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Regional (PA, WV, OH) Study of Air Pollution and Health Effects Judith Rager, MPH University of Pittsburgh Academic Center for Excellence in Environmental Public Health Tracking (UPACE-EPHT). Results . Current Analyses Assessing the comparability of data. Background.
Regional (PA, WV, OH) Study of Air Pollution and Health Effects Judith Rager, MPH University of Pittsburgh Academic Center for Excellence in Environmental Public Health Tracking (UPACE-EPHT) Results Current Analyses Assessing the comparability of data Background Process of Obtaining Data and Comparability of Data Elements • Hospitalization data was obtained from data stewards in PA and WV. To date, we have been unable to obtain data from Ohio. • We have identified a number of issues related to obtaining and using hospitalization data from data stewards. • Regional air pollutants from steel, coking, and other industries in southwestern Pennsylvania, eastern Ohio, and the West Virginia panhandle heavily influence atmospheric conditions in this tri-state area. Therefore, it is of interest to study the acute health effects of these pollutants regionally. We are currently examining rates, patterns, and characteristics of hospital transfers by county in SW PA among patients hospitalized with Acute Myocardial Infarction (primary discharge diagnosis of ICD-9 code 410). Transfer status is being assessed using two approaches with criteria based on 1) dates of discharge and admission and 2) discharge status. bureaucratic issues interpretation of HIPAA regulations differences in the types of variables collected by agency and/or available to researcher • Health effects data, such as hospitalization data, is not readily available from national data sources. The type of agency responsible for hospital discharge data, and the method of collection, composition, and quality of hospitalization data vary from state to state. Future Research for Project • Evaluate and develop techniques for using regional data for health effects studies of air pollution. • Conduct a case-crossover study of the association of specific air pollutants and health effects (including asthma and acute myocardial infarction). Methodology • Request hospitalization data on cardiovascular and respiratory diseases (ICD-9 codes 390-519) from data stewards in Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council), West Virginia, (West Virginia Health Care Authority), and Ohio (Ohio Hospital Association). • Assess the process of obtaining such data. • Assess the comparability and quality of the data. Significance • Environmental exposures, whether in air, soil, or water do not follow administrative boundaries. • The ability to link health data from tracking and non-tracking states is critical to the overall goal of the national environmental public health tracking initiative. This work was supported by CDC (# 5 U19 EH000103-04).