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Trigger/Timing Logic Unit (TLU) for AIDA Beam-Test

Trigger/Timing Logic Unit (TLU) for AIDA Beam-Test. David Cussans, AIDA/CALICE DAQ Palaiseau , 10 Nov 2011. Outline. Exiting EUDET JRA1 TLU Aims for Mini-AIDA-TLU ( mTLU ) Specification Schedule / Cost. Aims for AIDA-TLU ( aTLU ) Use of aTLU in with CALICE DAQ

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Trigger/Timing Logic Unit (TLU) for AIDA Beam-Test

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  1. Trigger/Timing Logic Unit (TLU) for AIDA Beam-Test David Cussans, AIDA/CALICE DAQ Palaiseau, 10 Nov 2011

  2. Outline David Cussans, AIDA/CALICE DAQ Palaiseau, 10 Nov 2011 • Exiting EUDET JRA1 TLU • Aims for Mini-AIDA-TLU (mTLU) • Specification • Schedule / Cost. • Aims for AIDA-TLU (aTLU) • Use of aTLU in with CALICE DAQ • Also, as Beam-Interface (BIF)? • Summary

  3. EUDET JRA1 TLU David Cussans, AIDA/CALICE DAQ Palaiseau, 10 Nov 2011 • Designed to give a simple but flexible interface to trigger/timing signals at EUDET JRA1 beam-telescope • Produces triggers from beam scintillators. • EUDET-Memo-2009-4

  4. EUDET JRA1 TLU David Cussans, AIDA/CALICE DAQ Palaiseau, 10 Nov 2011 • Philosophy • Try to impose as few “rules” as possible on users. • Simple and low cost enough for beam test users to have one in their lab to prepare for beam-test • Used by ILC, LHC and “non-aligned” groups.

  5. JRA1 TLU Interface David Cussans, AIDA/CALICE DAQ Palaiseau, 10 Nov 2011 • Different triggering modes: • No handshake (trigger pulses high) • Trigger-Busy handshake • Trigger Data handshake

  6. JRA1 TLU Interface David Cussans, AIDA/CALICE DAQ Palaiseau, 10 Nov 2011 • Triggers can be vetoed by DUT raising TRIGGER_CLOCK line. • Can be combined with simple trigger/busy handshake for “dead-time free” readouts that send a continuous stream of data. • Send “buffer almost full” signal. • Time-stamp stored for each trigger.

  7. Why and AIDA TLU David Cussans, AIDA/CALICE DAQ Palaiseau, 10 Nov 2011 • Existing TLU works. Why a new one? • Want to move to one-trigger-per-particle ( not one trigger per telescope frame). • Needed for LHC detectors. • FPGA system available for lifetime of AIDA • Use new “FMC” format to allow different FPGAs. • No “single vendor lock in” • Can use with xTCA systems. • Cheaper to produce TLUs for integration in home labs.

  8. AIDA TLU – Backwards Compatible David Cussans, AIDA/CALICE DAQ Palaiseau, 10 Nov 2011 • AIDA TLU will be backwards compatible with existing EUDET TLU • Compatible at physical level ( signal levels, definitions) • Compatible at software level. • At memory map/register level. (but different interface to host. Gigabit Ethernet not USB)

  9. AIDA Mini-TLU (mTLU) David Cussans, AIDA/CALICE DAQ Palaiseau, 10 Nov 2011 • Want to produce a prototype to test out ideas • This mini-TLU will be cheaper and easier to produce than existing TLU • Use new connector standard (FMC), increase lifetime. • Enthusiastically adopted by CERN: • Support “Open Hardware” site. • 23 FMC projects already

  10. AIDA mTLU specification David Cussans, AIDA/CALICE DAQ Palaiseau, 10 Nov 2011 • Double-Width FMC with single LPC connector. • Use e.g. Xilinx SP601 to host. 75mm 139mm

  11. AIDA mTLU Front Panel David Cussans, AIDA/CALICE DAQ Palaiseau, 10 Nov 2011 • Four PMT inputs (Lemo-00) • One clock I/O (2-pole Lemo-00) • One GPIO (Lemo-00) • Two DUT (HDMI)

  12. Alternative Front Panel David Cussans, AIDA/CALICE DAQ Palaiseau, 10 Nov 2011 Four PMT inputs (Lemo-00) Three DUT: Two HDMI One RJ45 One clock I/O (2-pole Lemo-00)

  13. AIDA mTLU Interface David Cussans, AIDA/CALICE DAQ Palaiseau, 10 Nov 2011 • Four PMT Inputs (Lemo-00) • Use MAX9601 fast comparator. <1ns propagation, ~ 100ps dispersion with amplitude. Threshold by DAC. +/-5V range. • Use threshold + zero-crossing per channel. • Two DUT interfaces (HDMI) • Difficult to get RJ45 that will fit on FMC. HDMI has more signal pins and better grounding • “Dongles” for HDMI to LVDS/RJ45 , TTL/LEMO

  14. AIDA mTLU Interface David Cussans, AIDA/CALICE DAQ Palaiseau, 10 Nov 2011 • Use clock circuitry inside FPGA to receive or generate clocks. • Communication to DAQ by Gigabit Ethernet • Use “IPBus” firmware. • Developed for CMS upgrade, but intended to be “experiment neutral” • Will need a host to convert packets into EUDAQ format, but could be main DAQ PC

  15. Versions of mTLU David Cussans, AIDA/CALICE DAQ Palaiseau, 10 Nov 2011 • Different levels of build • Assembled into box ( “beam-test ready”) • Assembled onto metal plate ( “IKEA”) • Approximate cost ~ €1000 each. • FMC only - provide own FPGA ( “Aldi” ) • Manufacture own from design files • Aiming for hardware ~ April 2012

  16. Interface to CALICE DAQ David Cussans, AIDA/CALICE DAQ Palaiseau, 10 Nov 2011 • Need to do some thinking… • Use TLU as a source of trigger data? • like a Trigger-DIF? • Need to receive or supply a clock • Not always used for EUDET • With trigger/busy handshake, don’t need clock for event synchronization. • (Many users don’t use timestamp.)

  17. Interface to CALICE DAQ David Cussans, AIDA/CALICE DAQ Palaiseau, 10 Nov 2011 • Interface: • Physical compatibility probably not an issue (Make AIDA TLU look like a CALICE DIF.) • Use CALICE DIF-LDA firmware to format data for transmission. • Data • Send timestamp ( ~ ns resolution) of every particle.

  18. Interface to EUDAQ David Cussans, AIDA/CALICE DAQ Palaiseau, 10 Nov 2011 • With same trigger information in both CALICE and Beam-telescope can combine events • Offline – use event number/timestamp as a key • Online – send CALICE data to EUDAQ or modify EUDAQ to be able to send data to CALICE DAQ.

  19. Beam Interface Prototype David Cussans, AIDA/CALICE DAQ Palaiseau, 10 Nov 2011 • Requirement for CALICE beam-interface (BIF) for beam-test. • Approx 12 channels, each with <1ns time-stamp • Can use mTLU as prototype BIF • Full aTLU as a BIF • Hardware should work – but BIF-specific firmware needed.

  20. Full AIDA TLU David Cussans, AIDA/CALICE DAQ Palaiseau, 10 Nov 2011 • Approximate specification: • Twelve PMT inputs • Six DUT inputs • Low jitter clock generation • Will need FPGA board with FMC-HPC (high pin count) connector. • Firmware almost identical to mTLU.

  21. Summary David Cussans, AIDA/CALICE DAQ Palaiseau, 10 Nov 2011 • Work under-way to produce a AIDA mini-TLU • Aiming for early release • Low(er) cost way of integrating to EUDAQ at home lab. • Fully specify aTLU in light of mTLU experience • Can use same hardware (and probably most of the firmware) as a Beam-Interface (BIF)

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