1. Analysis and Design of Cognitive Radio Networksand Distributed Radio Resource Management Algorithms
3. Research in a nutshell Hypothesis: Applying game theory and game models (potential and supermodular) to the analysis of cognitive radio interactions
Provides a natural method for modeling cognitive radio interactions
Significantly speeds up and simplifies the analysis process (can be performed at the undergraduate level – Senior EE)
Permits analysis without well defined decision processes (only the goals are needed)
Can be supplemented with traditional analysis techniques
Can provides valuable insights into how to design cognitive radio decision processes
Has wide applicability
Focus areas:
Formalizing connection between game theory and cognitive radio
Collecting relevant game model analytic results
Filling in the gaps in the models
Model identification (potential games)
Formalizing application methodology
Developing applications
4. Modeling Cognitive Radio Networks James Neel
August 23, 2006
5. Presentation Overview Cognitive Radio Concepts
Implementation approaches
Cognitive radio related standards
Cognitive Radio Modeling
Dynamical systems model
Variances between cognitive radios and dynamical systems
Game models
Variances between cognitive radios and game models
6. Cognitive Radio Concepts How does a radio come to be “cognitive”?
7. Cognitive Radio: Basic Idea Cognitive radios enhance the control process by adding
Intelligent, autonomous control of the radio
An ability to sense the environment
Goal driven operation
Processes for learning about environmental parameters
Awareness of its environment
Awareness of capabilities of the radio
An ability to negotiate waveforms with other radios
8. Cognitive Radio Capability Matrix [FCC] ET Docket No. 03-108, March 11, 2005.
[Haykin] S. Haykin, “Cognitive Radio: Brain-Empowered Wireless Communications,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 23, No 2, Feb. 2005.
[IEEEUSA] “Improving Spectrum Usage through Cognitve Radio Technology,” IEEE USA Position, Nov 13, 2003, Available online: http://www.ieeeusa.org/policy/positions/cognitiveradio.asp
[IEEE 1900.1] Draft Document, “Standard Terms, Definitions and Concepts for Spectrum Management, Policy Defined Radio, Adaptive Radio, and Software Defined Radio” Nov 9, 2005.
[VT CRWG] “Cognitive Radio Definition,” Virginia Tech Cognitive Radio Work Group Wiki. Availabile Online: http://support.mprg.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=cognitive_radio:definition [FCC] ET Docket No. 03-108, March 11, 2005.
[Haykin] S. Haykin, “Cognitive Radio: Brain-Empowered Wireless Communications,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 23, No 2, Feb. 2005.
[IEEEUSA] “Improving Spectrum Usage through Cognitve Radio Technology,” IEEE USA Position, Nov 13, 2003, Available online: http://www.ieeeusa.org/policy/positions/cognitiveradio.asp
[IEEE 1900.1] Draft Document, “Standard Terms, Definitions and Concepts for Spectrum Management, Policy Defined Radio, Adaptive Radio, and Software Defined Radio” Nov 9, 2005.
[VT CRWG] “Cognitive Radio Definition,” Virginia Tech Cognitive Radio Work Group Wiki. Availabile Online: http://support.mprg.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=cognitive_radio:definition
9. Used cognitive radio definition A cognitive radio is a radio whose control processes permit the radio to leverage situational knowledge and intelligent processing to autonomously adapt towards some goal.
Intelligence as defined by [American Heritage_00] as “The capacity to acquire and apply knowledge, especially toward a purposeful goal.”
The definition for intelligence as applied to cognitive radio differs only in that the acquisition of knowledge has been subsumed into the observation process.
10. Level
1 Goal Driven
2 Context Aware
3 Radio Aware
4 Planning
5 Negotiating
6 Learns Environment
7 Adapts Plans
8 Adapts Protocols Cognition Cycle Level 0 – No Cognitive Operations
Level 1 – Minimal Cognition
Establishes Minimum Cognition Cycle
Requires ability to observe environment
Environment includes RF, Network, Location, and Time
Level 2 - Knowledgeable of Application
Provides context to interpret stimuli from environment
May provide additional information to better decide which waveform to implement
e.g. Higher throughput for Data, Lower latency for voice
Level 3 – Knowledgeable of Radio, Network, Channel
Utilizes specific models to improve value of observations
Level 4 – Has several alternate strategies
Now chooses best strategy and best waveform to implement strategy
Level 5 – Possible to coordinate actions with other radios
Negotiation can be “Do you know this waveform?” or “Are you willing to pay $ for this service?”
Level 6 – Learning Begins
Significant Increase in complexity, may require AI
Learning is based on observations and decisions
At this stage CR can autonomously learn new models of the environment
This is used to improve observations, orientation and decisions
Level 7 – New Plans are learned in addition to pre-programmed plans
Level 8 – CR can invent new waveforms.
Must now Generate Best Waveform in response to selected plan.
Implies need to negotiate protocolsLevel 0 – No Cognitive Operations
Level 1 – Minimal Cognition
Establishes Minimum Cognition Cycle
Requires ability to observe environment
Environment includes RF, Network, Location, and Time
Level 2 - Knowledgeable of Application
Provides context to interpret stimuli from environment
May provide additional information to better decide which waveform to implement
e.g. Higher throughput for Data, Lower latency for voice
Level 3 – Knowledgeable of Radio, Network, Channel
Utilizes specific models to improve value of observations
Level 4 – Has several alternate strategies
Now chooses best strategy and best waveform to implement strategy
Level 5 – Possible to coordinate actions with other radios
Negotiation can be “Do you know this waveform?” or “Are you willing to pay $ for this service?”
Level 6 – Learning Begins
Significant Increase in complexity, may require AI
Learning is based on observations and decisions
At this stage CR can autonomously learn new models of the environment
This is used to improve observations, orientation and decisions
Level 7 – New Plans are learned in addition to pre-programmed plans
Level 8 – CR can invent new waveforms.
Must now Generate Best Waveform in response to selected plan.
Implies need to negotiate protocols
11. OODA Loop: (continuously)
Observe outside world
Orient to infer meaning of observations
Adjust waveform as needed to achieve goal
Implement processes needed to change waveform
Other processes: (as needed)
Adjust goals (Plan)
Learn about the outside world, needs of user,… Conceptual Operation
12. A radio whose operation/ adaptations are governed by a set of rules
Almost necessarily coupled with cognitive radio
Allows flexibility for setting spectral policy to satisfy regional considerations
Policy-Based Radio
13. Cognitive Radio Applications
14. 802.11h (“Weak” CR on hardware radios – defined shortly) Idea: Upgrade control processes to permit use bands 802.11a devices to operate as secondary users to radar and satellites
Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS)
Avoid radars
Listens and discontinues use of a channel if a radar is present
Uniform channel utilization
Transmit Power Control (TPC)
Interference reduction
Range control
Power consumption Savings
Bounded by local regulatory conditions “Revision of Parts 2 and 15 of the Commission’s Rules to Permit Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (U-NII) devices in the 5 GHz band,” ET Docket No. 03-122, June 30, 2006. “Revision of Parts 2 and 15 of the Commission’s Rules to Permit Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (U-NII) devices in the 5 GHz band,” ET Docket No. 03-122, June 30, 2006.
15. Comments on 802.11h Status Mandated in Europe beginning 2005
WiFi Alliance lists 72 802.11h products from Toshiba, Sony, Samsung, Symbol, NEC, Intel, HP, GemTek, Fujitsu, Colubris, Cisco, bluesocket, and bandspeed
Reports of limited deployment due to sensitivity problems and frequency hopping radars
FCC issued testing guidelines June 30, 2006 “Revision of Parts 2 and 15 of the Commission’s Rules to Permit Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (U-NII) devices in the 5 GHz band,” ET Docket No. 03-122, June 30, 2006. “Revision of Parts 2 and 15 of the Commission’s Rules to Permit Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (U-NII) devices in the 5 GHz band,” ET Docket No. 03-122, June 30, 2006.
16. IEEE 802.22 – Planned Cognition Wireless Regional Area Networks (WRAN)
Aimed at bringing broadband access in rural and remote areas
Takes advantage of better propagation characteristics at VHF and low-UHF
Takes advantage of unused TV channels that exist in these sparsely populated areas (Opportunistic spectrum usage)
802.22 specifications
DFS, sectorization, TPC
Policies and procedures for operation in the VHF/UHF TV Bands between 54 MHz and 862 MHz
Target spectral efficiency: 3 bps/Hz
Point-to-multipoint system
100 km coverage radius
17. 802.22: Cognitive Aspects Observation
Aided by distributed sensing (subscriber units return data to base)
Digital TV: -116 dBm over a 6 MHz channel
Analog TV: -94 dBm at the peak of the NTSC (National Television System Committee) picture carrier
Wireless microphone: -107 dBm in a 200 kHz bandwidth.
Possibly aided by spectrum usage tables
Infer type of signals that are present
Frequencies, modulations, power levels, antenna choice (omni and directional)
4 W Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP)
Spectral masks, channel vacation times
18. 802.22 Status Integrated last two independent drafts (March)
Still negotiating pilots, sensing requirements (Tiger Team)
PHY considering relay stations (like 802.16j)
Still discussing when to move draft to first work group ballot
Starting up Task Group 2 (Recommended Practices)
PAR not approved yet
Next meeting: July 16-21st San Diego
19. The Analysis Problem Outside world is determined by the interaction of numerous cognitive radios
20. Locally optimal decisions that lead to globally undesirable networks Scenario: Distributed SINR maximizing power control in a single cluster
For each link, it is desirable to increase transmit power in response to increased interference
Steady state of network is all nodes transmitting at maximum power
21. General Comments on Analyzing Cognition Cycle Level
1 Goal Driven
2 Context Aware
3 Radio Aware
4 Planning
5 Negotiating
6 Learns Environment
7 Adapts Plans
8 Adapts Protocols 0. No - not a CR
1. OK
2. OK
3. OK
4. Probably
5. Ok
6. Ok (might even simplify)
7. No – unconstrained problem
8. No – unconstrained problem Adapted From Mitola, “Cognitive Radio for Flexible Mobile Multimedia Communications ”, IEEE Mobile Multimedia Conference, 1999, pp 3-10.
Level 0 – No Cognitive Operations
Level 1 – Minimal Cognition
Establishes Minimum Cognition Cycle
Requires ability to observe environment
Environment includes RF, Network, Location, and Time
Level 2 - Knowledgeable of Application
Provides context to interpret stimuli from environment
May provide additional information to better decide which waveform to implement
e.g. Higher throughput for Data, Lower latency for voice
Level 3 – Knowledgeable of Radio, Network, Channel
Utilizes specific models to improve value of observations
Level 4 – Has several alternate strategies
Now chooses best strategy and best waveform to implement strategy
Level 5 – Possible to coordinate actions with other radios
Negotiation can be “Do you know this waveform?” or “Are you willing to pay $ for this service?”
Level 6 – Learning Begins
Significant Increase in complexity, may require AI
Learning is based on observations and decisions
At this stage CR can autonomously learn new models of the environment
This is used to improve observations, orientation and decisions
Level 7 – New Plans are learned in addition to pre-programmed plans
Level 8 – CR can invent new waveforms.
Must now Generate Best Waveform in response to selected plan.
Implies need to negotiate protocolsAdapted From Mitola, “Cognitive Radio for Flexible Mobile Multimedia Communications ”, IEEE Mobile Multimedia Conference, 1999, pp 3-10.
Level 0 – No Cognitive Operations
Level 1 – Minimal Cognition
Establishes Minimum Cognition Cycle
Requires ability to observe environment
Environment includes RF, Network, Location, and Time
Level 2 - Knowledgeable of Application
Provides context to interpret stimuli from environment
May provide additional information to better decide which waveform to implement
e.g. Higher throughput for Data, Lower latency for voice
Level 3 – Knowledgeable of Radio, Network, Channel
Utilizes specific models to improve value of observations
Level 4 – Has several alternate strategies
Now chooses best strategy and best waveform to implement strategy
Level 5 – Possible to coordinate actions with other radios
Negotiation can be “Do you know this waveform?” or “Are you willing to pay $ for this service?”
Level 6 – Learning Begins
Significant Increase in complexity, may require AI
Learning is based on observations and decisions
At this stage CR can autonomously learn new models of the environment
This is used to improve observations, orientation and decisions
Level 7 – New Plans are learned in addition to pre-programmed plans
Level 8 – CR can invent new waveforms.
Must now Generate Best Waveform in response to selected plan.
Implies need to negotiate protocols
22. Why focus on OODA loop, i.e., why exclude other levels? OODA loop is implemented now (possibly just ODA loop as little work on context awareness)
Changing plans
Over short intervals plans don’t change
Messy in the general case (work could easily accommodate better response equivalent goals)
Could be analyzed, but protocols fuzzy
General case left for future work
Learning environment
Implies improving observations/orientation. Over short intervals can be assumed away
Left for future work
Creation of new actions, new goals, new decision rules makes analysis impossible
Akin to solving a system of unknown functions of unknown variables
Most of this learning is supposed to occur during “sleep” modes
Won’t be observed during operation
23. General Model (Focus on OODA Loop Interactions) Cognitive Radios
Set N
Particular radios, i, j
24. General Model (Focus on OODA Loop Interactions) Actions
Different radios may have different capabilities
May be constrained by policy
Should specify each radio’s available actions to account for variations
Actions for radio i
25. General Model (Focus on OODA Loop Interactions) Decision Rules
Maps observations to actions
Intelligence implies that these actions further the radio’s goal
The many different ways of doing this merit further discussion
26. Strong Artificial Intelligence Concept: Make a machine aware of its environment and self aware
27. Weak Artificial Intelligence Concept: Develop powerful (but limited) algorithms that appear to intelligently respond to sensory stimuli
Machine Translation
Voice Recognition
Intrusion Detection
Computer Vision
Music Composition
28. Implementation classes Procedural cognitive radio
Radio’s adaptations determined by hard coded algorithms and informed by observations
Many may not consider this to be cognitive (see discussion related to Fig 6 in 1900.1 draft) Ontological cognitive radio
Radio’s adaptations determined by some reasoning engine which is guided by its ontological knowledge base (which is informed by observations) A GA cognitive radio is a procedural radio in that there’s no actual reasoning being employed nor an ontological knowledge base, but its characteristics in a network are similar to that of an ontological radio.A GA cognitive radio is a procedural radio in that there’s no actual reasoning being employed nor an ontological knowledge base, but its characteristics in a network are similar to that of an ontological radio.
29. Weak/Procedural Cognitive Radios Radio’s adaptations determined by hard coded algorithms and informed by observations
Many may not consider this to be cognitive (see discussion related to Fig 6 in 1900.1 draft)
A function of the fuzzy definition
CWT Genetic Algorithm Radio
MPRG Neural Net Radio
Multi-dimensional hill climbing DoD LTS (Clancy)
Grambling Genetic Algorithm (Grambling)
Simulated Annealing/GA (Twente University)
Existing RRM Algorithms? A Reconfigurable Platform for Cognitive Radio
Zhang, Q. Smit, G.J.M. Smit, L.T. Kokkeler, A. Hoeksema, F.W. Heskamp, M. University of Twente, Department EEMCS, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands, E-mail: Q.Zhang@utwente.nl;
This paper appears in: Mobile Technology, Applications and Systems, 2005 2nd International Conference onPublication Date: 15-17 Nov. 2005On page(s): 1- 5ISBN: 981-05-4573-8Posted online: 2006-07-24 08:57:19.0 A Reconfigurable Platform for Cognitive Radio
Zhang, Q. Smit, G.J.M. Smit, L.T. Kokkeler, A. Hoeksema, F.W. Heskamp, M. University of Twente, Department EEMCS, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands, E-mail: Q.Zhang@utwente.nl;
This paper appears in: Mobile Technology, Applications and Systems, 2005 2nd International Conference onPublication Date: 15-17 Nov. 2005On page(s): 1- 5ISBN: 981-05-4573-8Posted online: 2006-07-24 08:57:19.0
30. Strong/Ontological Radios Radio’s adaptations determined by some reasoning engine which is guided by its ontological knowledge base (which is informed by observations)
Proposed Implementations:
CR One Model based reasoning (Mitola)
Prolog reasoning engine (Kokar)
Policy reasoning (DARPA xG)
31. Modeling Interactions (1/3)
32. Modeling Interactions (2/3) Radios implement actions, but observe outcomes.
Sometimes the mapping between outcomes and actions is one-to-one implying f is invertible.
In this case, we can express goals and decision rules as functions of action space.
Simplifies analysis
One-to-one assumption invalid in presence of noise.
33. Modeling Interactions (3/3) When decisions are made also matters and different radios will likely make decisions at different time
Tj – when radio j makes its adaptations
Generally assumed to be an infinite set
Assumed to occur at discrete time
Consistent with DSP implementation
t ? T Decision timing classes
All at once
One at a time in order
Used in a lot of analysis
One at a time in no order
Random subset at a time
Least overhead for a network
34. Cognitive Radio Network Modeling Summary Radios
Actions for each radio
Observed Outcome Space
Decision Rules
Timing i,j ?N, |N| = n
uj:O?? (uj:A??)
dj:O?Ai (dj:A? Ai)
35. DFS Example Two radios
Two common channels
Implies 4 element action space
Both try to maximize Signal-to-Interference Ratio
Alternate adaptations
36. Dynamical Systems Modeling
37. Basic Model Dynamical system
A system whose change in state is a function of the current state and time
Autonomous system
Not a function of time
OK for synchronous timing
Characteristic function
Evolution function
First step in analysis of dynamical system
Describes state as function of time & initial state.
38. Connection to Cognitive Radio Model g = ?d/ ? t
Assumption of a known decision rule obviates need to solve for evolution function.
Reflects innermost loop of the OODA loop
Useful for deterministic procedural radios
39. Example: ([Yates_95]) Power control applications Defines a discrete time evolution function as a function of each radio’s observed SINR, ?j , each radio’s target SINR and the current transmit power
Fixed assignment - each mobile is assigned to a particular base station
Minimum power assignment - each mobile is assigned to the base station in the network where its SINR is maximized
Macro diversity - all base stations in the network combine the signals of the mobiles
Limited diversity - a subset of the base stations combine the signals of the mobiles
Multiple connection reception - the target SINR must be maintained at a number of base stations.
40. Applicable analysis models & techniques Markov models
Absorbing & ergodic chains
Standard Interference Function
Can be applied beyond power control
Contraction mappings
Lyapunov Stability
41. Differences between assumptions of dynamical system and CRN model Goals of secondary importance
Technically not needed
Not appropriate for ontological radios
May not be a closed form expression for decision rule and thus no evolution function
Really only know that radio will “intelligently” – work towards its goal
Unwieldy for random procedural radios
Possible to model as Markov chain, but requires empirical work or very detailed analysis
42. Game Models Models of interactive decision processes
43. Game A (well-defined) set of 2 or more players
A set of actions for each player.
A set of preference relationships for each player for each possible action tuple.
44. Set of Players (decision makers) N – set of n players consisting of players “named” {1, 2, 3,…,i, j,…,n}
Note the n does not mean that there are 14 players in every game.
Other components of the game that “belong” to a particular player are normally indicated by a subscript.
Generic players are most commonly written as i or j.
Usage: N is the SET of players, n is the number of players.
N \ i = {1,2,…,i-1, i+1 ,…, n} All players in N except for i
45. Actions
46. Preference Relations (1/2)
47. Preference Relationship (2/2) Games generally assume the relationship between actions and outcomes is invertible so preferences can be expressed over action vectors.
Preferences are really an ordinal relationship
Know that player prefers one outcome to another, but quantifying by how much introduces difficulties
48. Utility Functions (1/2)(Objective Fcns, Payoff Fcns)
49. Utility Functions (2/2)
50. Variety of game models Normal Form Game <N,A,{ui}>
Synchronous play
T is a singleton
Perfect knowledge of action space, other players’ goals (called utility functions)
Repeated Game <N,A,{ui},{di}>
Repeated synchronous play of a normal form game
T may be finite or infinite
Perfect knowledge of action space, other players’ goals (called utility functions)
Players may consider actions in future stages and current stages
Strategies (modified di)
Asynchronous myopic repeated game <N,A,{ui},{di},T>
Repeated play of a normal form game under various timings
Radios react to most recent stage, decision rule is “intelligent”
Many others in the literature and in the dissertation
51. Cognitive radios are naturally modeled as players in a game Level 0 – No Cognitive Operations
Level 1 – Minimal Cognition
Establishes Minimum Cognition Cycle
Requires ability to observe environment
Environment includes RF, Network, Location, and Time
Level 2 - Knowledgeable of Application
Provides context to interpret stimuli from environment
May provide additional information to better decide which waveform to implement
e.g. Higher throughput for Data, Lower latency for voice
Level 3 – Knowledgeable of Radio, Network, Channel
Utilizes specific models to improve value of observations
Level 4 – Has several alternate strategies
Now chooses best strategy and best waveform to implement strategy
Level 5 – Possible to coordinate actions with other radios
Negotiation can be “Do you know this waveform?” or “Are you willing to pay $ for this service?”
Level 6 – Learning Begins
Significant Increase in complexity, may require AI
Learning is based on observations and decisions
At this stage CR can autonomously learn new models of the environment
This is used to improve observations, orientation and decisions
Level 7 – New Plans are learned in addition to pre-programmed plans
Level 8 – CR can invent new waveforms.
Must now Generate Best Waveform in response to selected plan.
Implies need to negotiate protocolsLevel 0 – No Cognitive Operations
Level 1 – Minimal Cognition
Establishes Minimum Cognition Cycle
Requires ability to observe environment
Environment includes RF, Network, Location, and Time
Level 2 - Knowledgeable of Application
Provides context to interpret stimuli from environment
May provide additional information to better decide which waveform to implement
e.g. Higher throughput for Data, Lower latency for voice
Level 3 – Knowledgeable of Radio, Network, Channel
Utilizes specific models to improve value of observations
Level 4 – Has several alternate strategies
Now chooses best strategy and best waveform to implement strategy
Level 5 – Possible to coordinate actions with other radios
Negotiation can be “Do you know this waveform?” or “Are you willing to pay $ for this service?”
Level 6 – Learning Begins
Significant Increase in complexity, may require AI
Learning is based on observations and decisions
At this stage CR can autonomously learn new models of the environment
This is used to improve observations, orientation and decisions
Level 7 – New Plans are learned in addition to pre-programmed plans
Level 8 – CR can invent new waveforms.
Must now Generate Best Waveform in response to selected plan.
Implies need to negotiate protocols
52. Interaction is naturally modeled as a game
53. Some differences between game models and cognitive radio network model Assuming numerous iterations, normal form game only has a single stage.
Useful for compactly capturing modeling components at a single stage
Normal form game properties will be exploited in the analysis of other games
Repeated games are explicitly used as the basis for cognitive radio algorithm design (e.g., Srivastava, MacKenzie)
Not however, focus of dissertation
Not the most commonly encountered implementation
54. Summary The interactions in a cognitive radio network (levels 1-3) can be represented by the tuple <N, A, {ui}, {di},T>
A dynamical system model adequately represents inner-loop procedural radios
A myopic asynchronous repeated game adequately represents ontological radios and random procedural radios
Suitable for outer-loop processes
Not shown here, but can also handle inner-loop
Some differences in models
Most analysis carries over
Some differences
55. Questions?