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Evaluation and Regional Analysis of Simulation of Primary and Secondary Organic Aerosols over the United States by US EP

This study evaluates the simulation of primary and secondary organic aerosols over the United States using US EPA Models-3/CMAQ. The evaluation includes regional analysis and comparison with other studies. Results show close agreement with experimental data and highlight the importance of emissions and precursor sources.

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Evaluation and Regional Analysis of Simulation of Primary and Secondary Organic Aerosols over the United States by US EP

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  1. Simulation of primary and secondary (biogenic and anthropogenic) organic aerosols over the United States by US EPA Models-3/CMAQ: Evaluation and regional analysis Shaocai Yu*, Robin Dennis*++, Brian Eder*++, Charles Lewis**, Francis Binkowski*++, Gerald Gipson**, Prakash Bhave*++, Jonathan Pleim*++, Kenneth Schere*++, George Klouda***, George Pouliot*++ *Atmospheric Sciences Modeling Division ** Human Exposure and Atmospheric Sciences Division NERL, U.S. EPA, RTP, NC 27711. ***Atmospheric Chemistry Group National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899 ++ On assignment from Air Resources Laboratory, NOAA

  2. Introduction

  3. CMAQ Community Multiscale Air QualityModel • Community Model • Multiscale • consistent model structures for interaction of urban through Continental scales • Multi-pollutant • ozone, speciated particulate matter, visibility, acid deposition • and air toxics

  4. 184 (old)

  5. Our results close to • Odum/Griff and CMU/STI

  6. ResultsAt Nashville site • Pun et al. (EST, 2003) • Odum/Griffin et al • and CMU/STI: smog chamber data • AEC: explicit gas-phase mechanism

  7. Results3. SEARCH (TOR),ASACA (TOT)

  8. EC OC TC SOA Primary OC Normalized Mean Bias (NMB)

  9. Results • Spatial distribtution of averages

  10. Results • Terpene emision (Biogenic OC precursor) • Primary EC, OC emission

  11. Results Emissions of precursors for anthropogenic SOA

  12. (CMAQ model results)

  13. Contacts: Brian K. Eder email: eder@hpcc.epa.gov www.arl.noaa.gov/ www.epa.gov/asmdnerl

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