • DO NOT leave room if emergency alarms sound. • Police will clear rooms by sliding their POLICE ID under the classroom door. • Principal will announce when school is ALL CLEAR.
Code Yellow- Emergency Lockout • Bring in displaced students. • Lock classroom doors and windows. • Cover door window. • DO NOT leave room if emergency alarms sound. • Instruction may continue. • Students in cafeteria may continue breakfast/lunch. • Students cannot leave the classroom/lunchroom. • Principal will announce when school is ALL CLEAR.
Individual (Student or Adult) With A Firearm • Immediately notify administrators.
Shooting Incident • We will follow Code Red procedures.