Frisbee By: Daniel
The Frisbee was invented 2700 years ago. Well…not really! Discus throwing was a part of the early Olympic Games in Greece 2700 years ago. And the design of the Frisbee disc is similar to the discus thrown in the Olympic Games. But the Frisbee is a Frisbee, not a discuss. And its invention was not the result of some inventor staying up nights.
Choice #1 Choice #1The original Frisbee was spelled Frisbie and it was metal. It was not invented to be thrown-except into an oven. It was a pie tin stamped with the words “ Frisbie Pies” since the pies came from the Frisbie Bakery in Bridgeport, Connecticut. The Frisbie pie tins would probably have done nothing more than hold pies if it hadn’t been for some Yale University students. The Yale students bought Frisbie pies and once the pie was eaten, they began tossing the tins to each other. They would call out, “Frisbie!” to the person to whom they were tossing the pan, or to warn people walking nearby to watch for the flying objects. And so, intending simply to toss a pie tin back and forth, the Yale University students invented what has grown into the Frisbee we know today.
Choice#2 “The Frisbee was invented by two kids named Bobby and Joey”. They were cousins. They were having a picnic with their friends. They were eating lunch. After they were done they got up and started to think of what to do. They didn’t have anything to play with. So they started to get bored when Joey accidentally knocked down a paper plate off of the picnic table and it started to move up and down in the air because of the wind. Then Bobby picked up the paper plate and told Joey to move farther away from him. Bobby threw the plate toward Joey and he caught it. Their friends started to play with them too. When they were done playing they couldn’t think of a name for the new game they had invented. Then they were thinking of something they have alike and they named it “Frisbee” which was their last name.