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Things that need to be done before and after transferring a course from CE8/Vista to Learn 9.1. Must be done in CE8 You must change the Source ID of you course to reflect the new naming procedures for Learn 9 Log into CE 8 with your Admin Account
Thingsthatneed to bedonebefore and aftertransferring a course from CE8/Vista to Learn 9.1
Must be done in CE8 • You must change the Source ID of you course to reflect the new naming procedures for Learn 9 • Log into CE 8 with your Admin Account • Go to the Administration Tab and find the course that you will migrate • Once you found your course, click the action link • Select the Edit properties option. • Go to the Sourcedid.id section and replace the URN:X-Web…. with the new course Id.It should contain Institution_Campus_CourseCode_CourseTermXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXNOTE: The course ID must be UNIQUE.
Also, you need to rename your rename your “Section” Title to reflect what you want the Students to see in Blackboard Learn 9.1 • Before • After • Save the changes to your CE Section. • To this to every course that needs to be transferred
(Only Applies to CCNB Courses) Change the header in every course to have the new Header. This will replace the old Flash Header and courses with no header. (Learn 9.1 doesn’t play Flash in the Headers or Footers)
Hyperlinks in your course content that points to other pages of your course content seem to confuse the system. In the course content, we recommend to remove all hyperlinks that points to other pages in the course content (Ex.: index pages). The reason for this is that Learn 9.1 breadcrumb, next and previous buttons need to be used so that the system doesn’t get confused. • Students should always use the Blackboard Table of content, next and previous buttons to navigate in the course content. • Example of internal course content links
If in the course content you have links that point to other Web Sites, we recommend that you place a target=”_blank” in your “a href” tag. This will eliminate, when students click on that external link that it doesn’t open up in your Blackboard Window. Ex: <a href="http://www.ccnb.nb.ca" target="_blank"> • Note: Blackboard learn works only with the correct standard of html tags. • Ex: <a target=”_Blank”href=”http://www.ccnb.nb.ca”>… WILL NOT WORK in Learn 9.x
Table of content - indentation: You will need to go into each the course (for migration) in CE8 and add Headings for each indentation. When the course is transferred to Learn 9.1, the headings are transformed into Folders in Learn. Folders are the only way to indent course content in the table of content in Learn 9.1. • Note: If you just indented your course content without using headers, when your course is migrated in Learn 9.1, your table of content will not be intended.
All files in the course are not permitted to have French accents or Special characters in there file names. This must be removed before a proper migration can occur.
Find the folder that you want to transfer in CE 8, position the cursor on the folder name and write the number that is located on the left side, in the task bar of the browser. You will need this for the backup_request.xml file (Located on Remote Desktop of CE8 Server <C:\backup_request.xml>).
Log into the Live CE 8 Server with Microsoft Remote Desktop • Edit the file c:\backup_request.xml with Notepad and place the number that you found in the taskbar of the browser (see step 1). Save the changes that you made.
Open a Command Prompt box and go to the following folder: c:\bea92\weblogic92\config\WebCTDomain . Then type the following command: siapi.cmd p • This will give you the GLC_ID that you will need for the following steps.
Then you will need to type the following command to make a backup of each course that is in that folder: • backupRestoreCLI.cmd --action=backup --backupdir=c:\Migrate --configfile=c:\backup_request.xml --logfile=c:\Migrate\archive.log --username=<admin account> --password=<admin password> --glcid=<GLC id>
Once you receive the command prompt back. This indicates that the backups are done. Look in the “C:\Migrate” to see if all the bak files are there. • Drag and drop all bak files from the C:\Migrate to the Shared Folder called “M:\MigrateToLearn on ‘172.16.4…’
Verify to see if all your files where created in the M:\ shared folder. If so, please delete the files from the C:\Migrate folder. This will make it less confusion for someone else that will be migrating courses and reduce the amount of space on the hard drives. Thanks in advance.
Now, we need to create a snapshot file on the CE 8 Server. This will take over 45 minutes to create this file. At the same folder as the last command (C:\bea92\weblogic92\config\WebCTDomain), you will need to execute the following command: siapi.cmd ims export snapshot c:\Migrate\snapshot.xml --glcid=<glc_id> --username=<admin account> --password=<admin password> • Note: As long as nothing changes in any of your courses, you won’t have to create a new snapshot file.
Now that your snapshot.xml is ready, you can transfer it from C:\Migrate to the Shared Folder called “M:\MigrateToLearn on ‘172.16.4…’ • Verify to see if your snapshot.xml file was created in the M:\ shared folder. If so, please delete the file from the C:\Migrate folder. This will make it less confusion for someone else that will be migrating courses and reduce the amount of space on the hard drives. Thanks in advance.
Log out of the CE 8 Microsoft Remote Desktop. • Log into the Learn 9.1 Microsoft Remote Desktop • Now you’re ready to migrate your courses in Learn 9.1, Open a Command Prompt window. • Go to the following folder: c:\blackboard\tools\admin
Enter the following command line: LMSImport.cmd --file=c:\MigrateFromCE\snapshot.xml --ds=CEFALL2010 --pkg_dir=c:\MigrateFromCE --no_users --no_enrollmentsThis may take several minutes to finish the transfer of files to Learn 9.1. In some cases it could even take an hour. This depends how many courses your migrating at once and there sizes…
Now that the command prompt is back on the screen. You will need to verify that all your courses are in Learn 9.1. This is done via the GUI interface. • Please remove all your files, with the exception of the snapshot.xml file from the C:\MigrateToLearn • Logout of the Microsoft Remote Desktop for Learn 9.1
Note: Icons that appeared in the CE8/Vista system will not appear in Learn 9.1
Very important Bug for Migration Purposes) Once a course is migrated, either via by GUI or Command, to learn 9.1. You will notice something interesting to all your links to your images, videos, etc… Blackboard transforms them into some weird code. This is ok if you don’t copy this course again. But if you do decide to copy the course, all the images, doc, videos, etc… will not work. • Here is the work around; once a course is migrated from CE 8 to Learn 9.1, we recommend copying the entire course content from CE 8 to your desktop. Then transfer the entire course content from your desktop to Learn 9.1 via the Drag and Drop. This will repair the links that get changed to Blackboard garbage and now your course will be able to be copied.
***VERY IMPORTANT***- The Learning Module/Module d’apprentissage must always be visible to all users at all times. If not, the content pages will not be visible to any students.
****VERY IMPORTANT **** When we migrate a course from CE 8 to Learn 9.1, by default all the files of the course are not available to students. You need to make them available. • These are the steps to make all the files read only to students: • Log into the course • Go to the “Control Panel” and click on the Files • Click on the course code identification and the file manager will open • Click on the Permissions (hand with file)
Click the “Add course user list” • Place a checkmark in the “All course users” and only set the “Read” permission. Then click the “Submit” button • Your files are now visible to student accounts.
If your course has a table of content, make sure that it’s visible to your users • Click on the Learning module in the left menu. • Click the Action link on the Learning Module and select “Edit”. • Scroll down to the Table of Contents section. Set “Show Table of Content to users” to “Yes”.
Remove any old “Assessments/Évaluations” or “Assignments/Tâches” that are not being used. • Make sure that your Assessments and Assignments are in the proper order.
All links to images, css, pages, etc… are case sensitive. You must make sure, to check all links that are not working and repair the case of the letter. (Ex.: the page is called Page1.htm, the link must be<a href=”Page1.htm”> and not <a href=”PAGE1.HTM”>. It will not work in Learn
In the Learning Module, now that it takes a folder to make the indentation for the table of contents, you will need to place a description in that folder. Otherwise, it will only load a blank page. • We recommend that you just type the name of the module, lesson, etc… Place it center on the page and use the following font: Arial 7.
If you used images for the answers of your Assessments, they will not migrate properly. You will need to open the assessment question and place the image again in the answer. If you placed an image in the question itself, it still will work properly.
In your assessments, make sure that you’re Tests options are still the same as CE8, • Go to the Assessments section. • Click the action link on an Assessment • Choose “Edit the Test Options” • Make sure that the options are the same as CE 8
How to transfer a Glossary from CE 8 to Learn 9.1. The Glossary tool in 9.1 is not the same as CE 8. • Log into the course in CE 8. Open the le glossary, choose all the definitions and select the Export button • Save the file on your desktop. « Entries_Export.csv » • Extract the file and open it « Entries_Export.csv » with Notepad • Then Save the file as… and change the Encoding to ANSI and click the Save button • When you are asked to replace the existing file, click yes. • Close Notepad • Open the file « Entries_Export.csv » with WordPad • Replace all ," between the name and the definition with « Tab ». Erace the following line: ",1,0,le terme,1,"",Glossaire • Make sure that the name and the definition is on the same line. After each definition, click the Return button. When you finished, save the file.
Open the course in Learn 9.1 and enter the Glossary tool. • Click the « Upload/Download » button of the Glossary and select the « Upload Glossary » option. • Upload the Entries_Export.csv file
When a course is migrated from CE8/Vista to Learn 9.1, the table of content will be move to Learning Module and a link to the Table of content will show in the course content. • You need to move the table of content from the learning module to the course content and then delete the links. Once the table of content is move to the course content area, erase the Learning Modules option from the left menu