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Dada and Duchamp: Anti-Aesthetics and Modernity

Explore the avant-garde movement of Dada and its key figures like Marcel Duchamp, challenging traditional art forms with anti-war and anti-bourgeois sentiments. Learn about their iconic works and impact on modern art and society.

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Dada and Duchamp: Anti-Aesthetics and Modernity

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  1. 達達與杜象︰反美學與現代性 劉瑞琪 本著作除另有註明外,採取創用CC「姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享」台灣2.5版授權釋出

  2. Dada, 1916-1922/1923 • Dada 的 字義︰ • Tristan Tzara 所取,木馬或嬰兒的一種語聲 • 反戰、反美學、反布爾喬亞 • Avant-garde(前衛派)︰ • 追求藝術與生活的結合

  3. 主要城市與人物 • Zurich: Tristan Tzara, Jean Arp (Cabaret Voltaire) • Paris: Marcel Duchamp, Francis Picabia • New York: Marcel Duchamp, Francis Picabia, Man Ray • Berlin: Raoul Hausmann, Hannah Höch, John • Heartfield, George Grosz • Cologne: Max Ernst • Hanover: Kurt Schwitters

  4. Hans Arp, Arrangement According to the Laws of Chance (1916-17)

  5. Marcel Duchamp, Nude Descending a Staircase (No.2) (1912) vs. Duchamp playing chess with Eve Babitz at the Marcel Duchamp retrospective, Pasadena Art Museum, 1963.

  6. Marcel Duchamp, Fountain (1917) vs. Marcel Duchamp, Fountain (1917, replica 1964)

  7. Marcel Duchamp, L.H.O.O.Q. (1919) vs. Man Ray, Marcel DuchampasRrose Sélavy (c. 1921)

  8. Film Still from Charlie Chaplin, A Woman (1915) vs. Man Ray, Marcel Duchamp asRrose Sélavy (c. 1921)

  9. Marcel Duchamp and Man Ray, Belle Haleine, Eau de Voilette (1921)

  10. Marcel Duchamp, The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even(1915-23)

  11. Marcel Duchamp, Given: 1.The Waterfall, 2.The Illuminating Gas(1946-66)

  12. Marcel Duchamp, Given: 1.The Waterfall, 2.The Illuminating Gas(1946-66) 劉瑞琪老師國立陽明大學

  13. Marcel Duchamp, Given: 1.The Waterfall, 2.The Illuminating Gas(1946-66) 劉瑞琪老師國立陽明大學

  14. Francis Picabia, Portrait of Cézanne (1920)

  15. Francis Picabia, Girl Born without a Mother (1916-18) vs. Francis Picabia, Love Parade (1917)

  16. First International Dada Fair (1920)

  17. Otto Dix, The Skat Players (1920) vs. George Grosz, Metropolis (1916-17)

  18. Hausmann, Mechanic Head vs. John Heartfield, Adolf the Superman (The Spirit of Our Time) (1919) Swallows Gold and Spouts Junk, (1932)

  19. Hannah Höch and Raoul Hausmann vs. Hannah Höch and Til Brugman

  20. Hannah Höch, The Beautiful Girl (1919-20) vs. Hannah Höch, Dada dolls

  21. Hannah Höch, Tamer (1930) vs. Karl Arnold, Lotte at the Crossroads (1925)

  22. Kurt Schwitters, Construnction for Noble (1919) vs. KurtSchwitters, Merz Construction (1921)

  23. Max Ernst, The Great Orthochromatic Wheel That Makes Love to Measure (1919)

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