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Transforming the College Petitions Process for Student Success

Enhancing student experience through innovative technology, reducing paper usage, and streamlining the petitions process for efficient decision-making. Get insights on the revamped procedure at our office in Gainesville, Florida.

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Transforming the College Petitions Process for Student Success

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Presentation Transcript

  1. College Petitions Process Better serving students through innovation and technology

  2. The Petitions Process The ability to petition, for a record adjustment, has always been a mechanism available to students College Petitions Committee meets weekly Basis: Extraordinary unforeseen circumstances beyond a student’s control, or college error Requirements: Formal submission of all relevant documentation for review by committee

  3. Petitions Committee Members from the following areas : Disabilities Resource Center Health Sciences Advising Counseling Center Faculty Academic Advising Academic Foundations (College Prep Advising) Student Services Coordinator (Academic Center) Financial Aid Office of Finance

  4. Back In the Day… “It’s raining paper…” Paper, paper and more paper…

  5. Did I Mention Paper? Average petitions per week: 35-40 Average paper usage: 2-3 reams per week Other Challenges 2 - 2.5 Hour committee meetings Delivery of bulky petition packets on day of meeting Limited committee member review time

  6. Document Imaging 2005 Scanners, software and licenses distributed campus-wide Back scanning of student records On time scanning and access to current student records

  7. We Have the Technology…. Paper costs reduced, staff efficiency increased Petitions are scanned upon submission Agenda for each meeting transmitted by email one week prior to each meeting Committee members have seven days to prepare Meetings run 45 minutes to one hour per week

  8. Bumps in the Road… Committee reluctant to go paperless Keeping the process FERPA-compliant Meeting requires use of a “smart” meeting room “…it’s not broke, so why fix it”

  9. The Domino Effect Revisions inspired us to review all aspects of the process One-year statute of limitations Updated forms Updated appeals process Petition results via notifications (Student Portal) Results released same day Page limit on submissions

  10. Contact Information Office of the Registrar Julia Jucker Petitions Specialist 3000 NW 83rd Street Bldg. R, Rm-112 Gainesville, Florida 32606 (352) 395-5445 Office (352) 395-4129 Fax Julia.jucker@sfcollege.edu

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