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How to tackle the Germany examination paper

How to tackle the Germany examination paper. SHS MAY 2010. FOUR. There are. sections of knowledge to the Cold War paper. SECTION 1. THE WEIMAR REPUBLIC?. SECTION 2. HITLER AND THE GROWTH OF THE NAZI PARTY 1918 - 1933. SECTION 3. THE NAZI DICTATORSHIP 1933 - 1939. SECTION 4.

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How to tackle the Germany examination paper

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  1. How to tackle the Germany examination paper SHS MAY 2010

  2. FOUR There are sections of knowledge to the Cold War paper





  7. EXAM PAPER • There are THREE questions on the Germany examination paper. • Question 1 – Q1a / Q1b / Q1c / Q1d • Question 2 • Question 3

  8. TIME You have 1hr 15 mins to complete the WHOLE exam paper. That’s: Q1a = 6 mins Q1b = 8 mins Q1c = 12 mins Q1d = 12 mins Q2 = 12 mins Q3 = 25 mins STICK TO THIS TIME ALLOCATION – YOU MUST ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS

  9. QUESTION 1’s (4 in total) Q1a Q1a – Will have a n historical source for you to read. There will then be a question about this historical source. Q1a is worth 4 marks – you should spend no more than 6 mins on it. Q1a will also be phrased: ‘What can you learn from Source A about (something)

  10. What you need to do… • The best answers will always: • STATE onefact from the source • Make oneINFERENCE from the source • AND also SUPPORT that inference with extra information.


  12. EXAMPLE: Hitler was filled with joy. He saw war as a way to unite all Germanic people. He joined the German Army and saw harsh times. Out of 3,600 men in his regiment, only 611 survived the first week. A Corporal, he was awarded the iron cross first class for bravery. Wartime boosted his confidence. He called it ‘ the most memorable period of my life’. What does Source A tell us about Hitler’s opinion of the First World War? (6) STATE = Source A tells us that Hitler approved of the First World war (2) INFERENCE = This can be inferred because it says that Hitler ‘saw war as a way to unite all Germanic people. (2)

  13. QUESTION 1b Question (1b) is worth 6 marks so you should aim to spend about 7–8 minutes on it. 1b questions will always ask you to briefly describe something

  14. What you need to do… • The best answers will always: • STATE THREE key features (3) • Give extra information/explain each of the three key features (3)

  15. QUESTION B REQUIRES A THREE PARAGRAPH ANSWER Each paragraph dealing with ONE key feature and a sentence or two of detail/explanation PARAGRAPH ONE: The first key feature of …………… was……………………………... (1) Further details of this feature are that……………….(1) PARAGRAPH TWO: The second key feature of …………… was…………………………….. (1) Further details of this feature are that…………………………………..(1) PARAGRAPH THREE: The third key feature of …………… was…………………………….. (1) Further details of this feature are that……………………………………… (1)

  16. Each of the THREE paragraphs should always begin as follows…. PARAGRAPH ONE: One key feature of…………. was ………….. PARAGRAPH TWO: A Second key feature of…………. was ………….. PARAGRAPH THREE: A third key feature of…………. was ………….. Each paragraph should then continue…. Further details of this feature are that…………….

  17. Example question: Describe the punishments inflicted upon Germany in the Treaty of Versailles (6)

  18. QUESTION 1c Question 1c is worth 8 marks so you should aim to spend about 12 minutes on it. Part C questions will always ask you to explain the effects of something.

  19. What you need to do… • The best answers will always: • State TWO effects • Support each effect with a factual detail • Explain how each effect happened • Link the two effects together.

  20. QUESTION 1CcREQUIRES A TWO PARAGRAPH ANSWER The TWO paragraphs should all look the same. Example question: Explain the effects of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany 1918 - 1923 PARAGRAPH ONE: One EFFECT on Germany of the Treaty of Versailles was…………... (1) Further details of this are….. (1) The effect happened because……………………….. (1) LINKING STATEMENT (How does effect one lead to effect two) PARAGRAPH TWO: A second EFFECT on Germany of the Treaty of Versailles was…………... (1) Further details of this are….. (1) The effect happened because……………………….. (1)

  21. Example question: Explain the effects of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany 1918 - 1923 PARAGRAPH ONE: One effect on Germany of the Treaty of Versailles was the economic problems (1) Further details of this effect are that reparations were set at £6,600 million and this damaged German industry and government finances (1) This effect happened because reparations caused even more economic problems when the government began to print money to make the payments. This made prices go up fast. By 1923, even a loaf of bread cost 100,000 marks. (1)

  22. Example question: Explain the effects of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany 1918 - 1923 PARAGRAPH TWO: A second effect on Germany of the Treaty of Versailles was the political problems (1) Further details of this effect are that The new Weimar government had to accept the Treaty. But this caused unrest. (1) This effect happened because people said the new governemt had given Germany a stab in the back: they called them the November criminals. The Treaty caused political problems because it made many German workers support left wing parties like the KPD, while many soldiers and landowners supported right-wing parties. Some people felt so strongly that they supported uprisings like the Spartacist revolt in 1919 or the Kapp Putsch in 1920. (1)

  23. Example question: Explain the effects of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany 1918 - 1923 Linking statement between the two paragraphs: The economic problems caused by the Treaty of Versailles affected everyone. Basic goods were hard to find and lots of people lost their jobs. Middle – class people had their savings made worthless by hyperinflation. All these economic problems are linked to the political problems because they made the government more unpopular.(2)

  24. QUESTION 1d Question 1d is worth 8 marks so you should aim to spend about 12 minutes on it. Part 1d questions will always ask you to explain why something happened.

  25. What you need to do… • The best answers will always: • State TWO causes • Support each cause with a factual detail • Explain how each cause made x happen • Link the two causes together. • State which of the two causes was most important and why

  26. QUESTION 1d REQUIRES A THREE PARAGRAPH ANSWER The first TWO paragraphs should all look the same. Example question: Explain why support for the Nazi Party grew 1929 - 1933 PARAGRAPH ONE: One reason why Nazi support grew was…………... (1) Further details of this are….. (1) This cause made support for the Nazi party to grow because……………………….. (1) PARAGRAPH TWO: A second reason why Nazi support grew was…………... (1) Further details of this are….. (1) This cause made support for the Nazi Party to grow because……………………….. (1) PARAGRAPH THREE: Cause one and cause two are linked because…………….. (1) The most important cause was…………. Because…………………. (1)

  27. QUESTION 2 Question 2 is worth 8 marks so you should aim to spend about 12 minutes on it. There will be a choice of 2 question 2’s – 2a or 2b, you must only answer ONE of these questions Part C questions will always ask you to explain how something happened.

  28. What you need to do… • The best answers will always: • State THREE reasons why X happened • Support each reason with an explanation of why this answers the question • Link the three reasons together.

  29. QUESTION 2 REQUIRES A FOUR PARAGRAPH ANSWER The first THREE paragraphs should all look the same. Example question: Explain how the Nazis increased the persecution of Jews PARAGRAPH ONE: One way the Nazis persecuted the Jews was by…………... (1) This reason increased the persecution of the Jews because……………………….. (2) PARAGRAPH TWO: A second way the Nazis persecuted the Jews was by…………... (1) This reason increased the persecution of the Jews because……………………….. (2) PARAGRAPH THREE: A third way the Nazis persecuted the Jews was by…………... (1) This reason increased the persecution of the Jews because……………………….. (2)

  30. Paragraph 4 – the paragraph when you link the factors together The ways that the Nazis increased persecution of the Jews is linked…(1) Link way 1 with 2 (1) Link way 2 with 3 (1)

  31. QUESTION 3 Question 3 is worth 16 marks so you should aim to spend about 25 minutes on it. There will be a choice of 2 question 3’s – 3a or 3b, you must only answer ONE of these questions Part C questions will always ask you to explain the causes or effects of something.

  32. Question 3 will give you a list of the causes or effects. Example question: Was the Enabling Act the main reason Hitler was able to keep control of Germany 1933 – 1939? • You may use the following information to help you with your answer. • The Enabling Act • The Gestapo • Repression of the Churches • Propaganda YOU MUST USE ALL OF THESE FACTORS. Each one will become a paragraph in your essay.

  33. QUESTION 3 REQUIRES A SIX PARAGRAPH ANSWER The first FOUR paragraphs should all look the same. Example question: Was the Enabling Act the main reason Hitler was able to keep control of Germany 1933 – 1939? PARAGRAPH ONE: The Enabling Act was one cause of Hitler’s strong control….. (1) because……………………….. (2) PARAGRAPH TWO: The Gestapo was one cause of Hitler’s strong control….. (1) because……………………….. (2) PARAGRAPH THREE: The persecution of the Churches was one cause of Hitler’s strong control….. (1) because……………………….. (2) PARAGRAPH FOUR: Propaganda was one cause of Hitler’s strong control….. (1) because……………………….. (2)

  34. PARAGRAPH FIVE: ANSWER THE QUESTION The question clearly asks IF the Enabling Act was the main reason that Hitler kept such tight control. Paragraph 5 is when you say if you think it was or was not AND justify your reasoning. PARAGRAPH SIX: The very best answers will have a paragraph 6 in which you state that although the cause discussed in paragraph 5 was important it does not explain the full answer on its own. Here you need to state that although one cause can be considered MOST important, all the other reasons you have written about (write them out) are also important.

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