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Welcome To Lee Burneson Middle School 7 th Grade Orientation August 15, 2014. WE EDUCATE FOR EXCELLENCE... Empowering all students to achieve their educational goals, to direct their lives, and to contribute to society. General Information. School D ay 8:25-3:24
Welcome ToLee Burneson Middle School7th Grade OrientationAugust 15, 2014
WE EDUCATE FOR EXCELLENCE...Empowering all students to achieve their educational goals, to direct their lives, and to contribute to society.
General Information School Day 8:25-3:24 -Building opens at 7:00 am. -Students need to exit the building by 4:15 pm (unless here for clubs/athletics) -Students report to the cafeteria/gym in the morning Lunches: Earth-10:54-11:24 Sea- 11:27-11:57 Sky- 12:58-1:28 -$3.00 per lunch. Milk is $.55. -students can pay online or by check. -students enter a code for their lunch.
General Information Attendance: -Please call attendance line for an absence or appointment. The attendance number is 440-835-6337. Doctor’s appointment or leaving early: -Parents must enter and sign students out of school in the main office. Please enter through the front of the building. -When students return, parents DO NOT need to sign them back into school. Gym Uniforms: -Required by September 15. -Can be purchased : Hometown Threads 4636 Great Northern Blvd North Olmsted, Ohio
General Information Immunization: All 7th Graders must have appropriate immunizations. They must be completed by September 8. Medication: If your student needs to have medicine it must be kept in the office. There must be a form that accompanies it. (This includes all over –the- counter medications as well). -Med forms are available in the office and on the LBMS webpage.
General Information Academic Classes: -All class are 55 minutes in length. -Academic Assist is 25-30 minutes. Academic Assist: Academic assist is an opportunity for students to use time to meet with their teachers if there is a need. Intervention In order to close deficits in Language Arts, Reading and Math we have some students assigned to Intervention class. We had great success with this last school year.
Discipline Program • Similar to Parkside’s “strikes”, but we call them “demerits” • If you earn: 3, 6, 9, or 12 = 30 minute before school detention • Wednesday morning 7:50-8:20 • A green notification sheet will be sent home for a parent signature. Mrs. Palchesko can explain/verify demerits. • If you earn: 15, 18, 21 etc., you earn a 3 hour Saturday School at Westlake High School • If you earn 24 demerits, you may be suspended • Examples of behaviors that earn demerits: • Disrupting class = 1 • Disrespect = 1 • Poor behavior for a substitute = 3 • Defacing property = 3
Cell Phones/Electronic Devices • Games and electronic devices MAY be used in the cafeteria before school. • Cell phones, iPods, iPads, etc., may be used in class IF the teacher allows these devices to be used as part of the lesson—ask if you aren’t sure. • Cell phones, iPods, iPads, etc. MAY NOTbe used at lunch. It is extremely difficult to supervise proper use in the cafeteria. • Students must sign and abide by the acceptable use policy, and adhere to classroom rules, or their electronic device (and possibly privileges) could be taken away. • Please be EXTREMELY cautious with your electronics—keep them locked up or with you. Do not leave them sitting around.
Appearance Code • DRESS FOR SUCCESS—SCHOOL IS A PLACE OF WORK • DO NOT WEAR: • Tank tops, spaghetti straps, or cap sleeves • Pants, shorts, or skirts with rips or holes • Short shorts or short skirts—follow the finger tip rule • Shirts that show your midriff (if you lift your arms, and your stomach shows, do not wear it) • Pants that are baggy and do not stay at your waist • If you wear leggings or tights, your shirt must reach your fingertips • DO WEAR: • FLIP-FLOPS are permitted this year (no recess) • Conservative, comfortable clothing • If you are not sure…don’t wear it • We do our best to enforce the appearance code consistently.
Schedules We will distribute schedules in a few minutes Please check your locker combination and location today. If you have questions about your schedule please go to the guidance office. They will be in contact in the next few days to adjust schedules as needed.
Make great use of your time! Take advantage of all LBMS has to offer! DISPLAY PRIDE, SHOW LEADERSHIP, &TAKE CARE OF ANOTHER! HAVE FUN & GET INVOLVED!!!!!