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Learn the basics of English grammar, including sentence structure, parts of speech, verb tenses, passive voice, gerunds and infinitives, adjective clauses, reported speech, connectors, conjunctions, conditional sentences, and preferences.
LANGUAGE USAGE Parts of Speech English Tenses Modal Auxiliaries & Similar Expressions Passive Voice Gerunds and Infinitives Singular and Plural Adjective Clauses (Relative Clauses) Direct – Indirect (Reported Speech) Elliptic Construction Connectors (Kata Penghubung) Conjunctions (Kata Sambung) Conditional Sentences Causative Preferences
ENGLISH TENSES The past was yesterday.The present is now.The future is tomorrow.
MODAL AUXILIARIES & SIMILAR EXPRESSIONS • Modal verbs do not take "-s" in the third person. e.g. He can speak Chinese. • You use "not" to make modal verbs negative, even in Simple Present and Simple Past. e.g. He should not be late. • Many modal verbs cannot be used in the past tenses or the future tenses. e.g. He will can go with us. Not Correct She musted study very hard. Not Correct
Common Modal Verbs Can Could May Might Must Ought to Shall Should Will Would Some expressions which are not modal verbs including had better, have to, and have got to. These expressions are closely related to modals in meaning and are often interchanged with them.
PASSIVE VOICE Kalimatpasifadalahkalimatdimanasubjekdikenaitindakan/pekerjaan, sedangkankalimataktifsubjeklah yang melakukantindakan/pekerjaan. Hal yang perludiperhatikandalammerubahaktifkepasifadalah: • Yang dapatdijadikankalimat passive adalah Verbal Sentence (kalimat yang predikatnyakatakerja/V) • Verbal sentence yang dapatdirubahke Passive Voice (kalimatpasif) adalahkalimat yang memilikiobjekpenderita. • Perubahanaktifkepasifatausebaliknyatidakmerubahmaknakalimat. Perubahanterjadihanyapadastrukturkalimatnyasaja. • Cirikalimatpasif/passive voice adalahto be + V3 dankataby (katainibukanmerupakansyarat yang harusadadalamkalimatpasif ) Contoh : (Aktive)BajurilovesOneng S P/V1 O (Passive) Onengis loved by Bajuri. S P/V3 (Active) I bought a new motorcycle last week. (passive) A new motorcycle was bought by me last week
GERUND & INFINITIVE Gerund adalahkatakerja yang dibendakan/ katabenda yang dibentukdarikatakerja yang diberiakhiran –ing (V-ing). Gerund digunakanbila: • Verb/katakerjasebagaisubjek. Swimmingis a good sport. • Verb sebagai complement/pelengkap. My hobby is cycling. • Setelahkatadepan/preposition seperti for, on, before dll. I am sorry forcoming late. Beforeleaving, he said nothing. • Setelahistilahkhususseperti no use, to be worth, to be busy, can’t help/can’t bear, to be used to, get used to. It is no usestudying without practicing. • Setelah possessive adjective (my,your, his,her,our,their,Amir’s, dll) Hisstaringfrightens me. • Katakerja/V setelahkatakerjatertentu We enjoyseeing them again after so many years.
CONNECTORS Connectors digunakanuntukmenggabungkanduakalimat/lebihmenjadisatukalimat. Connectors dibagimenjadi 3, yaitu: • Menunjukanwaktu: before, after, as soon as, while, when. • We went home after the rain stopped. • I prepare my ticket and passport before I go on holiday to Paris. • I started to look for an apartment as soon as I arrived in this city. • While he was reading her novel, somebody knocked on the door. • I was really sad when I saw a drama movie. • Menunjukansebabdanakibat: because/because of, since. • I went to the hospital because I had a serious accident. • I went to the hospital because of my serious accident. • Since I have no money, I can’t treat you. • Menunjukantandaurutan: first, next, then, after that, finally. • first, we must prepare the ingredients. • Next, we cut the vegetables into small pieces. • After that, we put them into frying pan. • Finally, we put some sauce and salt.
CONJUNCTIONS Katasambungadalahkata yang digunakanuntukmenyambungduakalimat/kata-kata. • Katasambung yang berdirisendiriseperti: and, or, but, for, although/though, that, if,dll. • Katasambung yang berpasanganseperti: • both…and… (…danjuga….) • not only…but also… (…tidakhanya…tetapijuga…) • either…or… (….maupun…) • neither…nor… (…tidak…dantidak…)
PREFERENCES Menyukai A ketimbang B 1) S + prefers + noun/V-ing + to + noun/V-ing - Dona prefers dancing tosinging. (Dona lebihmenyukaimenariketiumbangmenyanyi) 2) S + like + noun/V-ing + better than + noun/V-ing - I likeT.V better than radio. - Kokomlikes reading better than watching T.V. • S + would rather + V1 + than + V1 - Ditawould rather watch T.V . than plays a video game. (Ditalebihmenyukainonton T.V ketimbang main video game) 4) S + would prefer + to V1 + rather than + V1 - Ayu would prefer to phone me rather thansend SMS. (Ayulebihmenyukaimenelponsayaketimbangmengirim SMS)
Elliptical Construction : handout page 46 Causative : handout page 32 Question tag : handout page 48