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STRESS MANAGEMENT. ABD. RAZAK SAID M.Sc. (HRD – UPM) B.Sc. (WORKFORCE, EDU. & DEV. – SIUC USA) Dip in Stenography (ITM). WHAT IS STRESS?. Stress is an adaptive response to a situation that we perceive as challenging or threatening.
WHAT IS STRESS? • Stress is an adaptive response to a situation that we perceive as challenging or threatening. • Overwork, violence at workplace, sexual harassment, workplace bullying produce “Distress” STRESS MANAGEMENT
INTERPERSONAL STRESSORS Examples of interpersonal stressors are: • Workplace bullying, • Sexual harassment, and • Workplace violence. STRESS MANAGEMENT
ROLE RELATED STRESSORS Role related stressors include situations where employees have difficulty understanding and performing various roles in their lives such as: • Role conflict • Role ambiguity • Work overload STRESS MANAGEMENT
TASK CONTROL STRESSORS • Task control stressors refer to a situation where an employee has no control over his work due to environmental (uncontrollable) factors such as: • Time, • Quantity and quality • Environmental factors STRESS MANAGEMENT
ORGANIZATIONAL AND PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT STRESSORS • Examples of these stressors are downsizing, merging, restructuring, reengineering, excessive noise, poor lighting, and poor safety hazards. STRESS MANAGEMENT
WORK TO NON-WORK STRESSORS Three types of non-work stressors are: • Time-based conflict – the challenge of balancing the time demanded by work with family and other non-work activities. • Strain-based conflict – occurs when stress from one condition spills over to the other STRESS MANAGEMENT
WORK TO NON-WORK STRESSORS (CONT.) • Role behavior conflict – occurs when people are expected to enact (perform) different work and non-work roles. STRESS MANAGEMENT
CONSEQUENCES OF DISTRESS • Physiological consequences – chronic stress may lead to cardiovascular disease, strokes, heart attacks, hypertension (whenever people are stressed, their blood pressure goes up and down). • Psychological consequences – chronic stress may also lead to job dissatisfaction, moodiness, and depression. STRESS MANAGEMENT
BEHAVIORAL CONSEQUENCES • Distressed employees may lead to workplace accidents, decrease performance, and high levels of absenteeism. • Workplace aggression – refers to a situation whereby employees engage in verbal conflict. • Aggression represents the fight (instead of flight) STRESS MANAGEMENT
HOW TO AVOID BEING DISTRESSED • Always think positive • Smile • Performing solah and reading the Qur’an as Allah has said in the Qur’an: “Truly, in remembering God do hearts find rest” (Qur’an, 13:28) On the other hand, the one who turns away from the Qur’an will have a life of hardship in this world. STRESS MANAGEMENT
HOW TO AVOID BEING DISTRESSED Allah has said: “But whoever turns away from the Qur’an he will have a difficult life, and We will raise him up blind on the Day of Judgment.” (Qur’an, 20:124) • A lot of zikir STRESS MANAGEMENT
MANAGING STRESS • Withdraw the stressor • Temporary withdrawal – Go to a restroom, take a vacation, etc. • Permanent withdrawal – Change to a new job/transfer to a new place. • Receive social support from family, friends, and others. • Control the consequences of stress through fitness programs and wellness programs. STRESS MANAGEMENT