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Chemical Reactions

Learn about the 5 common types of chemical reactions - Synthesis, Decomposition, Single Replacement, Double Replacement, and Combustion - and the 5 signs indicating a chemical reaction. Discover reaction examples and general forms with detailed explanations. Dive into identifying chemical reactions with specific examples provided.

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Chemical Reactions

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  1. Chemical Reactions

  2. Types of Chemical Reactions 5 common types of chemical reactions • Synthesis • Decomposition • Single replacement • Double replacement • Combustion

  3. The 5 Signs of a Chemical Reaction There are five main signs that a chemical reaction has taken place: Light released Temperature change Formation of a precipitate Color change Production of a gas

  4. Are used to represent chemical reactions 2Mg + O2 2MgO • Reactants Products • An arrow is placed between them to show the direction of reaction.

  5. Synthesis • Means “putting together” • Two or more substances (elements or compounds) combine to form a single new compound General Form: A + B → AB Examples: 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O 2Na + Cl2 → 2NaCl

  6. Decomposition • Opposite of synthesis reactions • a single compound reacts to give two or more products General Form: AB → A + B Examples: 2H2O → 2H2 + O2 2NaCl → 2Na + Cl2

  7. Hydrogen Peroxide 2 H2O2 —> 2 H2O + O2

  8. Single Replacement Reactions A reaction in which one element replaces or displaces another element in a compound. General Form: A + BC → B + AC A and B switch places. Example: Zn + CuSO4 → Cu + ZnSO4

  9. Single Replacement Reactions Use the activity series of metals to determine whether the reaction will work or not.

  10. Double Replacement Reactions A reaction in which two soluble ionic compounds react to form a precipitate (or water). General Form: AC + BD→ AD + BC A and B switch places. Example: AgNO3 + NaCl → NaNO3 + AgCl (ppt)

  11. Double Replacement Reactions AgNO3(aq) + KCl(aq) ‑‑‑‑> AgCl(s) + KNO3(aq) Use a solubility table to determine if a precipitate is formed.

  12. Combustion Reactions The burning of a hydrocarbon in the presence of oxygen. Hydrocarbon: organic compound that is composed only of carbon and hydrogen. Examples: gasoline, kerosene, propane

  13. Combustion Reactions General Form: CxHy + O2 → CO2 + H2O + heat The products are usually carbon dioxide, water, and energy in the form of heat.

  14. This is also called burning!!! In order to burn something you need the 3 things in the “fire triangle”: 1) A Fuel (hydrocarbon)2) Oxygen to burn it with3) Something to ignite the reaction (spark) Combustion Reactions

  15. In general: CxHy + O2 → CO2 + H2O Products in combustion are ALWAYS carbon dioxide and water. Combustion is used to heat homes and run automobiles (gasoline is octane, C8H18) (Note: incomplete burning causes some by-products like carbon monoxide = CO) Combustion Reactions

  16. Two or more elements or compounds combine to make a more complex substance A + B → AB AB → A + B Compounds break down into simpler substances Occurs when one element replaces another one in a compound AB + C → AC + B Occurs when different atoms in two different compounds trade places AB + CD → AC + BD Burning of a hydrocarbon in oxygen producing carbon dioxide and water CH + O2 → CO2 + H2O Combustion A = Red B = Blue C = Green D = Yellow

  17. Identifying Chemical Reactions S = Synthesis D = Decomposition SR = Single Replacement DR = Double Replacement C = Combustion ____ HgO → Hg + O2 ____ Mg + O2 → MgO ____ P + Cl2 → P4Cl10 ____ Al2O3 → Al + O2 ____ Cl2 + NaBr → NaCl + Br2 ____ H2 + N2 → NH3

  18. Identifying Chemical Reactions ____ Na + Br2 → NaBr ____ CuCl2 + H2S → CuS + HCl ____ CH4 + O2 → CO2 + H2O ____ C + H2 → CH4 ____ KClO3  →   KCl  +  O2  ____ C8H18 + O2 → CO2 + H2O   ____ BaCl2  +  Na2 SO4 → NaCl + BaSO4 ____ S8 + F2 → SF6

  19. What types of reaction is it? • 1) NaBr + H3(PO4) → Na3(PO4) + HBr • 2) Mg + Fe2O3 → Fe + MgO • 3) C2H4 + O2 → CO2 + H2O • 4) Pb(SO4) → Pb(SO3) + O2 • 5) NH3 + I2 → N2I6 + H2 • 7) H2O + SO3 → H2(SO4)

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