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FACULTY OF LAW ENROLMENT INFORMATION SESSION 28 January 2010 Kathleen Howard Deputy Manager, Student and Academic Services HAND-OUTS Course map LAW1101 Introduction to Legal Reasoning notes: Tour information and travel tips Instructions for court report assignment
FACULTY OF LAW ENROLMENT INFORMATION SESSION 28 January 2010 Kathleen Howard Deputy Manager, Student and Academic Services
HAND-OUTS • Course map • LAW1101 Introduction to Legal Reasoning notes: • Tour information and travel tips • Instructions for court report assignment • Library tours & court resources classes • Learning skills leaflet • Law Counsellor leaflet • Law Orientation Week information • Cocktail Evening invitation • Legibook membership form
Who you are… • Straight out of school or from a gap year • Coming directly from another university – from Law studies or from a wide range of other studies • Doing Law as a double or single degree. • Mostly, you’re brand new Monash students!
Credit If you are coming from previous study, you will either apply for: • 6 units (36cp) of ‘unspecified credit’ (ie almost a year of f/t study) which can be quickly processed by SAS - so please leave your form with us today!! OR • ‘specific credit’ of law or non-law units to go towards your new degree (including Enhancement Studies). This may take a little while to have approved, but assessment takes place once we receive the complete application. You should submit your application to the Credit advisors after this session. ***If you are coming from school, you will generally not be dealing with any credit issues other than Enhancement Studies.
BACHELOR OF LAWS (LLB) – COURSE STRUCTURE The Bachelor of Laws (LLB) consists of either 156 or 192 credit points of study. • 156 credit points – double degree courses or straight LLB where the equivalent of 48 credit points of previous degree level study has been completed • 192 credit points – straight LLB where less than 48 credit points of previous degree level study has been completed
BACHELOR OF LAWS (LLB) – COURSE STRUCTURE (cont) • The Bachelor of Laws (LLB) consists of: • 12 compulsory units (72 credit points) • 6 units known as the ‘quasi-compulsory’ units (36 credit points) • Elective units (min 8) All compulsory and quasi-compulsory units are taught at least once each year. Some elective units are taught annually but most are taught on a rotational basis. A full list of units offered each year is available from http://www.law.monash.edu.au/units/index.html
BACHELOR OF LAWS (LLB) – COURSE STRUCTURE (cont) Compulsory units To complete an LLB, you must complete the following 12 compulsory units (72 credit points):
BACHELOR OF LAWS (LLB) – COURSE STRUCTURE (cont) Quasi-Compulsory units: The Quasi-Compulsory units (listed below) are not required in order to graduate with an LLB degree. However, they are required by the Council of Legal Education (CoLE) for admission to practice as a solicitor in Victoria. LAW5104 Civil procedure LAW4171 Corporations law LAW4169 Equity LAW5159 Evidence LAW5125 Lawyers, ethics and society LAW4170 Trusts
COURSE OUTLINES • Course outlines/maps provide information about minimum degree requirements. • Detailed course requirements are also available in the online Undergraduate Handbook 2010. • It is your responsibility to ensure you are aware of your degree rules and meet all of the requirements. • Faculty Student Services staff are available to provide you with course advice and assistance with course planning. Appointments are available after the first few weeks of semester and, particularly, at mid-year and re-enrolment time.
Completing your Enrolment By today, you should have: • Checked your course requirements for Law or Law + other degree. • Checked the prerequisite and/or sequence requirements (using the online 2010 Undergraduate Handbook) • Used the on-line course maps & guides • Completed a credit application if required • Completed all online tasks: authcate, Enrolment Questionairre, HECS, enrolment in units (prior to being able to obtain your ID card). Changes to / additions of units (eg subsequent to credit application outcome) may be made until 12th March. Offers not accepted online through WES by 29 January will lapse. • NB Computers are in the library if you need to your online enrolment tasks
For later years……keep in mind electives, opportunities such as: Prato, Malaysia, exchange internships…..
Example…Arts/LLB Bachelor of Laws/ Bachelor of Arts (BA/LLB) – 0080, assuming no credit from previous study Semester 1 LAW1101 Introduction to legal reasoning LAW2101 Contract A 2 Arts level 1 units for future Major and Minor sequences Semester 2 LAW1104 Research writing LAW2102 Contract B 2 Arts level 1 units for future Major and Minor sequences
STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES Ensure you are aware of enrolment dates/withdrawal dates/non-fail dates and take action to amend enrolment if necessary BEFORE these dates. Many Law units in later years are taught in outside ‘normal’ Sem 1 and 2 periods, so we advertise all relevant dates for amending your enrolment. Please take note!!! Read all correspondence carefully and respond by required dates: • Read student emails 3-4 times per week • Ensure postal address is correct and up to date. Retain enrolment records and documentation (including WES transaction numbers).
STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES (continued) • Attend classes! The LLB and related double degrees are not distance education courses. • Be aware of examination period and attend examinations! DO NOT schedule holidays, clerkships, social events during the examination periods. These are NOT grounds for deferred examinations. • Inform Student Services staff immediately of problems that may impact your enrolment or ability to study – the earlier we are advised the more we will be able to do to help.
STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES (continued) Admission to practice Disciplinary reports to be provided to Board of Examiners of the Supreme Court: (1) a report from the university disclosing any disciplinary action taken against the student during the course (including any finding under the University Discipline Statute that the student has cheated in an assessment); and (2) an affidavit stating that the applicant has made full written disclosure of "every matter which a reasonable applicant would consider that the Board of Examiners might regard as not being favourable to the applicant". This may include an incident of academic or general misconduct, even if it did not lead to disciplinary action.
SOURCES OF INFORMATION ABOUT STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITES • Student Information Index (online Student Resource Guide) – Information about: • Support services available • Special consideration • Grievance procedures • Important dates • Undergraduate Handbooks for course information • Faculty web sites • University web sites • Student emails • Student Services staff – First Floor, Law building • Mon, Tue, Th, Fri 8.45am– 4pm • Wed 11.00am – 4pm • enquiries@law.monash.edu.au • University notice boards • HECS-HELP and FEE-HELP booklets
ORIENTATION WEEK (‘O’ WEEK) Law Welcome 22 February 2010. Faculty activities Monday 22nd February at 10:00 South Lecture Theatre1 (Faculty of Medicine building): • DVC and Dean’s addresses • ‘Peermentorientation’ • Law Library Tours (continuing throughout O-week and beginning of semester) • Law Students’ Society (LSS) BBQ • Cocktail evening
LEGIBOOK – LAW BOOK CO-OPERATIVE • Located in the Law Faculty Basement • Membership $10 – once only payment • Discount on texts books – 21% • Provides all law texts, cases and materials, legislation • Complete membership after information session NB: You don’t need to purchase texts until classes start. Lecturers will provide information on texts/materials required in first week of classes. Pre-reading list available in Intro to Legal Reasoning Tour Guide – suggested texts available from Legibook and Law Library.
Your first assignment! Semester 1, 2010 LAW1101 Introduction to Legal Reasoning Tour information and travel tips • Instructions for court report assignment Chief Examiner: Ross Hyams
Student Experience Participate, engage, attend, learn…. Law Student Society - Activities / programs - Peer Mentor Program - LSS camp
Student Experience Participate, engage, attend, learn…. • Monash Host Scheme activities
Good Luck! • Study hard • Attend ALL classes • Make friends • Seek assistance/help • Have fun • Enjoy!!!!