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OpenGL 3D and Animation for Simulating a Solar System. Assignment 3 CMPS 160. Demo. My code is in 3 files: main.cc systems.h systems.cc 364 lines of non-base code I have multiple systems of planets and moons (you only need 1 planet and 1 moon to get credit). New Concepts.
OpenGL 3D and AnimationforSimulating a Solar System Assignment 3 CMPS 160
Demo • My code is in 3 files: main.cc systems.h systems.cc • 364 lines of non-base code • I have multiple systems of planets and moons (you only need 1 planet and 1 moon to get credit)
New Concepts • 3 dimensional world • Complex hidden state • Full screen animation • Multiple frames of reference • Camera vs Object Motion How do these changes affect my design compared to the 2D painting program?
3D World • 3 parameters (x,y,z), duh - glVertex3f(…) • Using perspective projection instead of orthographic - gluPerspective(…) • Objects can occlude (block visibility) one another, we need a depth buffer to figure out when this is happening - glutInitDisplayMode(…) with GLUT_DEPTH, glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST), glClear(..) with GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT
Complex Hidden State For a simple sun, earth, moon simulation we need to track… Sun: earth’s orbital rotation state Earth: earth’s axial rotation state moon’s orbital rotation state Moon: moon’s axial rotation state AND on top of that we need up update this state using some constants for the rate of each rotation and the amount of time that has passed before we draw the scene each time!
Full Screen Animation • In painting assignment we only drew one picture. This program should draw new pictures over and over as fast as it can. • All painting goes in the display callback • Add an idle callback that tells GLUT to git’ drawin’ again - glutPostRedisplay() • We don’t want the user to watch us drawing so we draw to a back buffer while user looks at front, then swap them when we are ready to show them the new picture - glutSwapBuffers() -- implicitly flushes • We want to take up the whole screen -- use glutFullScreen() after glutCreateWindow(…)
Multiple Frames of Reference(the important part of this assignment) • Earth rotates around the sun • Earth rotates around its own axis • The Moon rotates around Earth • The Moon rotates around its own axis • OpenGL does all of the hard math for you as long as you tell it what frame you want to work in - glTranslate, glRotate, glPushMatrix, glPopMatrix, glScale… • Ideally, you can do the whole assignment without sin() and cos()
Camera vs Object Motion • OpenGL doesn’t make a distinction here, but you should. • Scene is rendered from eye’s frame of reference. • Simulation is run from the sun’s frame of reference. • Use gluLookAt(…) or other functions to move the simulated world’s origin with respect to the eye before drawing the world. This has same logical effect as moving the eye within the world.
Camera Setup • In your reshape callback reset the projection matrix to be a perspective projection with the appropriate aspect ratio, nothing more. • In your display callback, the first thing change to the modelview matrix should be the camera’s transformation (with gluLook at), after that everything (the solar system) you draw will be relative to the shifted origin so it looks correct from the eye point. Save the modelview matrix anytime you think you’ll need its state back later.
x Origin y z Complex Hierarchical Drawing Using the Current State Variables(easier viewing on your own computer) glPushMatrix(); drawTower(tower_height); glTranslate(0,tower_height,0); glRotate(arm_angle,1,0,0); drawControlBox(); drawArm(arm_length); glTranslate(0,0,arm_length); glPushMatrix(); glRotate(pulley_angle,0,1,0); drawPulley(); glPopMatrix(); glTranslate(-cable_length,0,0); drawBarrel(); glPopMatrix(); glPushMatrix(); glTranslate(first_barrel,0,0); for(I=0; I<4; I++) { drawBarrel(); glTranslate(barrel_spacing,0,0); } glPopMatrix(); arm_length pulley_angle arm_angle cable_length tower_height firsrt_barrel barrel_spacing
“I still don’t really feel like I understand OpenGL in general” • At other schools there are whole classes on OpenGL or at least a few lecture sessions about it • cmps160 is more concept-based, you only learn to program with OpenGL in the lab. • I learned OpenGL myself from examples and documentation. However, if you learn best through colorful PowerPoint presentations, here is a good starter covering everything up through this assignment: http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~gfx/Courses/2004/Intro.Spring.04/Lectures/lecture04.ppt
Base Code • You write main.cc from scratch this time (really!). Copying the old main.cc is fine, but you’ll still have to make some major changes to the contents of your callbacks. • We provide two functions (in helper.h) to make your solar system pretty if you desire: • helperSetupLighting() -- call this in main after you have registered the callbacks • helperPlaceLight() -- call this when you are drawing the scene in the display callback -- places the sun’s lighting at the current origin