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Dinner: Days Chinese Buffet All you can eat £11.99 19:30

Dinner: Days Chinese Buffet All you can eat £11.99 19:30. Deformation and shape changes around 106 Zr. Known prolate nuclei. 113 Tc. 111 Tc: Urban et al. EPJA24 (2005) 161 116 Pd: Hua et al. Phys. Letts. B562 (2003) 201. Diagram modified from Urban et al. 112 Tc. 113 Tc.

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Dinner: Days Chinese Buffet All you can eat £11.99 19:30

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  1. Dinner: Days Chinese BuffetAll you can eat £11.9919:30 Brighton_PRESPEC_Jan_2011

  2. Brighton_PRESPEC_Jan_2011

  3. Deformation and shape changes around 106Zr Brighton_PRESPEC_Jan_2011

  4. Known prolate nuclei 113Tc 111Tc: Urban et al. EPJA24 (2005) 161 116Pd: Hua et al. Phys. Letts. B562 (2003) 201 Brighton_PRESPEC_Jan_2011 Diagram modified from Urban et al

  5. 112Tc 113Tc Coincidences are weak but clear: 92 keV gate 258 keV gate MSU: Folden et al; Phys Rev C79 (2009) 064318 Brighton_PRESPEC_Jan_2011

  6. 112Tc • l < 2 Z=43, N=69 => four combinations of parities for energy surface calculations g.s –n, +p ~400 keV +n, +p ~400 keV –n, -p oblate, b2~0.2 Brighton_PRESPEC_Jan_2011

  7. 5/2[422],7/2[523] Brighton_PRESPEC_Jan_2011

  8. 112Tc 258 keV transition 92 keV transition 5/2[422]7/2[523] Measured hindrance for 258 keV E1 is 107 which is not unreasonable => isomerism caused by shape change Brighton_PRESPEC_Jan_2011

  9. 113Tc triaxial 114 oblate Measured hindrance for 114 keV E1 is 3 x 106 which is not unreasonable => isomerism caused by shape change Z=43, N=60 => positive and negative parity surfaces g.s +ve 5/2- triaxial -ve 5/2+ oblate, b2~0.2 5/2[422] Brighton_PRESPEC_Jan_2011

  10. Summary: Isomers observed in 112,113Tc......due to (predicted) shape changeRecently published in Phys Rev C82Analysis of beta-decay around106Zr is ongoing Music Brighton_PRESPEC_Jan_2011

  11. Next plans: b-gamma-gamma coincidences to get lifetimes => matrix elements. Brighton_PRESPEC_Jan_2011

  12. A.M.Bruce, S.Lalkovski, A.M.Denis Bacelar University of Brighton, UK A.B.Garnsworthy,S.Steer,S.Pietri, Zs.Podolyák, G.F.Farrelly, W.Gelletly, I.J.Cullen, P.M.Walker University of Surrey, UK M.Górska, P.Bednarczyk,L.Caceres, P.Doornenbal, J.Gerl, J.Grębosz, I.Kojouharov, N.Kurz, W.Prokopowicz, H.Schaffner, S.Tashenov, and H.J.Wollersheim GSI, Germany G.Jaworski, M.Palacz Warsaw University, Poland C.Hinke TUM, Germany G.Ilie University of Cologne, Germany E.Casarejos University of Vigo, Spain S.Myalski, Polish Academy of Science, Poland F.R.Xu, Y.Shi Peking University, China Collaborators on 112,113Tc Brighton_PRESPEC_Jan_2011

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