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High- PT muon ID/Reco/trigger efficiencies. CMX. CMP. CMU. Z ï€ ï‚® ïï. Cuts to select Z ï€ ï‚® ïï events: the event must not have cosmic tag requiring the two muons have opposite charges the Z 0 of the two legs must pass: |z 0 (1) -z 0 (2) | < 4cm
High-PT muon ID/Reco/trigger efficiencies. CMX CMP CMU Z • Cuts to select Z events: • the event must not have cosmic tag • requiring the two muons have opposite charges • the Z0 of the two legs must pass: |z0(1)-z0(2)| < 4cm • the inv mass of the two tracks must pass: • 81 GeV/c2 < m() < 101 GeV/c2
Muon ID cuts For all events: No cosmic tag. |ΔxCMX| < 7cm PT >20GeV/c ETisol./PT< 0.1 EEM<2 +max(0,(p-100)*0.0115) GeV EHAD<6 + max(0,(p-100)*0.028) GeV # of axial SL with ≥ 5 hits ≥ 3 # of stereo SL with ≥ 5 hits ≥ 2 Tracks w/ no silicon hits: |d0| < 0.2 cm Tracks w/ silicon hits: |d0| < 0.02 cm |z0| < 60 cm Additionally for: |ΔxCMU| < 7cm |ΔxCMP| < 5cm CMUP muons: CMX muons: |ΔxCMX| < 6cm x-fid < 0cm Fiducial cuts Fiducial distance from CMU: x-fid < 0cm z-fid < 0cm Fiducial distance from CMP: x-fid < 0cm z-fid < -3cm COT > 140cm Fiducial distance from CMX: x-fid < 0cm z-fid < -3cm Arches: 0o ≤ < 75o or 105o < < 225o or 315o < < 360o Keystone: (75o ≤≤ 105o) and < 0 Miniskirt: 225 ≤≤ 315o
Muon ID cut efficiencies To calculate the muon ID efficiencies we use Z-> events. We look for a CMUP or CMX muon passing all the identification and fiducial cuts. We define this muon as the `first leg.' We then look for an oppositely charged track in the event, which we call the `second leg.' If the invariant mass of the two legs is in the range 81 GeV/c2 to 101 GeV/c2, we test the second leg to see if it passed the cut in question. Events used for this measurement are selected as follows: • A first leg must be a CMUP or CMX muon passing all the identification and fiducial cuts. • A second leg must be a muon with a CMUP or CMX stub and satisfy: • PT > 20 GeV. • fiducial requirements. • The event must not have a cosmic tag. • The z0 of the two legs must pass: |z0(1) -z0(2) | < 4 cm. • The invariant mass of the two tracks must pass: 81 < m() GeV/c2 < 101. We then test the second leg to determine if it passes each of the muon ID cuts.
Trigger Efficiency Use the two legs from the reconstructed Z (both legs pass muon ID and fiducial cuts) Level 1: L1CMUP is calculated from 2 independent samples, using CMUP-CMUP and CMUP-CMX samples: The final efficiency is an average of L1(A)CMUP and L1(B)CMUP weighted by the errors. Level 2: (both leg pass L1) CMX trigger efficiency is calculated in similar way. Level 3: (both leg pass L2)
Muon Reconstruction Efficiencies To calculate the reconstruction efficiency we select events with no cosmic tag and two tracks passing the following cuts: • Oppositely charged. • |z0(1)-z0(2)| < 4 cm. • 81 GeV/c2 < m() < 101 GeV/c2 • The first leg must be a reconstructed CdfMuon passing all the ID and fiducial cuts. It must also match to the level 1 trigger information. • The second leg must be fiducial in both the CMU and CMP sub-detectors (or the CMX sub-detector) and satisfy: • PT > 20 GeV. • EEM < 1.5·(2+max(0,(p-100)·0.0115)) GeV • EHAD < 1.5·(6+max(0,(p-100)·0.028) GeV We then examine these tracks to see if they are linked to a muon stub. The reconstruction efficiency is defined as the number of tracks that are both fiducial and linked to a stub divided by the number of tracks that are fiducial.
ID ID ID ID Reco Reco cdf notes: 9085 8618 8262 7956… Reco Reco