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The RIHLA EXPERIENCE. The Most Memorable Experience of Your Life. bestpowerpointtemplates.com. In The Beginning. I am a first time applicant How serious do I take this application? It is so intimidating. Are they seriously wanting this much detail…why? Ok I submitted it, now what?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The RIHLA EXPERIENCE • The Most Memorable Experience of Your Life bestpowerpointtemplates.com

  2. In The Beginning • I am a first time applicant • How serious do I take this application? It is so intimidating. Are they seriously wanting this much detail…why? • Ok I submitted it, now what? • My online service rep • Decisions? Who does them? How? When do I hear back? • I have been accepted OMG, what does that mean? • Building anticipation • The buzz Your Footer Here

  3. The Buzz • Videos, slide shows, articles, blogs, live chat rooms, book reviews, and……. • costs: where is my money going to: • Need clear explanation of what they are paying for • explanation of expenses helps to garner understanding, sympathy, and support • commitment to the best, high-quality-----IHSAN, ITQAN Your Footer Here

  4. TRANSPORT & ARRIVAL Travel Anxiety Orientation begins on acceptance • For many, first major travel; parental concerns; how do we communicate? • Our manuals and guidebooks need proper development; need a professional video guide • Reading Materials need to include personal experience blogs, not jut abstract articles or lectures • Need the Personal Touch • Day 1 of Program should be a reminder of what already ahs been inculcated prior to arrival • Clear depiction of class schedule and site visits; we cannot make everyone happy but we can keep everyone informed • Teacher Orientation and Expectation; Rules and Policies must be clear uniformly Your Footer Here

  5. Substance • what are the core goals of our program? Synergy between environment, classes and visits • Classes must be prepared, with a distinct flavor and style; lecture + Discussion • Prepared material; set teacher interaction times • Constant and continuous communication • Individual check-ups • Health concerns • Diet and exercise; junk overload nurturing a program that flourishes and benefits all Your Footer Here

  6. schedule • Fluid • Reasonable • Time for rest • Informed changes • Consistency • Time for Q/A and discussions • Sustainable • Divide into thirds • realistic Your Footer Here

  7. Course Materials • One of our greatest strengths • Editing and prep • What is the next level • Online synergy; fiqh? • MP3/downloadable media • Books? • Curriculum and support material should be determined 8 months in advance • Teacher involvement • Student reviews Your Footer Here

  8. Site Visits • Anticipation • Uncertainty • Language barrier • What are our resources? • Expectations • Clear instructions • Communication • Teachers • Outsource? Your Footer Here

  9. Group Leaders & Volunteers • Selection and Recruitment • Criteria • Impartiality • Vetting Process • Incentives • Clear Instructions • Training • Manuals and Guides • Trouble Shooting • Quantity vs Quality • Regular meetings and communication • Burn out

  10. The Problem Students • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6sRyrB_UMA • Developing a standard guide on dealing with common issues • Assign disciplinary tasks to capable staff • Determining the reasonable vs unreasonable • Gender interactions: setting the tone and ground rules

  11. Teachers • Proper evaluation of performance and commitment to the program • Clear communication on what is required of them • Expense limitations • Guest visitation policy • Communication/schedule changes • Student interaction • Course material development • Online contributions

  12. Plan now! • Preparation begins yesterday • Set action items and task; need to have metrics to measure success and completion of goals Phone Email Coordination Website Your Footer Here

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